Results found for fiscal conservatives | Eastern North Carolina Now

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69 Results found for fiscal conservatives

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After a lengthy and often messy process of both public and private negotiations, leaders of the North Carolina House and Senate appear to be on the cusp of completing a state spending plan for the 2015-17 budget biennium.
After a lengthy and often messy process of both public and private negotiations, leaders of the North Carolina House and Senate appear to be on the cusp of completing a state spending plan for the 2015-17 budget biennium.
Kudos to Gov. Pat McCrory and the General Assembly for moving budget talks forward and reaching an agreement on the spending number for the 2015-16 budget year.
Kudos to Gov. Pat McCrory and the General Assembly for moving budget talks forward and reaching an agreement on the spending number for the 2015-16 budget year.
The General Fund budget proposal released Monday by GOP state House leaders for the two-year budget cycle starting July 1 would increase spending by nearly $1 billion more than the increase recommended in March by Gov. Pat McCrory, a fellow Republican.
The General Fund budget proposal released Monday by GOP state House leaders for the two-year budget cycle starting July 1 would increase spending by nearly $1 billion more than the increase recommended in March by Gov. Pat McCrory, a fellow Republican.
Jim Graham, our late Commissioner of Agriculture, used to entertain audiences by braying like a mule, explaining that the mule was not only the symbol of the Democratic Party but also a reminder of our roots as an agricultural state.
Jim Graham, our late Commissioner of Agriculture, used to entertain audiences by braying like a mule, explaining that the mule was not only the symbol of the Democratic Party but also a reminder of our roots as an agricultural state.
Renee Ellmers is shedding those issue positions and campaign promises like a snake sheds its skin.
Fiscal conservatives tend to look askance at large issuances of public debt. In this sentiment, they are in good company. "I go on the principle that a public debt is a public curse," wrote James Madison, "and in a Republican Government a greater curse than any other." His mentor and friend...
Fiscal conservatives tend to look askance at large issuances of public debt. In this sentiment, they are in good company. "I go on the principle that a public debt is a public curse," wrote James Madison, "and in a Republican Government a greater curse than any other." His mentor and friend...
When Republicans won their legislative majorities in 2010 and expanded them in 2012, they ran on a platform of fiscal conservatism and reform.
When Republicans won their legislative majorities in 2010 and expanded them in 2012, they ran on a platform of fiscal conservatism and reform.
It’s the journey, not the destination, that matters most — or so we have been assured by deep thinkers ranging from Ralph Waldo Emerson to Steven Tyler.
It’s the journey, not the destination, that matters most — or so we have been assured by deep thinkers ranging from Ralph Waldo Emerson to Steven Tyler.
Two weeks after the start of the 2014-15 fiscal year, the North Carolina House and Senate still haven't reached an agreement on adjusting the state budget.
Two weeks after the start of the 2014-15 fiscal year, the North Carolina House and Senate still haven't reached an agreement on adjusting the state budget.
Fiscal conservatives think government is too large, costs too much, and tries to do too much.
Fiscal conservatives think government is too large, costs too much, and tries to do too much.
The proposed N.C. Senate budget plan would shift money away from lower priorities to meet the goal of raising public school teacher pay across the state. John Locke Foundation experts reviewing the $21.2 billion plan for 2014-15 like the Senate's focus on spending existing revenue more efficiently.
The proposed N.C. Senate budget plan would shift money away from lower priorities to meet the goal of raising public school teacher pay across the state. John Locke Foundation experts reviewing the $21.2 billion plan for 2014-15 like the Senate's focus on spending existing revenue more efficiently.
During the Great Recession and its aftermath, few issues in North Carolina politics have been as contentious as fiscal policy. According to a literature survey of recent studies examining the relationship between public policy and economic performance at the state and local level, it is clear...
During the Great Recession and its aftermath, few issues in North Carolina politics have been as contentious as fiscal policy. According to a literature survey of recent studies examining the relationship between public policy and economic performance at the state and local level, it is clear...
I've made this point before, but it's worth emphasizing one more time: those who oppose school choice in elementary and secondary education should, if they wish to be consistent, oppose former Gov. Jim Hunt's Smart Start program and former Gov. Mike Easley's More At Four program, now known as NC Pre
I've made this point before, but it's worth emphasizing one more time: those who oppose school choice in elementary and secondary education should, if they wish to be consistent, oppose former Gov. Jim Hunt's Smart Start program and former Gov. Mike Easley's More At Four program, now known as NC Pre
We will offer this allotment of three with more to come; some old, most new, but all quite informative, and, moreover, necessary to understanding that in North Carolina, there is a wiser path to govern ourselves and our People.
We will offer this allotment of three with more to come; some old, most new, but all quite informative, and, moreover, necessary to understanding that in North Carolina, there is a wiser path to govern ourselves and our People.
The past quarter-century of academic scholarship suggests state and local officials can promote economic growth by keeping overall tax and regulatory burdens as low as possible, investing effectively in public safety and the courts, and increasing productivity of spending on infrastructure and educa
The past quarter-century of academic scholarship suggests state and local officials can promote economic growth by keeping overall tax and regulatory burdens as low as possible, investing effectively in public safety and the courts, and increasing productivity of spending on infrastructure and educa
To make a long story short, the great debate in North Carolina politics concerns how state and local governments can best promote economic growth and opportunity. Opinions differ widely, as one might expect. But generally speaking, they can be grouped into three schools of thought that bear...
To make a long story short, the great debate in North Carolina politics concerns how state and local governments can best promote economic growth and opportunity. Opinions differ widely, as one might expect. But generally speaking, they can be grouped into three schools of thought that bear...
