Results found for new normal | Eastern North Carolina Now

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89 Results found for new normal

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Republican leaders in Congress announced on Thursday that Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL) has been chosen to deliver the GOP response to President Joe Biden‘s State of the Union address next week.
Republican leaders in Congress announced on Thursday that Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL) has been chosen to deliver the GOP response to President Joe Biden‘s State of the Union address next week.
Tragedy struck a local family today after a mother went the entire day without having her infant do "tummy time," resulting in the baby's head taking on the shape of a weird, fleshy cube.
Tragedy struck a local family today after a mother went the entire day without having her infant do "tummy time," resulting in the baby's head taking on the shape of a weird, fleshy cube.
Hawaii Democrat Senator Brian Schatz used the horrific fire that consumed the city of Lahaina and killed at least 115 people to blame the tragedy on climate change, declaring that the entire planet was at risk of “severe weather.”
Hawaii Democrat Senator Brian Schatz used the horrific fire that consumed the city of Lahaina and killed at least 115 people to blame the tragedy on climate change, declaring that the entire planet was at risk of “severe weather.”
Mouse House's cruel dismissal of 'Mandalorian' star back in the spotlight
Mouse House's cruel dismissal of 'Mandalorian' star back in the spotlight
free speech is under the jackboot of the state in Germany
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) unveiled seven pieces of legislation on Tuesday to protect American’s freedoms by blocking current and future government COVID mandates.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) unveiled seven pieces of legislation on Tuesday to protect American’s freedoms by blocking current and future government COVID mandates.
U.S. Representative Michael McCaul (R-TX) said Sunday the odds of a conflict with China by 2025 “are very high” after a four-star Air Force General warned officers that he sees a war on the horizon over Taiwan.
U.S. Representative Michael McCaul (R-TX) said Sunday the odds of a conflict with China by 2025 “are very high” after a four-star Air Force General warned officers that he sees a war on the horizon over Taiwan.
Economists with the Committee to Unleash Prosperity released a new study last month highlighting our nation’s expansive welfare state.
Economists with the Committee to Unleash Prosperity released a new study last month highlighting our nation’s expansive welfare state.
Nursing grad’s resilience leads to remission, cap and gown
Nursing grad’s resilience leads to remission, cap and gown
Pennsylvania acting Secretary of State Leigh M. Chapman said during a news conference that the state’s midterm election could likely experience delays in counting the ballots.
Pennsylvania acting Secretary of State Leigh M. Chapman said during a news conference that the state’s midterm election could likely experience delays in counting the ballots.
Although most families are hoping that back to school means back to normal, there are still some wanting to go back to forced masking, social distancing, isolated lunches outside, daily testing, lengthy quarantines, and even virtual schooling despite the learning loss that results
Although most families are hoping that back to school means back to normal, there are still some wanting to go back to forced masking, social distancing, isolated lunches outside, daily testing, lengthy quarantines, and even virtual schooling despite the learning loss that results
Voting by mail increased in 2020, but by less than election officials anticipated
The new normal is pretty weird, man. Just when you think Biden’s America cannot get any stranger, he trots out an aging folk singer to celebrate the passage of a multi-billion boondoggle climate change chicanery bill known as the Inflation Reduction Act.
The new normal is pretty weird, man. Just when you think Biden’s America cannot get any stranger, he trots out an aging folk singer to celebrate the passage of a multi-billion boondoggle climate change chicanery bill known as the Inflation Reduction Act.
Nothing normal about myocarditis among children
Nothing normal about myocarditis among children
Press Secertary Karine Jean-Pierre and NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby Answer Questions
Are you watching too much CNN? Know the warning signs:
Are you watching too much CNN? Know the warning signs:
A new Axios-Ipsos Latino Poll shows how critical the situation really is for Democrats when it comes to Hispanic voters. It’s become more than just a “problem” for their party, but the new normal.
A new Axios-Ipsos Latino Poll shows how critical the situation really is for Democrats when it comes to Hispanic voters. It’s become more than just a “problem” for their party, but the new normal.
Technocracy is an invented and unnatural form of economics
Technocracy is an invented and unnatural form of economics
Liberals across the country are concerned about the removal of the mask mandate, seeing viral video after viral video of people cheering on airplanes because they no longer have to wear masks.
Liberals across the country are concerned about the removal of the mask mandate, seeing viral video after viral video of people cheering on airplanes because they no longer have to wear masks.
Speaking on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Whoopi Goldberg attacked HBO host Bill Maher for mocking what he called the “mask-paranoid world.”
Speaking on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Whoopi Goldberg attacked HBO host Bill Maher for mocking what he called the “mask-paranoid world.”
Unnerved and stretched thin. That’s a good description of how my extended family is feeling heading into the new year.
Unnerved and stretched thin. That’s a good description of how my extended family is feeling heading into the new year.
Commissioner Hood Richardson valiantly pitched the argument that Beaufort County should through off the shackles and chains of an Authoritarian governor and reopen its businesses that are arbitrarily deemed nonessential.
Commissioner Hood Richardson valiantly pitched the argument that Beaufort County should through off the shackles and chains of an Authoritarian governor and reopen its businesses that are arbitrarily deemed nonessential.
Rich Lowry writes at National Review Online about the president’s spending spree.
Rich Lowry writes at National Review Online about the president’s spending spree.
Outrage erupted on Sunday afternoon after a group of leftists chased Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) into a bathroom and recorded her while they demanded that she pass Biden’s agenda.
Outrage erupted on Sunday afternoon after a group of leftists chased Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) into a bathroom and recorded her while they demanded that she pass Biden’s agenda.
The Answer Has Been in Front of Us for Some Time! All We Needed to do Was Find It. Now We Have!
The Answer Has Been in Front of Us for Some Time! All We Needed to do Was Find It. Now We Have!
Storms are brewing port and starboard.
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