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39 Results found for voter id law

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North Carolina’s 2018 voter ID law complies with the state constitution and should survive a legal challenge.
North Carolina’s 2018 voter ID law complies with the state constitution and should survive a legal challenge.
Daniel Payne writes at about an interesting endorsement of voter ID laws.
Daniel Payne writes at about an interesting endorsement of voter ID laws.
Judicial Watch today announced that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit adopted the argument put forth by Judicial Watch and Allied Educational Foundation (AEF) in their amici curiae brief when it upheld Alabama’s 2011 Photo Voter Identification Law.
Judicial Watch today announced that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit adopted the argument put forth by Judicial Watch and Allied Educational Foundation (AEF) in their amici curiae brief when it upheld Alabama’s 2011 Photo Voter Identification Law.
North Carolina voters have tried for a long time now to enact a common-sense voter identification law.
Student IDs across the University of North Carolina System aren't fully eligible for use under the state's new voter ID law, but the university is working to make sure qualifying students and employees can vote, a top UNC official says
Student IDs across the University of North Carolina System aren't fully eligible for use under the state's new voter ID law, but the university is working to make sure qualifying students and employees can vote, a top UNC official says
Republican Rep.-elect Mark Harris says he expects a state court will certify him the winner of the disputed 9th U.S. Congressional District election.
Republican Rep.-elect Mark Harris says he expects a state court will certify him the winner of the disputed 9th U.S. Congressional District election.
Today, Governor Roy Cooper vetoed Senate Bill 824, An Act to Implement the Constitutional Amendment Requiring Photographic Identification to Vote
Today, Governor Roy Cooper vetoed Senate Bill 824, An Act to Implement the Constitutional Amendment Requiring Photographic Identification to Vote
Voter ID is constitutional in North Carolina. And not just because more than 2 million voters, 55 percent of those casting ballots, said so last month
Voter ID is constitutional in North Carolina. And not just because more than 2 million voters, 55 percent of those casting ballots, said so last month
Last week, Civitas President Donald Bryson participated in a debate on the merits of the voter ID constitutional amendment that will be on the ballot this fall
Last week, Civitas President Donald Bryson participated in a debate on the merits of the voter ID constitutional amendment that will be on the ballot this fall
This week, Civitas President Donald Bryson made a guest appearance on radio show Charlotte Talks, a local NPR affiliate, where he debated the merits of a state voter ID requirement
This week, Civitas President Donald Bryson made a guest appearance on radio show Charlotte Talks, a local NPR affiliate, where he debated the merits of a state voter ID requirement
SurveyUSA, along with the Civitas Institute, a nonprofit conservative public policy organization, released findings from a flash poll showing a majority of voters support several constitutional amendments proposed this year
SurveyUSA, along with the Civitas Institute, a nonprofit conservative public policy organization, released findings from a flash poll showing a majority of voters support several constitutional amendments proposed this year
House Speaker Tim Moore filed a constitutional amendment requiring photo identification to vote in North Carolina elections
House Speaker Tim Moore filed a constitutional amendment requiring photo identification to vote in North Carolina elections
Toxic Agenda - Elections in Crisis, Part I examined how the Left, through the help of the North Carolina legislature, created an election system that ultimately favored Democrats for decades
Toxic Agenda - Elections in Crisis, Part I examined how the Left, through the help of the North Carolina legislature, created an election system that ultimately favored Democrats for decades
President Donald Trump's claims about voter fraud are preposterous. No credible evidence suggests that millions of people cast illegal ballots, or that candidates who outpoll rivals by several percentage points can accomplish that by fraud under modern election administration
President Donald Trump's claims about voter fraud are preposterous. No credible evidence suggests that millions of people cast illegal ballots, or that candidates who outpoll rivals by several percentage points can accomplish that by fraud under modern election administration
As we wait to see what will happen in the courts with the provisions of the Voter Information Verification Act (VIVA) that were struck down by U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, the General Assembly can still act to help protect the votes of all citizens in North Carolina
As we wait to see what will happen in the courts with the provisions of the Voter Information Verification Act (VIVA) that were struck down by U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, the General Assembly can still act to help protect the votes of all citizens in North Carolina
Today, Governor Roy Cooper and Attorney General Josh Stein have taken steps to withdraw the state's petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court of State of North Carolina V. North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP
Today, Governor Roy Cooper and Attorney General Josh Stein have taken steps to withdraw the state's petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court of State of North Carolina V. North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP
Let me say this with as much tact and respect as I can muster: If you truly believe that the level of democracy in North Carolina is in any way comparable to the level of democracy in Cuba, then you are either 1) an ignoramus, 2) an unrepentant communist, or 3) a college professor
Let me say this with as much tact and respect as I can muster: If you truly believe that the level of democracy in North Carolina is in any way comparable to the level of democracy in Cuba, then you are either 1) an ignoramus, 2) an unrepentant communist, or 3) a college professor
When people think of discrimination and voting they quickly go to the where the Left wants them to go and think about young people, poor people and minorities
When people think of discrimination and voting they quickly go to the where the Left wants them to go and think about young people, poor people and minorities
Roy Cooper's legal defense team includes Democrat power attorney Mark Elias, former counsel to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.
