Teacher's Desk | Eastern North Carolina Now

Delma Blinson tells it the way he sees it.


Teacher's Desk  

Delma Blinson tells it the way he sees it.

Some of the Democrats in the General Assembly have already begun The Whine about the "devastating cuts" Republicans are making to the UNC system. That's foolishness. They should, in fact, be much more substantial.
Some of the Democrats in the General Assembly have already begun The Whine about the "devastating cuts" Republicans are making to the UNC system. That's foolishness. They should, in fact, be much more substantial.
I am convinced that when the history is written of North Carolina public education in the early part of the 21st century the most notable story will be that of "choice."
I am convinced that when the history is written of North Carolina public education in the early part of the 21st century the most notable story will be that of "choice."
Republicans in the General Assembly think they can fix what's wrong with our public schools. Here we go again.
By now almost everyone here has heard about Social Studies Teacher Tonya Dixon-Neely from North Rowan High School.
By now almost everyone here has heard about Social Studies Teacher Tonya Dixon-Neely from North Rowan High School.
Tenure, or whatever you want to call it, is necessary and essential until we reform the way school boards operate in this state.
Tenure, or whatever you want to call it, is necessary and essential until we reform the way school boards operate in this state.
One of the topics in Legal Reasoning was "Fallacies." I introduced it by defining a fallacy as a conclusion that while often supported by competent evidence/facts was nonetheless either untrue or contrary to the evidence/facts.
One of the topics in Legal Reasoning was "Fallacies." I introduced it by defining a fallacy as a conclusion that while often supported by competent evidence/facts was nonetheless either untrue or contrary to the evidence/facts.
I hesitated to report this but after a second thought decided to do so simply because it is one of the most debated issues in education. Homework, that is.
I hesitated to report this but after a second thought decided to do so simply because it is one of the most debated issues in education. Homework, that is.
Beaufort County Schools has recently announced the creation of a new "hotline" to report bullying.
Beaufort County Schools has recently announced the creation of a new "hotline" to report bullying.
A long awaited major study of the effects of school choice has now been published. You can read about it by clicking here. The study was essentially a review of the literature on hundreds of research projects looking at various issues related to school choice.
A long awaited major study of the effects of school choice has now been published. You can read about it by clicking here. The study was essentially a review of the literature on hundreds of research projects looking at various issues related to school choice.
But as much as we are biased in their favor, I'm not convinced that it is sound public policy for the government to provide pre-school education for all children.
But as much as we are biased in their favor, I'm not convinced that it is sound public policy for the government to provide pre-school education for all children.
Readers will recall that when the Republican-controlled Legislature was working on the budget for this year there went up a huge hue and cry from the education community, the union reps and Governor Perdue that the public schools were being devastated by the cuts the Legislature was making.
Readers will recall that when the Republican-controlled Legislature was working on the budget for this year there went up a huge hue and cry from the education community, the union reps and Governor Perdue that the public schools were being devastated by the cuts the Legislature was making.
We used to think conspiracy theorists were kooks. But in recent years we've seen too many examples of crazy stuff being done by our government. Here's just another one of them.
We used to think conspiracy theorists were kooks. But in recent years we've seen too many examples of crazy stuff being done by our government. Here's just another one of them.
A new report published this week by the National School Boards Association says that American students spend as much or more time in school as their counterparts in other developed nations.
A new report published this week by the National School Boards Association says that American students spend as much or more time in school as their counterparts in other developed nations.
I would take this occasion as a former professor of School Law to suggest that this is the kind of school story we need to learn to read with a careful eye. I don't believe Mr. Bostic was forced to resign because he suspended a 9-year old student for calling his teacher "cute."
I would take this occasion as a former professor of School Law to suggest that this is the kind of school story we need to learn to read with a careful eye. I don't believe Mr. Bostic was forced to resign because he suspended a 9-year old student for calling his teacher "cute."
There is a scam being run on the people of North Carolina, and the college students specifically. It is the debate about raising tuition in the UNC system next year.
There is a scam being run on the people of North Carolina, and the college students specifically. It is the debate about raising tuition in the UNC system next year.
In that piece I shared a new report that detailed the changes in modern college and university curricula away from required foundational courses more toward a smorgasbord that ignores the classics of the liberal arts curriculum.
