Results found for L. Hillary Clinton | Eastern North Carolina Now

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24 Results found for L. Hillary Clinton

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What a big week in news, and what a bad week for the core Democrat Resistance Movement, and their representatives in the Democrat Caucuses and in "hallowed halls" of the Fake News.
What a big week in news, and what a bad week for the core Democrat Resistance Movement, and their representatives in the Democrat Caucuses and in "hallowed halls" of the Fake News.
If you have spent any time on Beaufort County NOW, you possibly have noticed that I, Stan Deatherage your humble reporter, have written extensively about Advocacy Journalism, coined by me as the Democrat Media.
If you have spent any time on Beaufort County NOW, you possibly have noticed that I, Stan Deatherage your humble reporter, have written extensively about Advocacy Journalism, coined by me as the Democrat Media.
NBC has fallen so far as a credible news source that it must now endure their brand damage to the irrevocable point that the Fake News descriptor sticks to that once venerable company like glue.
NBC has fallen so far as a credible news source that it must now endure their brand damage to the irrevocable point that the Fake News descriptor sticks to that once venerable company like glue.
Core Democrats and the Democrat Media, all suffering tragically from TDS, have painted themselves into an ideological and intellectual corner due to their Russia hysteria, and I'm not sure how they will extricate themselves from it.
Core Democrats and the Democrat Media, all suffering tragically from TDS, have painted themselves into an ideological and intellectual corner due to their Russia hysteria, and I'm not sure how they will extricate themselves from it.
Core Democrats and the Democrat Media have long proved that if not for the Double Standard, they would have no standards at all. At the core of their
Core Democrats and the Democrat Media have long proved that if not for the Double Standard, they would have no standards at all. At the core of their
The Democrat party began creeping to complete dysfunction before the lame Occupy Wall Street movement, the Socialism and Barack Hussein Obama, but, now, the Democrat party has ruptured into a full blown hemorrhage of loyal voters, flowing out and away.
The Democrat party began creeping to complete dysfunction before the lame Occupy Wall Street movement, the Socialism and Barack Hussein Obama, but, now, the Democrat party has ruptured into a full blown hemorrhage of loyal voters, flowing out and away.
While one might wonder what is the patriotic purpose, if any, of the modern Democrat party, there is no doubt that today's Democrat is more concerned about the process.
While one might wonder what is the patriotic purpose, if any, of the modern Democrat party, there is no doubt that today's Democrat is more concerned about the process.
It was a daring political move for the Democrat party, and the Democrat Media, but, it just might work. Link to Russia, and Vladimir Putin at every possible point.
It was a daring political move for the Democrat party, and the Democrat Media, but, it just might work. Link to Russia, and Vladimir Putin at every possible point.
Today is December 22, 2016, the second shortest day of the year, one day removed from the Winter solstice, and three things are certain.
Today is December 22, 2016, the second shortest day of the year, one day removed from the Winter solstice, and three things are certain.
Socialist Liberals are in such a grieving process that they can not accept the Trump presidency, which leaves these intellectual, emotional children but one recourse - to act out, and act out badly.
Socialist Liberals are in such a grieving process that they can not accept the Trump presidency, which leaves these intellectual, emotional children but one recourse - to act out, and act out badly.
This point came to me from my Son-In-Law and he makes a great point...
Even the current accepted definition of Fascism is partially wrong describing Fascists as "right-wing", who despise liberalism, Marxism and anarchism, and even cite these "right-wingers" as "Authoritarians".
Even the current accepted definition of Fascism is partially wrong describing Fascists as "right-wing", who despise liberalism, Marxism and anarchism, and even cite these "right-wingers" as "Authoritarians".
The Presidential Election is over, so a note to socialist /liberal intolerance: Drop the White Supremacist hyperbole.
The Presidential Election is over, so a note to socialist /liberal intolerance: Drop the White Supremacist hyperbole.
Somehow muddleheaded Liberals, like goofy-almost-vice-president Tim Kaine, blamed the gun violence that saved the lives of countless young students.
Somehow muddleheaded Liberals, like goofy-almost-vice-president Tim Kaine, blamed the gun violence that saved the lives of countless young students.
Recently, in a Facebook debate, a liberal detractor made an issue of President-elect Trump's appointments for service in his administration, using the possible pick of Rudy Giuliani as an example.
Recently, in a Facebook debate, a liberal detractor made an issue of President-elect Trump's appointments for service in his administration, using the possible pick of Rudy Giuliani as an example.
The last term of George W. Bush was an unmitigated disaster. When Barack Hussein Obama took office in January, 2009, it was a fast ride, unabated, downhill, and it just would not cease.
The last term of George W. Bush was an unmitigated disaster. When Barack Hussein Obama took office in January, 2009, it was a fast ride, unabated, downhill, and it just would not cease.
Maybe it is an American thing, the excess of too much success in the wrong hands of those that have not the talent to wield it, to make a difference.
Maybe it is an American thing, the excess of too much success in the wrong hands of those that have not the talent to wield it, to make a difference.
Donald Trump is tireless and determined. He is committed to the movement, a grassroots movement, which wants to clean up government and make it work FOR the People and not against them.
Donald Trump is tireless and determined. He is committed to the movement, a grassroots movement, which wants to clean up government and make it work FOR the People and not against them.
With rumors of open rebellion in the FBI, this may be what the bold, beginning struggle for the principled soul of America looks like - one where there is at least a patch of fertile ground, where politicians are expected to possess some semblance of honesty, of integrity.
With rumors of open rebellion in the FBI, this may be what the bold, beginning struggle for the principled soul of America looks like - one where there is at least a patch of fertile ground, where politicians are expected to possess some semblance of honesty, of integrity.
The Breaking news that FBI Director Jim Comey was re-opening the L. Hillary Clinton Illegal Server /Email Scandal went off like a guided missile right into the political heart of the Clinton Campaign.
The Breaking news that FBI Director Jim Comey was re-opening the L. Hillary Clinton Illegal Server /Email Scandal went off like a guided missile right into the political heart of the Clinton Campaign.
FOX News is now reporting: FBI Director James Comey has just released a Friday letter to congress explaining that he will be forced to reopen the L. Hillary case because of new evidence that has surfaced from the Anthony Weiner under-aged sexting investigation.
FOX News is now reporting: FBI Director James Comey has just released a Friday letter to congress explaining that he will be forced to reopen the L. Hillary case because of new evidence that has surfaced from the Anthony Weiner under-aged sexting investigation.
Don't pretend that it does not exist; it does, and now in greater propensity than ever before.
After two week of nonstop convention coverage, I thought a brief bit of informative levity would be in order.
After two week of nonstop convention coverage, I thought a brief bit of informative levity would be in order.
I borrow mightily from Don Mclean's resonate metaphor at the nexus of his classic anthem "American Pie", when I beg you to notice the abrupt change in the national wind, a noxious air; so foul that it may forever stain the fabric of our once mighty Republic.
I borrow mightily from Don Mclean's resonate metaphor at the nexus of his classic anthem "American Pie", when I beg you to notice the abrupt change in the national wind, a noxious air; so foul that it may forever stain the fabric of our once mighty Republic.


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