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26 Results found for Kathleen Sebelius

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Today, President Biden and Vice President Harris announced the appointments of additional White House staff
Today, President Biden and Vice President Harris announced the appointments of additional White House staff
The U. S. Supreme Court voted 5 to 4 in the Hobby Lobby religious freedom case to support this retail company's first amendment right to hold certain religious and ethical beliefs over the will of the federal government's police power directed by a poorly written, and inconsistently enforced law.
The U. S. Supreme Court voted 5 to 4 in the Hobby Lobby religious freedom case to support this retail company's first amendment right to hold certain religious and ethical beliefs over the will of the federal government's police power directed by a poorly written, and inconsistently enforced law.
There was an interesting AP generated article in the Tampa Tribune on Mother's Day (5/11/14). It was headlined "Pregnant women gain new options".
There was an interesting AP generated article in the Tampa Tribune on Mother's Day (5/11/14). It was headlined "Pregnant women gain new options".
The April 1st closing date for Vidant Pungo Hospital is rapidly approaching.
The NSA has been getting a lot of what surely is unwelcome (to them) press and TV coverage lately.
The NSA has been getting a lot of what surely is unwelcome (to them) press and TV coverage lately.
Though a League of Women Voters presentation on the Affordable Care Act on Monday sounded more like talking points from the Obama administration than a current assessment of the national healthcare law's impacts and flaws, some uninsured people in attendance said the session was informative.
Though a League of Women Voters presentation on the Affordable Care Act on Monday sounded more like talking points from the Obama administration than a current assessment of the national healthcare law's impacts and flaws, some uninsured people in attendance said the session was informative.
Facts can be such troublesome things. The mainstream media has been gushing over the “courage” shown by Senator Kay Hagan — affectionately know in many quarters as Chuck Schumer’s Sock Puppet™ – for her efforts to seek a delay in the ObamaCare enrollment deadline.
Facts can be such troublesome things. The mainstream media has been gushing over the “courage” shown by Senator Kay Hagan — affectionately know in many quarters as Chuck Schumer’s Sock Puppet™ – for her efforts to seek a delay in the ObamaCare enrollment deadline.
Have you ever made a purchase or ordered anything on line?? Surely most of us have.
Have you ever made a purchase or ordered anything on line?? Surely most of us have.
Despite the fact that North Carolina has rejected expanding Medicaid to some citizens - fewer than 500,000 - the state has not rejected the federal health law's Medicaid expansion in its entirety. North Carolina has, in fact, expanded its broken entitlement program.
Despite the fact that North Carolina has rejected expanding Medicaid to some citizens - fewer than 500,000 - the state has not rejected the federal health law's Medicaid expansion in its entirety. North Carolina has, in fact, expanded its broken entitlement program.
A multimillion-dollar computer system to collect and analyze massive amounts of statewide medical data and designed to improve North Carolina health...
A multimillion-dollar computer system to collect and analyze massive amounts of statewide medical data and designed to improve North Carolina health...
Critics of the state's decision to shun Medicaid expansion have maintained that a study by the North Carolina Institute of Medicine concludes that 500,000 people would be left...
Critics of the state's decision to shun Medicaid expansion have maintained that a study by the North Carolina Institute of Medicine concludes that 500,000 people would be left...
The catch phrase "privatizing Medicaid" currently thrown around in the media is misleading.
Today, Governor McCrory outlined a framework for Medicaid reform to improve care, customer service and results for North Carolina's young and elderly, disabled, mentally ill and low-income families.
Today, Governor McCrory outlined a framework for Medicaid reform to improve care, customer service and results for North Carolina's young and elderly, disabled, mentally ill and low-income families.
The next Pope will have to be vigorous and healthy because the church is at war. It has always been at war against the forces of evil and totalitarianism and has been instrumental in the failures of socialism.
The next Pope will have to be vigorous and healthy because the church is at war. It has always been at war against the forces of evil and totalitarianism and has been instrumental in the failures of socialism.
What were you doing the Friday before Christmas? Many of us were buying last-minute gifts, embarking on trips to visit family and friends, or making other preparations for the holiday season.
What were you doing the Friday before Christmas? Many of us were buying last-minute gifts, embarking on trips to visit family and friends, or making other preparations for the holiday season.
Gunga Din was immortalized by Rudyard Kipling in literature -- and later in movies. He was a poor, hapless, shuffling, kowtowing, water-carrying man-servant to some British soldiers in India.
Gunga Din was immortalized by Rudyard Kipling in literature -- and later in movies. He was a poor, hapless, shuffling, kowtowing, water-carrying man-servant to some British soldiers in India.
What ever became of the Bill of Rights?? Specifically; Amendment I (Freedom of Religion, Speech and the Press: Rights of Assembly and Petition), Amendment II (The Right to Bear Arms), and Amendment X (Powers Retained by the States and the People).
What ever became of the Bill of Rights?? Specifically; Amendment I (Freedom of Religion, Speech and the Press: Rights of Assembly and Petition), Amendment II (The Right to Bear Arms), and Amendment X (Powers Retained by the States and the People).
We keep hearing that the Anointed One is taking of over $700B out of the medicare trust fund to fund Obamacare. We are told that won't hurt Medicare at all because all the money is "savings" that the Dems are going to realize.
We keep hearing that the Anointed One is taking of over $700B out of the medicare trust fund to fund Obamacare. We are told that won't hurt Medicare at all because all the money is "savings" that the Dems are going to realize.
The Supreme Court upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and its mandate that all individuals must be covered by a health insurance program. Under Obamacare businesses that have more than 50 employees must provide health insurance to their employees or face a penalty.
The Supreme Court upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and its mandate that all individuals must be covered by a health insurance program. Under Obamacare businesses that have more than 50 employees must provide health insurance to their employees or face a penalty.
Does anyone know who is in charge of running our government?? It clearly doesn't seem to be the guy we hired (elected) to take care of that.
Does anyone know who is in charge of running our government?? It clearly doesn't seem to be the guy we hired (elected) to take care of that.
We would seem to be faced with an administration that is determined to foment class warfare. I hope it remains figurative - but after seeing what went on in Oakland CA, I'm beginning to wonder if that's possible.
We would seem to be faced with an administration that is determined to foment class warfare. I hope it remains figurative - but after seeing what went on in Oakland CA, I'm beginning to wonder if that's possible.
Except for the few words which I have omitted, the following is quoted from a presidential news conference on 10/13/11.
Except for the few words which I have omitted, the following is quoted from a presidential news conference on 10/13/11.
In between his $35,000 a plate fund raisers, the prez says he is turning his attention to improving the employment situation - or more specifically, the unemployment situation.
In between his $35,000 a plate fund raisers, the prez says he is turning his attention to improving the employment situation - or more specifically, the unemployment situation.
The community organizer must have gotten a new speech writer. Otherwise, how could he be changing the tune quite so smoothly.
The community organizer must have gotten a new speech writer. Otherwise, how could he be changing the tune quite so smoothly.
A lot of folks keep accusing our chief community organizer of not being much of a manager; after all, he really never had much (if any) exposure to management prior to getting himself elected president.
A lot of folks keep accusing our chief community organizer of not being much of a manager; after all, he really never had much (if any) exposure to management prior to getting himself elected president.
This the first in a short series of articles that I will write on the federal iniatives presented at the NACo National Conference in Washington, DC.
This the first in a short series of articles that I will write on the federal iniatives presented at the NACo National Conference in Washington, DC.


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