In that piece I shared a new report that detailed the changes in modern college and university curricula away from required foundational courses more toward a smorgasbord that ignores the classics of the liberal arts curriculum.
How shall they learn unless they are taught? The corollary to that is: How shall they learn what they need to know unless they are taught what it is they need to know.
How shall they learn unless they are taught? The corollary to that is: How shall they learn what they need to know unless they are taught what it is they need to know.
Newly elected School Board chairman Mac Hodges failed his first major test in that new position. He did so by sitting by allowing the board to flounder in the redistricting process.
Newly elected School Board chairman Mac Hodges failed his first major test in that new position. He did so by sitting by allowing the board to flounder in the redistricting process.
Good academic researchers have known for a long time that the best research is that which shows what you thought you already knew was correct.
Good academic researchers have known for a long time that the best research is that which shows what you thought you already knew was correct.
The News & Observer is reporting that House Speaker Thom Tillis has said that cutting the N. C. Teaching Fellows program was a mistake. Moreover, it is reported that he has said he has asked his staff to find a way to keep the program going.
The News & Observer is reporting that House Speaker Thom Tillis has said that cutting the N. C. Teaching Fellows program was a mistake. Moreover, it is reported that he has said he has asked his staff to find a way to keep the program going.
While we strongly support the idea of parents being able to choose where to send their child to school we would like to propose for debate another idea.
While we strongly support the idea of parents being able to choose where to send their child to school we would like to propose for debate another idea.
The UNC system in North Carolina is adapting itself to a roughly 16% budget reduction from the last session of the General Assembly.
The UNC system in North Carolina is adapting itself to a roughly 16% budget reduction from the last session of the General Assembly.
Even though almost everyone's experience and common sense tell us differently, we have build the idea of equality, specifically equality of results, into virtually everything about our public schools. It remains one of the major reasons that there is so much opposition to giving parents choice.
Even though almost everyone's experience and common sense tell us differently, we have build the idea of equality, specifically equality of results, into virtually everything about our public schools. It remains one of the major reasons that there is so much opposition to giving parents choice.
We know of no one more in favor of reducing government spending and lowering taxes than are we. But there is a point sometimes beyond which we should never go.
We know of no one more in favor of reducing government spending and lowering taxes than are we. But there is a point sometimes beyond which we should never go.
The Republicans are crowing about how little they cut when they should be cutting much more.
Neither they nor we contend the list is a true reflection of the best and worst of the nation's high schools, but what it does do is reflect those schools that make a concerted attempt to prepare their students for college.
Neither they nor we contend the list is a true reflection of the best and worst of the nation's high schools, but what it does do is reflect those schools that make a concerted attempt to prepare their students for college.
Back when we were in our teacher training program in college one of the assigned readings was a book entitled "The way it spozed to be."
I recently wrote a Teacher's Desk piece in which I said that there is little evidence that pre-school programs have much of a lasting effect on the success of students in later years.
I recently wrote a Teacher's Desk piece in which I said that there is little evidence that pre-school programs have much of a lasting effect on the success of students in later years.
I had the opportunity recently to observe the NC Senate Education Committee debate S 423 which, if it passes, will create a Joint Legislative Oversight Committee to study "teacher tenure."
I had the opportunity recently to observe the NC Senate Education Committee debate S 423 which, if it passes, will create a Joint Legislative Oversight Committee to study "teacher tenure."
The answer is "no" and they take valuable resources from programs that do make a long term difference and many for less money. So why do we keep funding them?
There's a lot of talk these days about teachers. More specifically, what kind of compensation should teachers receive and whether they should receive "tenure."
There's a lot of talk these days about teachers. More specifically, what kind of compensation should teachers receive and whether they should receive "tenure."
Essentially this bill, if it becomes law, would eliminate the end-of-course tests in US History, Civics & Economics, Algebra II and Physical Science.
Essentially this bill, if it becomes law, would eliminate the end-of-course tests in US History, Civics & Economics, Algebra II and Physical Science.
Thousands of teachers are on strike as this is being written. And what they are striking for is the biggest threat to America we have ever faced.
Thousands of teachers are on strike as this is being written. And what they are striking for is the biggest threat to America we have ever faced.
Should North Carolina remove the cap now existing on the number of public charter schools in the state?
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