Hood: I'd Rather Be Right | Eastern North Carolina Now

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Hood: I'd Rather Be Right  

The fundamental problem with our county government is not Democrat vs. Republican but rather a Ruling Class of Elites who think they know better what is good for you than you know for yourself
The fundamental problem with our county government is not Democrat vs. Republican but rather a Ruling Class of Elites who think they know better what is good for you than you know for yourself
You learn a lot when you follow the money
But she strikes out by showing that she is just another liberal who wants to spend your money
But she strikes out by showing that she is just another liberal who wants to spend your money
Hood makes the argument that participating in the political parties is important
Hood makes the argument that participating in the political parties is important
More sever penalties for those who profit from drugs are needed
More sever penalties for those who profit from drugs are needed
For too many in GOP power positions the issue was holding on to those positions rather creating a true Red Wave
For too many in GOP power positions the issue was holding on to those positions rather creating a true Red Wave
If you re-elect him you can count on him spending more and more of your money
If you re-elect him you can count on him spending more and more of your money
If Fake Frankie Waters is re-elected their will likely be a new 35-million-dollar jail that is not needed to be built. If he is defeated there probably will be no new jail.
If Fake Frankie Waters is re-elected their will likely be a new 35-million-dollar jail that is not needed to be built. If he is defeated there probably will be no new jail.
It is a rotten game these politicians play, with your money1
It is time to put conservatives in charge and see what they can do
The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money
The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money
Don't be fooled by RINOS who are actually socialists
Don't be fooled by RINOS who are actually socialists
The trouble is, eventually you run out of other people's money to spend=Margaret Thatcher
The trouble is, eventually you run out of other people's money to spend=Margaret Thatcher
The goal should be to operate in accord with Republican principles...the Platform, not individual's druthers.
The goal should be to operate in accord with Republican principles...the Platform, not individual's druthers.
An at-large system is better than single-member districts. A District system would cut your vote in half.
An at-large system is better than single-member districts. A District system would cut your vote in half.
Instead of welcoming new Republicans to Beaufort County, he chooses to insult people, calling them RINOs and Liberals, questioning their conservatism.
Instead of welcoming new Republicans to Beaufort County, he chooses to insult people, calling them RINOs and Liberals, questioning their conservatism.
Sometimes its not what you want to get done, but rather how you are going about it that matters more
Sometimes its not what you want to get done, but rather how you are going about it that matters more
A small clique is trying to control the local GOP and circumvent the duly elected Executive Committee
A small clique is trying to control the local GOP and circumvent the duly elected Executive Committee
The impact of immigration is spreading to more and more counties
The impact of immigration is spreading to more and more counties
Fed up with politicians talking a good talk but not walking the walk?
Fed up with politicians talking a good talk but not walking the walk?
Just what does the Sheriff's Association spend your donations for?
Just what does the Sheriff's Association spend your donations for?
Everyone ought to be allowed an occassional rant. Here's mine


Everyone ought to be allowed an occassional rant. Here's mine
They're coming up soon and its a good way to participate in taking back our government
They're coming up soon and its a good way to participate in taking back our government
It's time to give conservative government a chance in Beaufort County
It's time to give conservative government a chance in Beaufort County
Small businesses and struggling taxpayers need relief rather than the Gang of Four stockpiling cash
Small businesses and struggling taxpayers need relief rather than the Gang of Four stockpiling cash
Don't you think it's time for conservative county government?
Don't you think it's time for conservative county government?
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