Teacher's Desk | Eastern North Carolina Now

Delma Blinson tells it the way he sees it.


Teacher's Desk  

Delma Blinson tells it the way he sees it.

In my opinion truer words have seldom been spoken on the subject of what needs to be done to improve our schools.
Every person in Beaufort County (or North Carolina for that matter) who is interested in public education should have been at the Conservative Republicans Club Thursday (7-10-14) night.
Every person in Beaufort County (or North Carolina for that matter) who is interested in public education should have been at the Conservative Republicans Club Thursday (7-10-14) night.
I still remember my first job. It was as a "carry-out" boy at a local grocery store. We took the customer's groceries to their car for them. Somewhat like the Piggly Wiggly still does.
I still remember my first job. It was as a "carry-out" boy at a local grocery store. We took the customer's groceries to their car for them. Somewhat like the Piggly Wiggly still does.
Tom Campbell, of NC Spin recently suggest that "Let's take teacher pay off the table." No he was not suggesting that the issue of teacher pay be ignored, but quite the opposite...that it be "settled" once and for all.
Tom Campbell, of NC Spin recently suggest that "Let's take teacher pay off the table." No he was not suggesting that the issue of teacher pay be ignored, but quite the opposite...that it be "settled" once and for all.
From the standards grows an entire industry that seeks to make money "training" educators how to get students to do at least well enough on those tests.
From the standards grows an entire industry that seeks to make money "training" educators how to get students to do at least well enough on those tests.
Politicians just do not know how to teach reading. The sooner they learn that, the better everyone will be.
The Guilford County Board of Education has voted unanimously to file a lawsuit against the State of North Carolina contesting the new law that replaces teacher tenure with term contracts plus a salary bonus.
The Guilford County Board of Education has voted unanimously to file a lawsuit against the State of North Carolina contesting the new law that replaces teacher tenure with term contracts plus a salary bonus.
There are a lot of upset teachers in North Carolina these days, or so it seems, from media reports. The target of their ire is the Republican-led Legislature.
There are a lot of upset teachers in North Carolina these days, or so it seems, from media reports. The target of their ire is the Republican-led Legislature.
It should be noted before going any further that the law on teacher tenure was changed by the Legislature to eliminate "career status" or tenure.
It should be noted before going any further that the law on teacher tenure was changed by the Legislature to eliminate "career status" or tenure.
This commentary will make more sense if you review this article and particularly if you watch the video of Dr. Phipps' report to the Beaufort County Board of Education at its November meeting.
This commentary will make more sense if you review this article and particularly if you watch the video of Dr. Phipps' report to the Beaufort County Board of Education at its November meeting.
Partly as a result of these experiences I read with interest a recent article the The Chronicle Of Higher Education (arguably the most read publication related to higher education news).
Partly as a result of these experiences I read with interest a recent article the The Chronicle Of Higher Education (arguably the most read publication related to higher education news).
Jesse Saffron, a staffer at the John W. Pope Center for Higher Education Policy think tank has a well reasoned and lucid piece in the Carolina Journal on the issue of extra pay for teachers with graduate degrees.
Jesse Saffron, a staffer at the John W. Pope Center for Higher Education Policy think tank has a well reasoned and lucid piece in the Carolina Journal on the issue of extra pay for teachers with graduate degrees.
I have a challenge for you. Recall the best teacher you ever had. Now think about what characteristics that teacher had and compare it to the other teachers you can remember whom you would never have selected as "best." Chances are you can't even remember those who did not make your cut.
I have a challenge for you. Recall the best teacher you ever had. Now think about what characteristics that teacher had and compare it to the other teachers you can remember whom you would never have selected as "best." Chances are you can't even remember those who did not make your cut.
Politicians who run for office always look for issues they thin will get them votes. I suspect if you could accurately assess it, the high school "dropout" rate might well be one of the top issues non-incumbents have chosen to run "against" over the last half century or so.
Politicians who run for office always look for issues they thin will get them votes. I suspect if you could accurately assess it, the high school "dropout" rate might well be one of the top issues non-incumbents have chosen to run "against" over the last half century or so.
The reasons we have consented to limited government are to preserve the freedom to pursue happiness, the freedom to be different and the freedom to be left alone.
The reasons we have consented to limited government are to preserve the freedom to pursue happiness, the freedom to be different and the freedom to be left alone.
