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58 Results found for Occupy Wall Street

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ANTIFA are the real insurrectionists, along with BLM, but the FBI does nothing
ANTIFA are the real insurrectionists, along with BLM, but the FBI does nothing
It is theoretically possible that our Communist Democrat government just acts in ill-considered ways and is overwhelmed by the unintended consequences of its own actions. But I find that hard to believe. I think they know exactly what they are doing and are doing it on purpose.
It is theoretically possible that our Communist Democrat government just acts in ill-considered ways and is overwhelmed by the unintended consequences of its own actions. But I find that hard to believe. I think they know exactly what they are doing and are doing it on purpose.
Ben & Jerry’s co-founder Ben Cohen was visibly stumped when Axios pressed Cohen and fellow cofounder Jerry Greenfield about the pair banning their company’s products in parts of Israel, while still selling their ice cream in Republican-led states like Georgia and Texas.
Ben & Jerry’s co-founder Ben Cohen was visibly stumped when Axios pressed Cohen and fellow cofounder Jerry Greenfield about the pair banning their company’s products in parts of Israel, while still selling their ice cream in Republican-led states like Georgia and Texas.
The mayor takes a hard stand.
The most logical starting point would be education. And if there were one part of the educational system that would produce this transformation most broadly, effectively, and efficiently, it would most likely be at our schools of education that train teachers for the K-12 classroom.
The most logical starting point would be education. And if there were one part of the educational system that would produce this transformation most broadly, effectively, and efficiently, it would most likely be at our schools of education that train teachers for the K-12 classroom.
The Democrat party began creeping to complete dysfunction before the lame Occupy Wall Street movement, the Socialism and Barack Hussein Obama, but, now, the Democrat party has ruptured into a full blown hemorrhage of loyal voters, flowing out and away.
The Democrat party began creeping to complete dysfunction before the lame Occupy Wall Street movement, the Socialism and Barack Hussein Obama, but, now, the Democrat party has ruptured into a full blown hemorrhage of loyal voters, flowing out and away.
For decades, the American higher education establishment was able to sell the idea that promoting college was sound policy because it seemed that nearly all graduates found good, high-paying jobs
For decades, the American higher education establishment was able to sell the idea that promoting college was sound policy because it seemed that nearly all graduates found good, high-paying jobs
After attending both major political conventions this summer, an East Carolina University sociology professor is shaping new research around large-scale protests and police response tactics.
After attending both major political conventions this summer, an East Carolina University sociology professor is shaping new research around large-scale protests and police response tactics.
It began with the short lived DNC's (Democrat National Committee's) email scandal, swept under the media rug by the owned Democrat press, which, oddly, was blamed on the Russians and Donald Trump.
It began with the short lived DNC's (Democrat National Committee's) email scandal, swept under the media rug by the owned Democrat press, which, oddly, was blamed on the Russians and Donald Trump.
Filmmaker Andrew Rossi is fascinated by creative destruction—a concept that sheds light on how new and innovative technology can disrupt and even topple an entire industry (e.g., Ford's Model T vs. horse-and-buggy manufacturers).
Filmmaker Andrew Rossi is fascinated by creative destruction—a concept that sheds light on how new and innovative technology can disrupt and even topple an entire industry (e.g., Ford's Model T vs. horse-and-buggy manufacturers).
Ever since the obstreperous Occupy Wall Street protests of 2011, Americans have been getting an earful about the alleged crisis of student loan debt.
Ever since the obstreperous Occupy Wall Street protests of 2011, Americans have been getting an earful about the alleged crisis of student loan debt.
Now we live in an age, where the running joke of what is so 'uncool' are the 'Old White Men' that once ran this country.
Now we live in an age, where the running joke of what is so 'uncool' are the 'Old White Men' that once ran this country.
In his first address to Congress President Obama argued that the United States needs to put far more people through college so that our economy will remain competitive with those of other nations. He set forth a goal of again having "the highest proportion of college graduates in the world."
In his first address to Congress President Obama argued that the United States needs to put far more people through college so that our economy will remain competitive with those of other nations. He set forth a goal of again having "the highest proportion of college graduates in the world."
One of the Democratic Party's key selling points is that Democrats favor the little guy struggling against Big Business and other powerful forces.
One of the Democratic Party's key selling points is that Democrats favor the little guy struggling against Big Business and other powerful forces.
If you ever get the chance to visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC, you will be forever affected by what you see and learn there, and you will be moved by a quote you see hanging near one of the exhibits.
If you ever get the chance to visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC, you will be forever affected by what you see and learn there, and you will be moved by a quote you see hanging near one of the exhibits.
McClatchy, WRAL and the rest of the legacy media are trying to tell us that this "Moral Monday" stuff is a homegrown, spontaneous grassroots movement.
