Views from the Right Seat | Eastern North Carolina Now

The opinionated musings from a Georgia Cracker, who tends to boldly know stuff that is valuable to the curious and the wise.


Views from the Right Seat  

The opinionated musings from a Georgia Cracker, who tends to boldly know stuff that is valuable to the curious and the wise.

We are definitely in uncharted political territory here. Trump's "take no prisoners" approach is something we have not seen before from the Republicans.
We are definitely in uncharted political territory here. Trump's "take no prisoners" approach is something we have not seen before from the Republicans.
I know that many have been anxiously awaiting the next version of the Bobby Tony Dictionary series. Well here is another installment. Most people would start at the front of the alphabet. A and work towards Z, but since I'm dyslexic I'm going the other way
I know that many have been anxiously awaiting the next version of the Bobby Tony Dictionary series. Well here is another installment. Most people would start at the front of the alphabet. A and work towards Z, but since I'm dyslexic I'm going the other way
But you would think it was only invented on November 8, 2016. The word originally was used in horse-racing when it referred to checking all horses in a race by a veterinarian. The original term was to 'VET' because of the examination.
But you would think it was only invented on November 8, 2016. The word originally was used in horse-racing when it referred to checking all horses in a race by a veterinarian. The original term was to 'VET' because of the examination.
If you are like me, you may be trying to figure out what the new POTUS is trying to do. Beyond his over the top pronouncements there is an underlying principle that may help explain his goals.
If you are like me, you may be trying to figure out what the new POTUS is trying to do. Beyond his over the top pronouncements there is an underlying principle that may help explain his goals.
It is time for former heroes to exit stage left before they tarnish their image.
It is time for former heroes to exit stage left before they tarnish their image.
For you young folks, there use to be a TV show called The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. It was cancelled because of it's outspoken opposition to the Vietnam war.
For you young folks, there use to be a TV show called The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. It was cancelled because of it's outspoken opposition to the Vietnam war.
Most of the news media is obsessing over the Tweets and Sean Spicer, the White House press Secretary's assertion that more people saw the Inauguration than ever before. The argument is a tempest in a teapot based on pictures and ad hoc observations vs Spicer's assertion using numbers of online view
Most of the news media is obsessing over the Tweets and Sean Spicer, the White House press Secretary's assertion that more people saw the Inauguration than ever before. The argument is a tempest in a teapot based on pictures and ad hoc observations vs Spicer's assertion using numbers of online view
I am not sure this would require a constitutional amendment but maybe it could be established as a footnote
I am not sure this would require a constitutional amendment but maybe it could be established as a footnote
It is hard to tell the difference between FAKE NEWS and REAL NEWS, but I think this will help to clarify it.
It is hard to tell the difference between FAKE NEWS and REAL NEWS, but I think this will help to clarify it.
Give me a frigging break, we have a long history of working with the Russians. In 1962 when the world was on the BRINK OF NUCLEAR WAR over the Cuban missile crisis, we had backdoor channels to the Russian government.
Give me a frigging break, we have a long history of working with the Russians. In 1962 when the world was on the BRINK OF NUCLEAR WAR over the Cuban missile crisis, we had backdoor channels to the Russian government.
Can a businessman really be a successful president without having a conflict of interest?
I had hoped that I had written my last political post, but such naivety is out of character for me. Accordingly, I offer another rant as we begin our assault on the Electoral College and UNFAIRNESS of not allowing the popular vote to select our presidents.
I had hoped that I had written my last political post, but such naivety is out of character for me. Accordingly, I offer another rant as we begin our assault on the Electoral College and UNFAIRNESS of not allowing the popular vote to select our presidents.
We will never be able to correct the course of this country's economic trajectory until we get control of the entitlements which includes welfare as well as the sacred cow Social Security.
We will never be able to correct the course of this country's economic trajectory until we get control of the entitlements which includes welfare as well as the sacred cow Social Security.
In normal times this would be a rhetorical question but this is an election year and if something is in the headlines it can lead one to believe we never really new this was an issue.
In normal times this would be a rhetorical question but this is an election year and if something is in the headlines it can lead one to believe we never really new this was an issue.
In 1972-3 two enterprising journalist dug deep, to find out if their President was involved in the Watergate cover up.
In 1972-3 two enterprising journalist dug deep, to find out if their President was involved in the Watergate cover up.
This is what you get when you give a horny guy a smart phone. You get a Weiner Eruption.
I have no problem believing that Donald Trump did what has been alleged by the recent revelation from women from his past encounters. I expected this would be a news event long ago.
I have no problem believing that Donald Trump did what has been alleged by the recent revelation from women from his past encounters. I expected this would be a news event long ago.
Both Google and Facebook have had pop up reminders on my first sign in asking me if I am registered to vote. These popped up on my page without me searching on clicking on anything.
Both Google and Facebook have had pop up reminders on my first sign in asking me if I am registered to vote. These popped up on my page without me searching on clicking on anything.
