Clarion Call | Eastern North Carolina Now

There are times in one's life, should they hear the call, when seemingly complex issues become clear; and should one heed that call, it is incumbent upon them to express their knowledge of the truth as best they can, as often as they are able and willing to do so. You can also visit Stan's Governing /Political knowledge here:


Clarion Call  

There are times in one's life, should they hear the call, when seemingly complex issues become clear; and should one heed that call, it is incumbent upon them to express their knowledge of the truth as best they can, as often as they are able and willing to do so. You can also visit Stan's Governing /Political knowledge here:

At this wayward point in this continuous grand hypocrisy: Should one beg the obvious: Is President Trump, without question, not indemnified against all past frivolous investigations, and any future Impeachment convictions should the 45th president be elected as the 47th President?
At this wayward point in this continuous grand hypocrisy: Should one beg the obvious: Is President Trump, without question, not indemnified against all past frivolous investigations, and any future Impeachment convictions should the 45th president be elected as the 47th President?
The United States of America has edged closer and closer to the Leftist maxim of "Abortion on Demand" whenever it is demanded, by whomever demands it, but now that ease of operation to alleviate oneself of that nagging little problem has come to a screeching halt.
The United States of America has edged closer and closer to the Leftist maxim of "Abortion on Demand" whenever it is demanded, by whomever demands it, but now that ease of operation to alleviate oneself of that nagging little problem has come to a screeching halt.
Being the executive leader of the United States of our big piece of America is NOT a task for a puppet president or an idiot, which in the case of Joe Biden, he is both.
Being the executive leader of the United States of our big piece of America is NOT a task for a puppet president or an idiot, which in the case of Joe Biden, he is both.
In an administration that professes to support education, and that pays hundreds of millions of dollars per year for Executive Staff to make properly considered decisions and act accordingly: Wouldn't one think they would have someone hanging around that understood basic economics?
In an administration that professes to support education, and that pays hundreds of millions of dollars per year for Executive Staff to make properly considered decisions and act accordingly: Wouldn't one think they would have someone hanging around that understood basic economics?
It began as extra weird, grotesquely so, and in this time of a 21st century in American Politics, where the "Free Press" is the grandest running joke mill; a relative repugnant nightmare for this nation, which often appears, of late, to have lost its collective soul of who we are.
It began as extra weird, grotesquely so, and in this time of a 21st century in American Politics, where the "Free Press" is the grandest running joke mill; a relative repugnant nightmare for this nation, which often appears, of late, to have lost its collective soul of who we are.
It may exist in the Big Tech Monopoly sphere of propping up so-called "Influencers;" the people who shape the intellects of those who possess infinitesimal knowledge; those among us who are intellectually vulnerable ... some would say, those that are stupid.
It may exist in the Big Tech Monopoly sphere of propping up so-called "Influencers;" the people who shape the intellects of those who possess infinitesimal knowledge; those among us who are intellectually vulnerable ... some would say, those that are stupid.
The World, the "President's" constituents, and America's patriots got a full on dose of something not witnessed in my lifetime - the roadmap for the dissolution of a presidency, and as intellectually frail as it might have appeared, it is now in the pronounced period of dénouement.
The World, the "President's" constituents, and America's patriots got a full on dose of something not witnessed in my lifetime - the roadmap for the dissolution of a presidency, and as intellectually frail as it might have appeared, it is now in the pronounced period of dénouement.
The Beaufort County Commissioners will get another bite at the patriotic apple, a fruit they far too often hold in great disdain, to pass this necessary resolution.
This resolution, if ratified, signifies that the Beaufort County Commissioners are committed to the proposition that the United States is Sovereign, its Immigration Laws are sacrosanct, and Human Trafficking is an evil that must end.
This resolution, if ratified, signifies that the Beaufort County Commissioners are committed to the proposition that the United States is Sovereign, its Immigration Laws are sacrosanct, and Human Trafficking is an evil that must end.