McClatchy, WRAL and the rest of the legacy media are trying to tell us that this "Moral Monday" stuff is a homegrown, spontaneous grassroots movement.
As much as I would to claim this high level of creativity in expressing succinctly the social malaise that exists within the Occupy Movement, I cannot.
As much as I would to claim this high level of creativity in expressing succinctly the social malaise that exists within the Occupy Movement, I cannot.
Government employee unions largely were responsible for the re-election of President Obama, and will seek payback through weaker right-to-work laws and approval of collective bargaining rights for 21 million health care workers under Obamacare, union critic Mallory Factor says.
Government employee unions largely were responsible for the re-election of President Obama, and will seek payback through weaker right-to-work laws and approval of collective bargaining rights for 21 million health care workers under Obamacare, union critic Mallory Factor says.
The Council of State races tend to get overlooked by the media in favor of the more glamorous presidential and gubernatorial campaigns.
The Council of State races tend to get overlooked by the media in favor of the more glamorous presidential and gubernatorial campaigns.
Much of Democratic state Senate District 9 candidate Deborah Butler's campaign against freshman Republican Sen. Thom Goolsby has focused on a piece of anti-abortion legislation he supported, even though both candidates say their primary goal is job creation.
Much of Democratic state Senate District 9 candidate Deborah Butler's campaign against freshman Republican Sen. Thom Goolsby has focused on a piece of anti-abortion legislation he supported, even though both candidates say their primary goal is job creation.
While North Carolina's economy continues to rot. and the unemployment lines get bigger, the Democrat Party only wants to talk about gynecology.
While North Carolina's economy continues to rot. and the unemployment lines get bigger, the Democrat Party only wants to talk about gynecology.
I heard through the grapevine that John Hood thinks I don't like him very much. (For the record, all I know of him is what I read in his columns and what I hear him saying on NC Spin.)
I heard through the grapevine that John Hood thinks I don't like him very much. (For the record, all I know of him is what I read in his columns and what I hear him saying on NC Spin.)
But when the conversation turns to races like Secretary of State, Secretary of Labor, and Superintendent of Public Instruction, eyes glaze over, yawns break out, and looks of confusion take over.
But when the conversation turns to races like Secretary of State, Secretary of Labor, and Superintendent of Public Instruction, eyes glaze over, yawns break out, and looks of confusion take over.
It's pretty typical for the media to wait until the weeks before a big election before doing profiles on the candidates.
It's pretty typical for the media to wait until the weeks before a big election before doing profiles on the candidates.
From Tuesday, September 4 to Thursday, September 6, 2012, the Democrats, in America's two party system, revealed to all Americans their core belief system, which was well beyond what even I have been conditioned to expect.
From Tuesday, September 4 to Thursday, September 6, 2012, the Democrats, in America's two party system, revealed to all Americans their core belief system, which was well beyond what even I have been conditioned to expect.
Well, the freak show in Charlotte is winding down. We've been treated to a celebration of abortion, the booing of God, and serious - I think - attempts to make us believe things are going GREAT.
Well, the freak show in Charlotte is winding down. We've been treated to a celebration of abortion, the booing of God, and serious - I think - attempts to make us believe things are going GREAT.
The official theme of the first night of the Democratic National Convention may have been "Americans Coming Together," but anyone listening to the speeches and watching the videos heard little more than a litany of grievances from the swamps of identity politics.
The official theme of the first night of the Democratic National Convention may have been "Americans Coming Together," but anyone listening to the speeches and watching the videos heard little more than a litany of grievances from the swamps of identity politics.
There's been a sudden explosion of purple hair and tongue-piercings in the vicinity of Trade & Tryon. Barney Frank -- a/k/a "The Banking Queen" -- checked into his hotel with a belt strapped around his neck.
There's been a sudden explosion of purple hair and tongue-piercings in the vicinity of Trade & Tryon. Barney Frank -- a/k/a "The Banking Queen" -- checked into his hotel with a belt strapped around his neck.
If official Charlotte was hoping to roll out the welcome mat for the tens of thousands of visitors who have come to town for the Democratic National Convention, the folks in charge in Uptown are off to a rough start.
If official Charlotte was hoping to roll out the welcome mat for the tens of thousands of visitors who have come to town for the Democratic National Convention, the folks in charge in Uptown are off to a rough start.
Republican Secretary of State candidate Ed Goodwin accused incumbent Democrat Elaine Marshall of backing what he labeled a subversive organization with revolutionary goals during a candidate forum Thursday night.
Republican Secretary of State candidate Ed Goodwin accused incumbent Democrat Elaine Marshall of backing what he labeled a subversive organization with revolutionary goals during a candidate forum Thursday night.
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