Sorry, trick question. No such event ever happened, except in the fevered imagination of liberal editorial writers. While it is true that Republicans, running as fiscal conservatives, took control of the state legislature in 2010 and a majority of North Carolina's county commissions in 2012, the...
Sorry, trick question. No such event ever happened, except in the fevered imagination of liberal editorial writers. While it is true that Republicans, running as fiscal conservatives, took control of the state legislature in 2010 and a majority of North Carolina's county commissions in 2012, the...
Liberal politicians, activists, and commentators have spent months prodding, baiting, and criticizing Republican Gov. Pat McCrory and the Republican-led state legislature. While occasionally goading their targets into making unwise comments, the obstructionists have failed to keep...
Liberal politicians, activists, and commentators have spent months prodding, baiting, and criticizing Republican Gov. Pat McCrory and the Republican-led state legislature. While occasionally goading their targets into making unwise comments, the obstructionists have failed to keep...
Liberal politicians, left-wing activists, and political commentators have spent months prodding, baiting, and criticizing new Republican Gov. Pat McCrory and the Republican-led state legislature. While occasionally goading their targets into making unwise comments, the obstructionists have...
Liberal politicians, left-wing activists, and political commentators have spent months prodding, baiting, and criticizing new Republican Gov. Pat McCrory and the Republican-led state legislature. While occasionally goading their targets into making unwise comments, the obstructionists have...
If you want a better understanding of why politicians do what they do, you have to look underneath the surface. You can't just accept what...
If you want a better understanding of why politicians do what they do, you have to look underneath the surface. You can't just accept what...
Does state tax policy affect state economic growth? Fiscal conservatives tend to say yes. Fiscal liberals tend to say no.
Does state tax policy affect state economic growth? Fiscal conservatives tend to say yes. Fiscal liberals tend to say no.
Fiscal conservatism comes naturally to me. After all, my middle name is McDonald.
It is expected that there will be a major fight at the Beaufort County Republican Convention Tuesday night (3-26-13). The current divisions in the Grand Ole Party will likely play out in the election of officers and Executive Committee members. Here's the background.
It is expected that there will be a major fight at the Beaufort County Republican Convention Tuesday night (3-26-13). The current divisions in the Grand Ole Party will likely play out in the election of officers and Executive Committee members. Here's the background.
Furious that Gov. Pat McCrory and the Republican-led legislature has turned down the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion, Democratic lawmakers, liberal scholars, and left-wing activists have resorted to insults, illusions, and illogical arguments to express their indignation.
Furious that Gov. Pat McCrory and the Republican-led legislature has turned down the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion, Democratic lawmakers, liberal scholars, and left-wing activists have resorted to insults, illusions, and illogical arguments to express their indignation.
As you may know, the John Locke Foundation has just published a new book - First in Freedom: Transforming Ideas into Consequences for North Carolina - that proposes a new tax system for our state.
As you may know, the John Locke Foundation has just published a new book - First in Freedom: Transforming Ideas into Consequences for North Carolina - that proposes a new tax system for our state.
In 1972, 1980, 1984, and 1988 the GOP ran a national ticket touting the promise of limited government and tax cuts. The Republicans saw smashing, overwhelming victories in each of those years.
In 1972, 1980, 1984, and 1988 the GOP ran a national ticket touting the promise of limited government and tax cuts. The Republicans saw smashing, overwhelming victories in each of those years.
Two men who call themselves conservatives are vying to represent House District 51, a district that spills roughly equally over the Lee and Harnett county lines.
Two men who call themselves conservatives are vying to represent House District 51, a district that spills roughly equally over the Lee and Harnett county lines.
I'm going to out on a limb here and predict that the legislature's new spending plan for 2012-13 will not result in the demise of public education, the collapse of North Carolina's economy, a plague of locusts, or the end of western civilization as we know it.
I'm going to out on a limb here and predict that the legislature's new spending plan for 2012-13 will not result in the demise of public education, the collapse of North Carolina's economy, a plague of locusts, or the end of western civilization as we know it.
It's budget time. Every year about this time all local governments go through a song and dance routine developing their budgets for the next year that begins on July 1
It's budget time. Every year about this time all local governments go through a song and dance routine developing their budgets for the next year that begins on July 1
With a controversial ballot question looming, some on the right have raised the plaintive cry that conservatives should shun "social issues."
With a controversial ballot question looming, some on the right have raised the plaintive cry that conservatives should shun "social issues."
In my forthcoming book on North Carolina's economy, Our Best Foot Forward, I discuss at length the role that transportation has played in the state's economic history.
In my forthcoming book on North Carolina's economy, Our Best Foot Forward, I discuss at length the role that transportation has played in the state's economic history.
A new report on economic competitiveness from the American Legislative Economic Council shows North Carolina is ranked 23rd among the states on the 2012 ALEC-Laffer Economic Outlook Rankings.
A new report on economic competitiveness from the American Legislative Economic Council shows North Carolina is ranked 23rd among the states on the 2012 ALEC-Laffer Economic Outlook Rankings.
N.C. Rep. Bill Cook, R-Beaufort, and real estate broker Jerry Evans say regulations are stifling economic growth in eastern North Carolina's Senate District 1, a vast region of eight coastal counties.
N.C. Rep. Bill Cook, R-Beaufort, and real estate broker Jerry Evans say regulations are stifling economic growth in eastern North Carolina's Senate District 1, a vast region of eight coastal counties.
It's an election year, and both major political parties have an interest in accentuating the differences between Democratic and Republican candidates for governor, legislature, and other North Carolina offices.
It's an election year, and both major political parties have an interest in accentuating the differences between Democratic and Republican candidates for governor, legislature, and other North Carolina offices.
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