Foolishness...Or Is It? | Eastern North Carolina Now

A fresh look at the inane, if only to make sense of the subject through humor.


Foolishness...Or Is It?  

A fresh look at the inane, if only to make sense of the subject through humor.

“Blessed are the young, for they will inherit the National Debt”. Herbert Hoover
“Blessed are the young, for they will inherit the National Debt”. Herbert Hoover
All the jobs are going over there because of what is happening over here but there is light at the end of the tunnel...Or is there?
All the jobs are going over there because of what is happening over here but there is light at the end of the tunnel...Or is there?
Robbing Peter to pay Paul. Peter is the Highway Trust Fund and Paul Any and Everything Else.
Robbing Peter to pay Paul. Peter is the Highway Trust Fund and Paul Any and Everything Else.
In the old days committing sins in church was forbidden. In the new days it is Standard Operating Procedure.
In the old days committing sins in church was forbidden. In the new days it is Standard Operating Procedure.
It was really one of the greatest speeches in the storied history of the U.S. Congress but there was one thing missing.
It was really one of the greatest speeches in the storied history of the U.S. Congress but there was one thing missing.
How we found the wounded and how we got them back.
You want a marble statue created of your favorite person. You hire a famous sculptor. He works for a year. You pay him every Friday for that year. The statue is finished. The sculptor says he won't let you put it on display and he destroys it. Does he owe you 52 paychecks back?
You want a marble statue created of your favorite person. You hire a famous sculptor. He works for a year. You pay him every Friday for that year. The statue is finished. The sculptor says he won't let you put it on display and he destroys it. Does he owe you 52 paychecks back?
One of my pet peeves is I hate change for the sake of simplification or cute.
One of my pet peeves is I hate change for the sake of simplification or cute.
Please do not blame us! We thought we were doing the right thing.
Please do not blame us! We thought we were doing the right thing.
I published the bit of Foolishness below to my Wildly Popular (Or is It?) Foolishness...Or Is It? Blog Site ( in October 2011. If it was Funny back then, it is still Funny today because Silliness is Never Outdated.
I published the bit of Foolishness below to my Wildly Popular (Or is It?) Foolishness...Or Is It? Blog Site ( in October 2011. If it was Funny back then, it is still Funny today because Silliness is Never Outdated.
This Foolishness was first published in August 2010. I am not resurrecting it because Easter just passed but because our Federal Government has not let up on its obsession to get us to spend everything we have.
This Foolishness was first published in August 2010. I am not resurrecting it because Easter just passed but because our Federal Government has not let up on its obsession to get us to spend everything we have.
There is a major shortage in China that has us on the brink of Nuclear War. We have the capacity to end the shortage and save the world. We should all pray our leaders take action before it is too late.
There is a major shortage in China that has us on the brink of Nuclear War. We have the capacity to end the shortage and save the world. We should all pray our leaders take action before it is too late.
If I had been there in 1965, I might have looked at my cousin Alex and said, “All those people on our Grandpa’s steps are complete strangers with very familiar faces”. My cousin might have said to me, “Alex (we were both named “Alex”), “Those are your Grandpa’s Neighbors. Don’t you recognize them?”
If I had been there in 1965, I might have looked at my cousin Alex and said, “All those people on our Grandpa’s steps are complete strangers with very familiar faces”. My cousin might have said to me, “Alex (we were both named “Alex”), “Those are your Grandpa’s Neighbors. Don’t you recognize them?”
In 1946 I said to my Mama, "Mama, how come other people have Porch Chairs and we don't?" My Mama said to me, "My dear, we don’t have a porch besides you have got to learn to not want so much. I do promise you this. If Television is ever invented, we might get you one."
In 1946 I said to my Mama, "Mama, how come other people have Porch Chairs and we don't?" My Mama said to me, "My dear, we don’t have a porch besides you have got to learn to not want so much. I do promise you this. If Television is ever invented, we might get you one."
In 1948, I said to my Mama, "Mama, I hear on the radio a big hurricane is headed right straight for us". Mama, said to me, "That's nice, dear, wanna go for a nice long walk?".
In 1948, I said to my Mama, "Mama, I hear on the radio a big hurricane is headed right straight for us". Mama, said to me, "That's nice, dear, wanna go for a nice long walk?".
You have nothing better to do. Relax. Just take them one at a time. You will thank me once you are done...Or will u?
Did he really chew that? I'm so excited!
What gives anybody the right to treat any body like this?
What gives anybody the right to treat any body like this?
All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that's an alibi for my ignorance. Will Rogers
All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that's an alibi for my ignorance. Will Rogers
Hillary Supporters have been sad long enough. It’s time to lighten up a bit and what better place to find some Lightening Silliness than a blog called Foolishness...Or Is It?
Hillary Supporters have been sad long enough. It’s time to lighten up a bit and what better place to find some Lightening Silliness than a blog called Foolishness...Or Is It?
This same commentary could be written about any other nationality...Or could it?
We all spend a lot of time laughing at Washington D.C. Laughing will not fix the problem. Finally General Washington himself has had enough and he is trying to do something about it.
We all spend a lot of time laughing at Washington D.C. Laughing will not fix the problem. Finally General Washington himself has had enough and he is trying to do something about it.
This is old blog posting (March 21, 2013). I have almost 1,000 of them in my “Next Book” folder waiting for more of you to buy my first book. I am determined to not “reward” you with a second book until you have shown you fully appreciate the Fine-Crafted Foolishness in the first book.
This is old blog posting (March 21, 2013). I have almost 1,000 of them in my “Next Book” folder waiting for more of you to buy my first book. I am determined to not “reward” you with a second book until you have shown you fully appreciate the Fine-Crafted Foolishness in the first book.
What do you remember about the Stimulus Package?
What do you remember about the Stimulus Package?
This Blog Posting Was First Published In August 2012. You might think this is old funny but, be honest, funny never grows old.
This Blog Posting Was First Published In August 2012. You might think this is old funny but, be honest, funny never grows old.
This Blog Posting is a repeat (modified a bit) of one which I released to the world (slight exaggeration) in February 2014.
This Blog Posting is a repeat (modified a bit) of one which I released to the world (slight exaggeration) in February 2014.
Inventions make things better...Or do they?
What did we hear when Sean Spicer said Hitler did not use chemical weapons?
What did we hear when Sean Spicer said Hitler did not use chemical weapons?
Looks like a really smart person (Bill Gates) has come up with Foolishness without my help.
Looks like a really smart person (Bill Gates) has come up with Foolishness without my help.
It is past time for the Peace Loving World Community to take off the gloves with regard to North Korea.
It is past time for the Peace Loving World Community to take off the gloves with regard to North Korea.
If used properly, the Standing Rules of the United States Senate can prevent anything from happening, except Happy Hour.
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