Challenges to America's Future | Eastern North Carolina Now

Conservative Podcaster John Woodard tells BCN's audience and all of our known World what he knows as truths to aid in the continuance of OUR American Way.


Challenges to America's Future  

Conservative Podcaster John Woodard tells BCN's audience and all of our known World what he knows as truths to aid in the continuance of OUR American Way.

Local tech CEO bankrolls consultants, universities, and politicians in an effort to control the state's education spending and inserts a political agenda into the classroom.
Local tech CEO bankrolls consultants, universities, and politicians in an effort to control the state's education spending and inserts a political agenda into the classroom.
Several years ago, a German economist and engineer drafted a vision for what the world might look like after the coronavirus pandemic is over. He described how countries could come together to facilitate
Several years ago, a German economist and engineer drafted a vision for what the world might look like after the coronavirus pandemic is over. He described how countries could come together to facilitate
The Answer is That Girls Are Being Raped and No one Seems to Care!
The Answer is That Girls Are Being Raped and No one Seems to Care!
Not only have you completely misrepresented our group, (there were 34 in attendance, by the way) you put us at the top front page of your rag to school us on the issues at hand.
Not only have you completely misrepresented our group, (there were 34 in attendance, by the way) you put us at the top front page of your rag to school us on the issues at hand.
Dare County Republicans have faithfully served our nation under the premise that strong local government is the key foundation to preserving our American freedoms.
Dare County Republicans have faithfully served our nation under the premise that strong local government is the key foundation to preserving our American freedoms.
President Joe Biden's policies concerning our Southern Border and Afghanistan, by any set of metrics, have proven to be disastrous.
President Joe Biden's policies concerning our Southern Border and Afghanistan, by any set of metrics, have proven to be disastrous.
Like most Americans, I am sickened by the images coming out of Afghanistan. I can only hope and pray that all Americans return home safely.
Like most Americans, I am sickened by the images coming out of Afghanistan. I can only hope and pray that all Americans return home safely.
What kind of world will we live in once these changes take hold and what way of life will it be for the American people. We are already seeing demands for digital papers sweeping Western society.
What kind of world will we live in once these changes take hold and what way of life will it be for the American people. We are already seeing demands for digital papers sweeping Western society.
There have been a number of questions about the Biden administration policy concerning the military. Now, it appears that the forced injections may become a bigger problem than what we first thought.
There have been a number of questions about the Biden administration policy concerning the military. Now, it appears that the forced injections may become a bigger problem than what we first thought.
For months now, the CDC has been making the ridiculous statement that only three out of approximately 13,000 deaths, reported through its VAERS system were legitimately caused by the Covid shots.
For months now, the CDC has been making the ridiculous statement that only three out of approximately 13,000 deaths, reported through its VAERS system were legitimately caused by the Covid shots.
A poem from Diane Rufino, Originally entitled, My Name is Old Glory by Howard Schnauber
A poem from Diane Rufino, Originally entitled, My Name is Old Glory by Howard Schnauber
The Answer Has Been in Front of Us for Some Time! All We Needed to do Was Find It. Now We Have!
The Answer Has Been in Front of Us for Some Time! All We Needed to do Was Find It. Now We Have!
Robinson views governing through a limited government lens, with a heavy dose of individual rights and liberty. Those views are informed by his strong Christian faith.
Robinson views governing through a limited government lens, with a heavy dose of individual rights and liberty. Those views are informed by his strong Christian faith.
After being marked as the, “selfish” unvaccinated will I then be, “screened” for acceptable opinions and mandated to whom I can share them, if at all?
After being marked as the, “selfish” unvaccinated will I then be, “screened” for acceptable opinions and mandated to whom I can share them, if at all?
Kenneth "Ken" Thomas Cuccinelli II (born July 30, 1968, in Edison, New Jersey) is the acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. He was appointed to the position by former acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan on June 10, 2019. Cuccinelli is a former...
Kenneth "Ken" Thomas Cuccinelli II (born July 30, 1968, in Edison, New Jersey) is the acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. He was appointed to the position by former acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan on June 10, 2019. Cuccinelli is a former...
Supply chains are under major stress with historic congestion and bottlenecks plaguing just about every aspect of shipping, with about 10% of container ship capacity waiting at our outside clogged ports with no sign of easing this year.
Supply chains are under major stress with historic congestion and bottlenecks plaguing just about every aspect of shipping, with about 10% of container ship capacity waiting at our outside clogged ports with no sign of easing this year.
There are good citizens and concerned parents (of both races) across the state who are fanatically opposed to CRT being taught in the school system - a school system to which they pay taxes.
