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House Republicans have requested a congressional recess following another failed round of voting for the next Speaker of the House so they can frantically binge-watch old episodes of Schoolhouse Rock and figure out what they're supposed to be doing.
House Republicans have requested a congressional recess following another failed round of voting for the next Speaker of the House so they can frantically binge-watch old episodes of Schoolhouse Rock and figure out what they're supposed to be doing.
Dues for the current North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) have increased across North Carolina for the 2022-2023 school year.
Dues for the current North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) have increased across North Carolina for the 2022-2023 school year.
Our president wants to change up the presidential selection process by moving the first primary from Iowa to South Carolina, claiming the Palmetto state is more representative of the rest of the country.
Our president wants to change up the presidential selection process by moving the first primary from Iowa to South Carolina, claiming the Palmetto state is more representative of the rest of the country.
Beaufort County Schools is in dire need of reform
Beaufort County Schools is in dire need of reform
And the link between pay and performance is not always clear.
A presentation to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee on Nov. 29 revealed marginal improvements in reading proficiency for students in kindergarten through 3rd grade, although learning loss from pandemic school closures is having an impact, particularly for minority students.
A presentation to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee on Nov. 29 revealed marginal improvements in reading proficiency for students in kindergarten through 3rd grade, although learning loss from pandemic school closures is having an impact, particularly for minority students.
A climate change documentary aimed at promoting Green New Deal initiatives — and featuring Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — gave new meaning to the term “Box Office Bomb” with its dismal opening weekend.
A climate change documentary aimed at promoting Green New Deal initiatives — and featuring Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — gave new meaning to the term “Box Office Bomb” with its dismal opening weekend.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 7.7% between October 2021 and October 2022, according to a Thursday report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, showing that inflation has begun to slow amid harsh contractionary policy from the Federal Reserve.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 7.7% between October 2021 and October 2022, according to a Thursday report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, showing that inflation has begun to slow amid harsh contractionary policy from the Federal Reserve.
A top Democratic advisor in Arizona explained why newly-Independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema left the Democratic party, and why the move may backfire in 2024.
A top Democratic advisor in Arizona explained why newly-Independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema left the Democratic party, and why the move may backfire in 2024.
Usually, the final month of a midterm election is a hectic one for the president of the United States.
Usually, the final month of a midterm election is a hectic one for the president of the United States.
Looks like the collapse of Republican messaging is at the heart of the Democrat’s relative victory
Looks like the collapse of Republican messaging is at the heart of the Democrat’s relative victory
Actor James Woods praised Twitter CEO Elon Musk during an interview Friday night, saying that Musk quite possibly “saved America” by releasing internal company documents showing how former employees censored conservatives and a story about President Joe Biden’s son.
Actor James Woods praised Twitter CEO Elon Musk during an interview Friday night, saying that Musk quite possibly “saved America” by releasing internal company documents showing how former employees censored conservatives and a story about President Joe Biden’s son.
According to a new study by conservative campus watchdog The College Fix, 95% of donations made by professors at North Carolina’s 10 largest universities, both public and private, went to Democrats.
According to a new study by conservative campus watchdog The College Fix, 95% of donations made by professors at North Carolina’s 10 largest universities, both public and private, went to Democrats.
Partisan and democratic turnout changes from 2018 to 2022 look like good news for Republicans
Partisan and democratic turnout changes from 2018 to 2022 look like good news for Republicans
A recent Civitas Poll of North Carolina parents found that most parents believe they are best able to determine how and where their child is educated.
A recent Civitas Poll of North Carolina parents found that most parents believe they are best able to determine how and where their child is educated.
"...things they would typically revert back to, especially with identity politics, I don't think that it works the same against me."
"...things they would typically revert back to, especially with identity politics, I don't think that it works the same against me."
ECU health sciences prepare its graduates to lead the rural workforce
ECU health sciences prepare its graduates to lead the rural workforce
The number of active duty military suicides decreased last year, according to a Department of Defense (DOD) report issued Thursday.
The number of active duty military suicides decreased last year, according to a Department of Defense (DOD) report issued Thursday.
After the Valerie Jordan case, it is hard to get excited about the latest candidate residency claims
After the Valerie Jordan case, it is hard to get excited about the latest candidate residency claims
Former President Donald Trump (R) reportedly threw his wife Melania Trump under the bus Wednesday after the Pennsylvania U.S. Senate Republican nominee Dr. Mehmet Oz lost against the incredibly weak Democrat nominee, John Fetterman.
Former President Donald Trump (R) reportedly threw his wife Melania Trump under the bus Wednesday after the Pennsylvania U.S. Senate Republican nominee Dr. Mehmet Oz lost against the incredibly weak Democrat nominee, John Fetterman.
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) criticized New York State Democratic Party leadership on Wednesday after results revealed that New York was moving toward the Republican Party.
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) criticized New York State Democratic Party leadership on Wednesday after results revealed that New York was moving toward the Republican Party.
Democrats scored big with young voters around the nation in Tuesday night’s midterm elections, but one state bucked the trend and its standard bearer, not surprisingly, won in a landslide.
Democrats scored big with young voters around the nation in Tuesday night’s midterm elections, but one state bucked the trend and its standard bearer, not surprisingly, won in a landslide.
Nearly 60,000 North Carolinians never re-entered the labor force after the Covid shutdowns.
Nearly 60,000 North Carolinians never re-entered the labor force after the Covid shutdowns.
Though annual security reports may imply otherwise, crime on UNC-System campuses remains low.
Though annual security reports may imply otherwise, crime on UNC-System campuses remains low.
The Biden administration warned Americans Thursday that 16 million student loan debts already forgiven by his administration would resume if Republicans sweep the midterms next week.
The Biden administration warned Americans Thursday that 16 million student loan debts already forgiven by his administration would resume if Republicans sweep the midterms next week.
The American energy industry is being strangled by White House policy consumed by green energy
The American energy industry is being strangled by White House policy consumed by green energy
In “Politics & The English Language,” George Orwell warns writers to avoid using dying metaphors that have lost “all evocative power.” For example, making fun of hippie liberals for getting a “degree in underwater basketweaving” is now a bit outdated.
In “Politics & The English Language,” George Orwell warns writers to avoid using dying metaphors that have lost “all evocative power.” For example, making fun of hippie liberals for getting a “degree in underwater basketweaving” is now a bit outdated.
MSNBC anchor Lawrence O’Donnell compared embattled Senate candidate John Fetterman (D-PA) to former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt during a recent monologue.
MSNBC anchor Lawrence O’Donnell compared embattled Senate candidate John Fetterman (D-PA) to former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt during a recent monologue.
Markets are worried that Swiss investment bank Credit Suisse is poised for bankruptcy.
Democrats and the liberal media are starting to worry about stolen elections again, and Ben Shapiro believes he knows why.
Democrats and the liberal media are starting to worry about stolen elections again, and Ben Shapiro believes he knows why.
A spokesperson for Hell has rejected Biden's claim that the US economy is "strong as hell." Jay Rogers, Press Secretary for Satan, strongly criticized Biden's comparison of the US economy's strength to the underworld.
A spokesperson for Hell has rejected Biden's claim that the US economy is "strong as hell." Jay Rogers, Press Secretary for Satan, strongly criticized Biden's comparison of the US economy's strength to the underworld.
British Prime Minister Liz Truss argued in a Saturday opinion piece for an economic agenda centered upon tax cuts and deregulation.
British Prime Minister Liz Truss argued in a Saturday opinion piece for an economic agenda centered upon tax cuts and deregulation.
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