As a Commissioner for over 20 years now, I am finding that my junior commissioners really do not take their jobs at all seriously.
As a Commissioner for over 20 years now, I am finding that my junior commissioners really do not take their jobs at all seriously.
This was the week of the Democratic (Socialist) National Convention, and I discovered a robust similarity between the Democratic Socialists who are deemed to be their stars, their leaders and the majority of the Beaufort County Commissioners: They do not fully endorse law and order.
This was the week of the Democratic (Socialist) National Convention, and I discovered a robust similarity between the Democratic Socialists who are deemed to be their stars, their leaders and the majority of the Beaufort County Commissioners: They do not fully endorse law and order.
In the Age of Covid, I have fundamentally re-arranged my business, my personal responsibilities, in fact nearly my entire life because of an insidious pandemic, which is partly manmade and partly real.
In the Age of Covid, I have fundamentally re-arranged my business, my personal responsibilities, in fact nearly my entire life because of an insidious pandemic, which is partly manmade and partly real.
Very recently, finally, I discovered why a good bit of my efficiency has been compromised over the last number of months in these crazy days of malaise here in the Age of Covid, and guess what: It was my mouse.
Very recently, finally, I discovered why a good bit of my efficiency has been compromised over the last number of months in these crazy days of malaise here in the Age of Covid, and guess what: It was my mouse.
Surrogate Cardi B has Covid Joe in her camp, and Familial Joe really appreciates that his granddaughter is such a big fan of this "brilliant musician". If you listen to them both in them this video of an abomination of an interview, you will observe a distinct commonality - stupidity.
Surrogate Cardi B has Covid Joe in her camp, and Familial Joe really appreciates that his granddaughter is such a big fan of this "brilliant musician". If you listen to them both in them this video of an abomination of an interview, you will observe a distinct commonality - stupidity.
For all of you that believe that the Democratic Socialists did not collude with the Democratic Socialist Propagandist Media, Orwellian in Scope, to defraud over 74 million real voters by millions of fraudulent voters to defeat our best president since Ronald Reagan, pay close attention going forward
For all of you that believe that the Democratic Socialists did not collude with the Democratic Socialist Propagandist Media, Orwellian in Scope, to defraud over 74 million real voters by millions of fraudulent voters to defeat our best president since Ronald Reagan, pay close attention going forward
One of my living heroes, Rush Limbaugh, is now dead of Lung Cancer at 70 years of age.
I have a opinions due to certain knowledge about politicians, the election process, the Constitutions (state and federal), and the history of this Republic and the World at large.
I have a opinions due to certain knowledge about politicians, the election process, the Constitutions (state and federal), and the history of this Republic and the World at large.
Presidents Day, this 2021, may be one of the most significant in the history of these United States.
Marjorie Taylor Greene, U.S. House Representative from the 14th District in Northern Georgia, spoke to America about her situation as a freshmen congresswoman after she was stripped by the unprecedented vote by the Democratic Socialist majority in the House to strip her of committee assignments.
Marjorie Taylor Greene, U.S. House Representative from the 14th District in Northern Georgia, spoke to America about her situation as a freshmen congresswoman after she was stripped by the unprecedented vote by the Democratic Socialist majority in the House to strip her of committee assignments.
So much is made of the Cancel Culture, which is as real as Trump Derangement Syndrome; however, the Impeachment Culture, as an offshoot of this Cancel Culture, has NOW won the day for the religiously Woke.
So much is made of the Cancel Culture, which is as real as Trump Derangement Syndrome; however, the Impeachment Culture, as an offshoot of this Cancel Culture, has NOW won the day for the religiously Woke.
In a year of bad actions by very bad people, this is by far the worst done to destroy this Constitutional Republic. Anyone telling you different is either a liar, a Stupid or those that truly hate our United States Constitution.
In a year of bad actions by very bad people, this is by far the worst done to destroy this Constitutional Republic. Anyone telling you different is either a liar, a Stupid or those that truly hate our United States Constitution.