There are good citizens and concerned parents (of both races) across the state who are fanatically opposed to CRT being taught in the school system - a school system to which they pay taxes.
There is no underlying logic to drive this effort to vaccinate everyone, but it is the US where we have this unique vaccine-exclusive strategy. It's unprecedented and it's costing hundreds of thousands of lives.
There is no underlying logic to drive this effort to vaccinate everyone, but it is the US where we have this unique vaccine-exclusive strategy. It's unprecedented and it's costing hundreds of thousands of lives.
Only the most delusional person would even try to say that Biden's Afghanistan surrender was anything but a colossal failure. Even most liberal news networks haven't defended this.
Only the most delusional person would even try to say that Biden's Afghanistan surrender was anything but a colossal failure. Even most liberal news networks haven't defended this.
We have all been talking about this steady march toward Socialism and Marxism. This group of Global Elites are calling the shots and it is them who created the circumstances to get this President elected.
We have all been talking about this steady march toward Socialism and Marxism. This group of Global Elites are calling the shots and it is them who created the circumstances to get this President elected.
Many people may think that there is nothing to fear because the next election will produce a change of government to apply the brakes to this runaway train. I hope you are right but I would not place all my faith on one outcome because that might not be the result you get.
Many people may think that there is nothing to fear because the next election will produce a change of government to apply the brakes to this runaway train. I hope you are right but I would not place all my faith on one outcome because that might not be the result you get.
The UK government just reported the following data, took away in their report on variance of concern: Less than a third of Delta variant deaths come from people that are unvaccinated. Stated another way, two out of three Delta deaths in the UK are from those who have not been vaccinated.
The UK government just reported the following data, took away in their report on variance of concern: Less than a third of Delta variant deaths come from people that are unvaccinated. Stated another way, two out of three Delta deaths in the UK are from those who have not been vaccinated.
Folks, as you read this from my friend Linda Harper, you can't help but feel the emotion in her words for our country.
Folks, as you read this from my friend Linda Harper, you can't help but feel the emotion in her words for our country.
Is This Just Raw Propaganda? Does it Usher in The Great Reset?
The Great Reset was voted on by the Central Banks in August 2019. Coincidentally the pandemic was rolled out following that vote. The destruction of small business was the goal behind this radically centralized system.
The Great Reset was voted on by the Central Banks in August 2019. Coincidentally the pandemic was rolled out following that vote. The destruction of small business was the goal behind this radically centralized system.
Most people who believe that the Great Reset is real, have been looking for signs that it has begun and how to prepare themselves without doing so prematurely. So how do the recent developments in Afghanistan fit into this equation?
Most people who believe that the Great Reset is real, have been looking for signs that it has begun and how to prepare themselves without doing so prematurely. So how do the recent developments in Afghanistan fit into this equation?
The mere fact that our government is prepared to treat us as criminals and terrorists because we question our government ought to scare the hell out of everyone. To find out that policies and procedures have been reduced to writing suggests that the implementation of these procedures may be...
The mere fact that our government is prepared to treat us as criminals and terrorists because we question our government ought to scare the hell out of everyone. To find out that policies and procedures have been reduced to writing suggests that the implementation of these procedures may be...
The Biden Admin seems to have been trying to discover another means to tear down the Country or weaken it further while advancing their march toward socialism or worse.
The Biden Admin seems to have been trying to discover another means to tear down the Country or weaken it further while advancing their march toward socialism or worse.
I don’t know who is more enamored with their power over citizens of a Free Country?
I don’t know who is more enamored with their power over citizens of a Free Country?
We have recently heard of reports that China is working toward development of human beings with superhuman strength.
We have recently heard of reports that China is working toward development of human beings with superhuman strength.
Two of the Worlds billionaires have combined financial resources to purchase a virus testing lab named Mologic LTD whose business is testing of covid 19 patients.
Two of the Worlds billionaires have combined financial resources to purchase a virus testing lab named Mologic LTD whose business is testing of covid 19 patients.
While searching the Internet today, I noticed references to a whistleblower case about the Covid 19 virus that was the subject of a lawsuit.
While searching the Internet today, I noticed references to a whistleblower case about the Covid 19 virus that was the subject of a lawsuit.
For quite some time there have been fears that the lack of a vaccine would force certain social changes where non-vaxxers would be prohibited from entering various establishments
For quite some time there have been fears that the lack of a vaccine would force certain social changes where non-vaxxers would be prohibited from entering various establishments
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