Roy Cooper's legal defense team includes Democrat power attorney Mark Elias, former counsel to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.
Despite the 4th Circuit decision striking down the NC Voter ID law, there are options that our Governor, Pat McCrory, and our state legislature can take to provide reasonable and common-sense measures at polling places next month.
Despite the 4th Circuit decision striking down the NC Voter ID law, there are options that our Governor, Pat McCrory, and our state legislature can take to provide reasonable and common-sense measures at polling places next month.
This article is not to encourage anyone to use these instructive methods to actually commit voter fraud. Voter fraud in No. Carolina is a felony. Voter fraud is wrong.
This article is not to encourage anyone to use these instructive methods to actually commit voter fraud. Voter fraud in No. Carolina is a felony. Voter fraud is wrong.
Governor Pat McCrory issued a statement following the recent 4-4 U.S. Supreme Court decision on whether to stay a lower court ruling on the state's voter ID law...
Governor Pat McCrory issued a statement following the recent 4-4 U.S. Supreme Court decision on whether to stay a lower court ruling on the state's voter ID law...
Governor Pat McCrory issued a statement following the recent 4-4 U.S. Supreme Court decision on whether to stay a lower court ruling on the state's voter ID law
Governor Pat McCrory issued a statement following the recent 4-4 U.S. Supreme Court decision on whether to stay a lower court ruling on the state's voter ID law
After the Supreme Court decided in a 4-4 split decision not to reinstate North Carolina's voter ID law in the upcoming election, the McCrory campaign released the following statement.
After the Supreme Court decided in a 4-4 split decision not to reinstate North Carolina's voter ID law in the upcoming election, the McCrory campaign released the following statement.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to stay - or delay - a ruling by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that overturned the state's voter ID law.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to stay - or delay - a ruling by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that overturned the state's voter ID law.
Leaders from the NCGA House and Senate continued the call for Roy Cooper to defend the common-sense voter ID law or resign as the appeal heads to the Supreme Court.
Leaders from the NCGA House and Senate continued the call for Roy Cooper to defend the common-sense voter ID law or resign as the appeal heads to the Supreme Court.
Governor Pat McCrory has formally requested U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts to stay a ruling by the Fourth Circuit and reinstate North Carolina's Voter ID law.
Governor Pat McCrory has formally requested U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts to stay a ruling by the Fourth Circuit and reinstate North Carolina's Voter ID law.
The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals refused on Thursday to put a hold on its order striking down North Carolina's voter ID law and related election reforms while the opinion is on appeal.
The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals refused on Thursday to put a hold on its order striking down North Carolina's voter ID law and related election reforms while the opinion is on appeal.
Governor McCrory announced he will ask the Supreme Court tomorrow to reinstate North Carolina's common sense voter ID law.
Governor McCrory announced he will ask the Supreme Court tomorrow to reinstate North Carolina's common sense voter ID law.
The North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP) today released the following statement in response to the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on North Carolina's voter ID law
The North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP) today released the following statement in response to the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on North Carolina's voter ID law
Governor McCrory issued the following statement after the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals denied the State's motion to stay the ruling in the voter ID lawsuit
Governor McCrory issued the following statement after the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals denied the State's motion to stay the ruling in the voter ID lawsuit
While this ruling was expected it is nevertheless disappointing that Roy Cooper and his allies have blocked our already successful and popular voter ID law
While this ruling was expected it is nevertheless disappointing that Roy Cooper and his allies have blocked our already successful and popular voter ID law
The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has overturned major chunks of North Carolina's broad election reform law passed in 2013, claiming that U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Schroeder committed factual errors when he threw out challenges to the law
The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has overturned major chunks of North Carolina's broad election reform law passed in 2013, claiming that U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Schroeder committed factual errors when he threw out challenges to the law
Governor Pat McCrory issued the following response to the unprecedented federal court of appeals ruling on North Carolina's voter ID law.
Governor Pat McCrory issued the following response to the unprecedented federal court of appeals ruling on North Carolina's voter ID law.
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