Today, America's second Fake Impeachment of Donald J. Trump, just days before he leaves office, may speak more about those Impeaching the President than he who is indicted.
Today, America's second Fake Impeachment of Donald J. Trump, just days before he leaves office, may speak more about those Impeaching the President than he who is indicted.
Are you spending your precious time wisely, or are you a pawn, an infinitesimal cog, in someone else's Global Plan?
Are you spending your precious time wisely, or are you a pawn, an infinitesimal cog, in someone else's Global Plan?
Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook has now joined the ranks of those of us who have created moderated informational platforms that act as a hybrid publication.
Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook has now joined the ranks of those of us who have created moderated informational platforms that act as a hybrid publication.
Contrary to what many people believe, or some are even capable of understanding, I would like to express something that I know to be true.
Contrary to what many people believe, or some are even capable of understanding, I would like to express something that I know to be true.
And what did I hear that slacked my jowl in utter disbelief?
This certainty of truth, denied by the "Covid" Joe Biden campaign in mid October during 2020 election, multilaterally censored by Big Tech social platforms, while under a complete news blackout by the Democratic Socialist Propagandist Media, the perfect truth is now revealed.
This certainty of truth, denied by the "Covid" Joe Biden campaign in mid October during 2020 election, multilaterally censored by Big Tech social platforms, while under a complete news blackout by the Democratic Socialist Propagandist Media, the perfect truth is now revealed.
Lara Logan, a real journalist unlike those that occupy their incurious space within the Democratic Socialist Propagandist Media, stated on FOX and Friends, December 19, 2020, that she believes that America, our Constitutional Republic, is in for some serious trouble.
Lara Logan, a real journalist unlike those that occupy their incurious space within the Democratic Socialist Propagandist Media, stated on FOX and Friends, December 19, 2020, that she believes that America, our Constitutional Republic, is in for some serious trouble.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg was a lion for the Leftist cause for decades after her nomination by President Clinton.
Democratic Socialist Joe Biden, who has continually complained about America - in more conservative states - going back to work after the Covid close down, lambasted the president over a report based on propagandist's lies, then complained about the unemployment rate being sliced by a huge amount.
Democratic Socialist Joe Biden, who has continually complained about America - in more conservative states - going back to work after the Covid close down, lambasted the president over a report based on propagandist's lies, then complained about the unemployment rate being sliced by a huge amount.
Nancy Pelosis has made a living out of leading the most intellectually dull, non patriot band of do-nothing, feckless House of Representatives in the entire 231 years of its existence.
Nancy Pelosis has made a living out of leading the most intellectually dull, non patriot band of do-nothing, feckless House of Representatives in the entire 231 years of its existence.
Beaufort County Commissioner Hood Richardson found a way, once again, to keep us informed and somewhat entertained as his explains the bold reality of governing as a Conservative amongst the political backdrop of the long years of Democratic Socialist /nominal Republican control.
Beaufort County Commissioner Hood Richardson found a way, once again, to keep us informed and somewhat entertained as his explains the bold reality of governing as a Conservative amongst the political backdrop of the long years of Democratic Socialist /nominal Republican control.
In this upcoming 2020 Presidential Election, with so many down ballot candidates incredibly important to properly govern our people, the more I continue to consider the Mass Mailing of ballots to these far too many "To Whom it May Concern"s, I am reasonably assured this will be a contested election.
In this upcoming 2020 Presidential Election, with so many down ballot candidates incredibly important to properly govern our people, the more I continue to consider the Mass Mailing of ballots to these far too many "To Whom it May Concern"s, I am reasonably assured this will be a contested election.
In this inaugural episode of Beaufort County NOW's community /regional based program, "What's Happening", where interviewing interesting people will be our prime directive, we talk with 6 term Beaufort County Commissioner Hood Richardson.
In this inaugural episode of Beaufort County NOW's community /regional based program, "What's Happening", where interviewing interesting people will be our prime directive, we talk with 6 term Beaufort County Commissioner Hood Richardson.
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