Today's media is largely irrelevant to many of us. The playing field has been leveled by the presence of alternative media sources (like BCN) where the location of the hub does not have to be in New York or Los Angeles.
Today's media is largely irrelevant to many of us. The playing field has been leveled by the presence of alternative media sources (like BCN) where the location of the hub does not have to be in New York or Los Angeles.
There is a saying a person's true character is revealed by what he does when no one is watching. That may be true but I have a slightly different viewpoint on the subject.
There is a saying a person's true character is revealed by what he does when no one is watching. That may be true but I have a slightly different viewpoint on the subject.
I hardly ever listen to talk radio anymore because I do not spend that much time in the auto as I did when I was working for living. Nevertheless, yesterday I had to spend about an hour in the car and the only thing on the radios, AM or FM worth listening to (???) was Rush Limbaugh.
I hardly ever listen to talk radio anymore because I do not spend that much time in the auto as I did when I was working for living. Nevertheless, yesterday I had to spend about an hour in the car and the only thing on the radios, AM or FM worth listening to (???) was Rush Limbaugh.
I am sure most people have heard the expression of "Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life." Oscar Wilde made the expression popular back in 1889. I'll bet he had no idea that we would still be doing it today.
I am sure most people have heard the expression of "Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life." Oscar Wilde made the expression popular back in 1889. I'll bet he had no idea that we would still be doing it today.
Many have often accused the Democrats of buying votes by giving away money. But if you examine the political landscape closely you will see that both Democrats and Republicans do the same think in an effort to influence voters.
Many have often accused the Democrats of buying votes by giving away money. But if you examine the political landscape closely you will see that both Democrats and Republicans do the same think in an effort to influence voters.
By definition, your tax forms are private. Only you, your accountant, and the IRS should have access to your tax filings. You may release your tax filings yourself.
By definition, your tax forms are private. Only you, your accountant, and the IRS should have access to your tax filings. You may release your tax filings yourself.
In my quest for truth and the American way, I often feel like the old Greek philosopher who became notorious for his philosophical stunts such as carrying a lamp in the daytime, claiming to be looking for an honest man.
In my quest for truth and the American way, I often feel like the old Greek philosopher who became notorious for his philosophical stunts such as carrying a lamp in the daytime, claiming to be looking for an honest man.
Let me see if I have this correct. The feminist have always attacked beauty contest as demeaning to women and now they have chosen a beauty contestant winner to represent them in their battle against the owner of a beauty contest.
Let me see if I have this correct. The feminist have always attacked beauty contest as demeaning to women and now they have chosen a beauty contestant winner to represent them in their battle against the owner of a beauty contest.
The bomb planted in Boston in 2013 and the recent New York, New Jersey bomb incident may be proof that bomb laws do not work. Neither does gun laws. I wonder why our President did not immediately demand more "COMMON SENSE BOMB LAWS."
The bomb planted in Boston in 2013 and the recent New York, New Jersey bomb incident may be proof that bomb laws do not work. Neither does gun laws. I wonder why our President did not immediately demand more "COMMON SENSE BOMB LAWS."
In an effort to understand the political ramifications of Donald Trump, I stumbled across the problem, which is probably evident to anyone else but me who observes politicians. Whenever I am trying to resolve an issue in my mind, I usually commit my thoughts to writing which I can review later
In an effort to understand the political ramifications of Donald Trump, I stumbled across the problem, which is probably evident to anyone else but me who observes politicians. Whenever I am trying to resolve an issue in my mind, I usually commit my thoughts to writing which I can review later
Slick Willie talks about illegal immigration before it was a racist term
Slick Willie talks about illegal immigration before it was a racist term
Thomas Sowell and Milton Friedman discuss current issues, yet again and again.
Thomas Sowell and Milton Friedman discuss current issues, yet again and again.
No one has asked my opinion on the FBI director's press conference on July 5, 2016. Since that has never stopped me before, I offer my two cents worth here.
No one has asked my opinion on the FBI director's press conference on July 5, 2016. Since that has never stopped me before, I offer my two cents worth here.
I would suggest that if we armed all the people in Heaven and Hell with AR15, AR16 fully automatic and whatever the hell an Assault Weapon is, there would be no shootings in Heaven and plenty in Hell.
I would suggest that if we armed all the people in Heaven and Hell with AR15, AR16 fully automatic and whatever the hell an Assault Weapon is, there would be no shootings in Heaven and plenty in Hell.
An absurd observation on why profiling is a possible solution to identifying terrorist or rocks or shrimp.
An absurd observation on why profiling is a possible solution to identifying terrorist or rocks or shrimp.
If you want to know the difference between an assault weapon or military grade weapon, move on this article will not interest you. But this is not a primer on gun technology or nomenclature but on 2nd amendment rights and other rights that may be in jeopardy in the future
If you want to know the difference between an assault weapon or military grade weapon, move on this article will not interest you. But this is not a primer on gun technology or nomenclature but on 2nd amendment rights and other rights that may be in jeopardy in the future
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