Foolishness...Or Is It? | Eastern North Carolina Now

A fresh look at the inane, if only to make sense of the subject through humor.


Foolishness...Or Is It?  

A fresh look at the inane, if only to make sense of the subject through humor.

Mr. Anonymous Now Has the Rule of Law on His Side
Mr. Anonymous Now Has the Rule of Law on His Side
This guy spills the beans about sensitive information, private information, national security information and he is talked about as if he's a hero.
This guy spills the beans about sensitive information, private information, national security information and he is talked about as if he's a hero.
A Pop Quiz from the Fella...What is more serious Misbehavior or Desertion from the Army?
A Pop Quiz from the Fella...What is more serious Misbehavior or Desertion from the Army?
The Nightly News Always Paints Special Interest Groups As Evil...But Are They?
The Nightly News Always Paints Special Interest Groups As Evil...But Are They?
When we used to Stare we had time to think. Great things happened when we used to think. Now we are too distracted.
When we used to Stare we had time to think. Great things happened when we used to think. Now we are too distracted.
I published this Blog Posting on January 1, 2009. It really is a history lesson. You remember history. They used to teach a lot of it in our schools.
I published this Blog Posting on January 1, 2009. It really is a history lesson. You remember history. They used to teach a lot of it in our schools.
I must be invisible. I've never been polled by a poll. You would think they would have found me by now. Are they making all this up?
I must be invisible. I've never been polled by a poll. You would think they would have found me by now. Are they making all this up?
Could it be that Higher Education's big problem is the use of the word "Higher".
Could it be that Higher Education's big problem is the use of the word "Higher".
Would you be upset if all your life you have been one thing but now you are are told you are not what you have always been?
Would you be upset if all your life you have been one thing but now you are are told you are not what you have always been?
He Won't be With Us For Very Much Longer But He Looks So Healthy!
He Won't be With Us For Very Much Longer But He Looks So Healthy!
This plan is certainly a foolproof plan but it may be Foolishness. It’s for you to decide.
This plan is certainly a foolproof plan but it may be Foolishness. It’s for you to decide.
I realize that this is Foolishness of the first order but let your mind wander with me a moment.
I realize that this is Foolishness of the first order but let your mind wander with me a moment.
Why Is It I Am The Only One To See The Obvious?
Why Is It I Am The Only One To See The Obvious?
This is a story about how my wife outfoxed me.
Thank Heaven! Here Comes The Good Guys!...Or are they?
Whether we know it or not Wal-Mart is controlling us & there is nothing we can do about it.
Whether we know it or not Wal-Mart is controlling us & there is nothing we can do about it.
Another thorny issue solved by me. You are very welcome.
For the life of me I don't understand why I can come up with these brilliant ideas & you can't.
In the future, if you want your brain fixed, you will find lots of people capable of fixing it. If you want your furnace fixed, you are going to be left out in the cold.
In the future, if you want your brain fixed, you will find lots of people capable of fixing it. If you want your furnace fixed, you are going to be left out in the cold.
Be sure to read all the way through because the Big Thing is not the Big Thing you are thinking it is.
Be sure to read all the way through because the Big Thing is not the Big Thing you are thinking it is.
The poor guy was all alone in the midst of 40 other people.
Smokey The Bear Was Looking Right At Me, Therefore, I Know He Blamed Me!
Smokey The Bear Was Looking Right At Me, Therefore, I Know He Blamed Me!
It’s like the Kennedy Assassination ... I remember where I was.
It’s like the Kennedy Assassination ... I remember where I was.
Silly me. I once thought only one person in the Good Ole USofA was stupid enough to Text While Driving.
Silly me. I once thought only one person in the Good Ole USofA was stupid enough to Text While Driving.
What's in a name? That which we call a Martavious by any other name would sound as silly.
What's in a name? That which we call a Martavious by any other name would sound as silly.
Why we name our children what we name them is impossible to explain but I'll try.
Why we name our children what we name them is impossible to explain but I'll try.
In the world of Modern Education things are a changing.
In the world of Modern Education things are a changing.
Why does our Judicial System insist on going to all the time & expense of trying already convicted persons?
Why does our Judicial System insist on going to all the time & expense of trying already convicted persons?
I can just hear the indignant attorney pleading his case…”You Honor, This is negligence! … It is pure and simple negligence!”
I can just hear the indignant attorney pleading his case…”You Honor, This is negligence! … It is pure and simple negligence!”
Death is waiting behind Hospital Emergency Room Doors.
There was a time when we in the Good Ole USofA just drank our coffee & we paid no attention to our coffee.
There was a time when we in the Good Ole USofA just drank our coffee & we paid no attention to our coffee.
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