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Following a report by Billboard highlighting the massive success of the independent artist Tom MacDonald’s hit rap song “Facts,” featuring Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro, MacDonald posted a video to his Instagram stories, suggesting foul play from major players in the music industry.
Following a report by Billboard highlighting the massive success of the independent artist Tom MacDonald’s hit rap song “Facts,” featuring Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro, MacDonald posted a video to his Instagram stories, suggesting foul play from major players in the music industry.
Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro said that multiculturalism might lead to the breakdown of Western civilization in the latest episode of his YouTube series “Facts.”
Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro said that multiculturalism might lead to the breakdown of Western civilization in the latest episode of his YouTube series “Facts.”
Democrats have rallied to Susanna Gibson's side, saying there was nothing illegal about her 'sex work.' A reading of the Virginia criminal code suggests otherwise.
Democrats have rallied to Susanna Gibson's side, saying there was nothing illegal about her 'sex work.' A reading of the Virginia criminal code suggests otherwise.
The following are 10 facts about North Carolina’s photo ID requirement for voting:
The following are 10 facts about North Carolina’s photo ID requirement for voting:
Remember when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly changed its definitions of “vaccine” and “vaccination” to conform with outcomes from the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines under Emergency Use Authorization?
Remember when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly changed its definitions of “vaccine” and “vaccination” to conform with outcomes from the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines under Emergency Use Authorization?
Archaeologists at a public dig site in New Jersey have discovered human remains and artifacts belonging to soldiers in the American Revolution.
Archaeologists at a public dig site in New Jersey have discovered human remains and artifacts belonging to soldiers in the American Revolution.
Frightening But 100% True Facts About Guns
Frightening But 100% True Facts About Guns
Guns are scary. This is a fact. They commit terrible crimes of their own accord, without any kind of input from an evil human being at all. But it's important to know the facts about guns, since we live in a society.
Guns are scary. This is a fact. They commit terrible crimes of their own accord, without any kind of input from an evil human being at all. But it's important to know the facts about guns, since we live in a society.
The Carolina Journal makes a wide sweeping evaluation of the news that most effects us here in North Carolina, and is distilled, here on BCN, for your clear understanding by the electronic means of video broadcast.
The Carolina Journal makes a wide sweeping evaluation of the news that most effects us here in North Carolina, and is distilled, here on BCN, for your clear understanding by the electronic means of video broadcast.
Facts or political agenda on COVID narrative
Facts or political agenda on COVID narrative
Fauci vs facts on Delta variant
Kevin Williamson of National Review Online wonders why a media outlet would employ tactics that violate the essence of journalism.
Kevin Williamson of National Review Online wonders why a media outlet would employ tactics that violate the essence of journalism.
Here is our latest (and final) briefing on the wintry coastal storm.
Our office is currently monitoring an approaching weather system that has the potential to bring a wintry mix of precipitation tonight and windy, cold conditions on Thursday.
Our office is currently monitoring an approaching weather system that has the potential to bring a wintry mix of precipitation tonight and windy, cold conditions on Thursday.
Through one of Donald Trump’s final acts as president, former N.C. Republican Party chairman Robin Hayes became one of the most prominent North Carolinians to receive a presidential pardon.
Through one of Donald Trump’s final acts as president, former N.C. Republican Party chairman Robin Hayes became one of the most prominent North Carolinians to receive a presidential pardon.
A statewide, machine recount is under way in the North Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice contest
A statewide, machine recount is under way in the North Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice contest
The State Board of Elections is releasing the following facts about the post-election vote-counting process in North Carolina, in part to address rapidly spreading misinformation.
The State Board of Elections is releasing the following facts about the post-election vote-counting process in North Carolina, in part to address rapidly spreading misinformation.
Republicans can take a breath, even if their signature red is mixed with myriad shades of blue.
Republicans can take a breath, even if their signature red is mixed with myriad shades of blue.
Local and national headlines have highlighted recent battles involving history.
By now you’ve heard the Republican National Conventionis moving to Jacksonville after President Trump and Gov. Roy Cooper were not able to work out their differences.
By now you’ve heard the Republican National Conventionis moving to Jacksonville after President Trump and Gov. Roy Cooper were not able to work out their differences.
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has accused the media of manipulating facts, choosing what to cover and what not to cover, to push lockdowns for the coronavirus pandemic.
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has accused the media of manipulating facts, choosing what to cover and what not to cover, to push lockdowns for the coronavirus pandemic.
Location of Project, Tracts and Lots
Expect many of this year's debates to omit important questions about the impact of new taxes.
Expect many of this year's debates to omit important questions about the impact of new taxes.
As the debate over Medicaid expansion continues, it is vital to have an understanding of the real impact of closing North Carolina’s health coverage gap and to dispel false allegations and misinformation.
As the debate over Medicaid expansion continues, it is vital to have an understanding of the real impact of closing North Carolina’s health coverage gap and to dispel false allegations and misinformation.
The Tax Cuts Act provides $5.5 trillion in tax cuts, $3.2 trillion, or nearly 60 percent, of which go to families
The Tax Cuts Act provides $5.5 trillion in tax cuts, $3.2 trillion, or nearly 60 percent, of which go to families
The "old people" used to say "where there is smoke, there is fire." They said this often, when something seemed obvious, hoping we kids would learn the art of deducting facts and making conclusions.
The "old people" used to say "where there is smoke, there is fire." They said this often, when something seemed obvious, hoping we kids would learn the art of deducting facts and making conclusions.
This past Sunday, editors at the News & Observer ran Tell the truth on NC school funding. Not surprisingly, the N&O gives their side of school funding.
This past Sunday, editors at the News & Observer ran Tell the truth on NC school funding. Not surprisingly, the N&O gives their side of school funding.
I have strong opinions. You probably do, too. Most people have deeply felt convictions about at least some matters of public controversy. Given the right context, most are willing to express their views to others and debate their disagreements.
I have strong opinions. You probably do, too. Most people have deeply felt convictions about at least some matters of public controversy. Given the right context, most are willing to express their views to others and debate their disagreements.
A new audit has found that many no-bid contracts within the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services lacked proper review or documentation, and didn’t have adequate written justification to waive competition, putting taxpayer dollars at risk.
A new audit has found that many no-bid contracts within the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services lacked proper review or documentation, and didn’t have adequate written justification to waive competition, putting taxpayer dollars at risk.
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