Gov. McCrory is right on target in calling for this review. But it is not a matter of a certain number of tests that are given but rather what the nature of and use of the tests are.
Gov. McCrory is right on target in calling for this review. But it is not a matter of a certain number of tests that are given but rather what the nature of and use of the tests are.
School board chair Cindy Winstead raised an interesting issue at the May meeting while discussing Senate Bill 236.
Those interested in public education in North Carolina who missed the May 16, 2013 Beaufort TEA Party meeting you missed an excellent chance to learn about "Common Core," perhaps the hottest topic in education circles today.
Those interested in public education in North Carolina who missed the May 16, 2013 Beaufort TEA Party meeting you missed an excellent chance to learn about "Common Core," perhaps the hottest topic in education circles today.
I am encouraged by the discussions the Beaufort County Board of Education is having about how it can function more effectively, and hopefully more efficiently.
I am encouraged by the discussions the Beaufort County Board of Education is having about how it can function more effectively, and hopefully more efficiently.
One would think we Americans would learn. Government does not do very much very well.
This is a story about a big fish tale. The fish itself was big and the consequences of the dispute was big. About a million dollars worth.
This is a story about a big fish tale. The fish itself was big and the consequences of the dispute was big. About a million dollars worth.
Much of the advance in human knowledge comes from our university systems. We live better lives because of some of it.
ormer Governor and emeritus Davidson College chemistry professor Jim Martin has issued his report on the investigation of crip courses at UNC-CH. It was essentially an exoneration of the Big Shots in the UNC system and the system itself.
ormer Governor and emeritus Davidson College chemistry professor Jim Martin has issued his report on the investigation of crip courses at UNC-CH. It was essentially an exoneration of the Big Shots in the UNC system and the system itself.
As I listened to Henry Hinton's Talk of the Town local radio program on Tuesday (12-18-12), I was simply amazed and troubled at the ignorance depicted by the hosts and several of the callers.
As I listened to Henry Hinton's Talk of the Town local radio program on Tuesday (12-18-12), I was simply amazed and troubled at the ignorance depicted by the hosts and several of the callers.
A million years ago I did my doctoral dissertation on court cases that dealt with school spending's impact on student achievement.
When I was a principal at a large high school in Wake County back in the 80's the first year we used computers to schedule students' classes we used the old punch card system.
When I was a principal at a large high school in Wake County back in the 80's the first year we used computers to schedule students' classes we used the old punch card system.
Some citizens of the United States have become sheep because their education has been sorely lacking in inspired teaching by teachers who know and are inspired themselves about important subjects.
Some citizens of the United States have become sheep because their education has been sorely lacking in inspired teaching by teachers who know and are inspired themselves about important subjects.
Regrettably, it is not likely that the Beaufort County Board of Education election will get much attention this year amidst all the hoopla of a presidential/gubernatorial election.
Regrettably, it is not likely that the Beaufort County Board of Education election will get much attention this year amidst all the hoopla of a presidential/gubernatorial election.
First, Governor Perdue, Superintendent Atkinson and other education leaders should really stop and realize how utterly foolish they sound to say that the nearly $10 billion dollars that were dumped into the K-12 system in 2009 and 2010 from Obama's "stimulus" program should be maintained.
First, Governor Perdue, Superintendent Atkinson and other education leaders should really stop and realize how utterly foolish they sound to say that the nearly $10 billion dollars that were dumped into the K-12 system in 2009 and 2010 from Obama's "stimulus" program should be maintained.
A unanimous Court of Appeals Tuesday handed the Republican controlled Legislature a stunning defeat on the issue of pre-Kindergarten education.
A unanimous Court of Appeals Tuesday handed the Republican controlled Legislature a stunning defeat on the issue of pre-Kindergarten education.
Essentially what the article reported was the approval which was sought and obtained by a representative of the Beaufort County Health Department to accept a grant to provide nutrition education to elementary school children at selected schools in Beaufort County.
Essentially what the article reported was the approval which was sought and obtained by a representative of the Beaufort County Health Department to accept a grant to provide nutrition education to elementary school children at selected schools in Beaufort County.
John Denver fans will remember one of his hit songs that said: "some days are diamonds, some days are stones. Sometimes the hard times just won't leave us along." That tune comes to mind when one looks John at the recently released test scores for Beaufort County Schools.
John Denver fans will remember one of his hit songs that said: "some days are diamonds, some days are stones. Sometimes the hard times just won't leave us along." That tune comes to mind when one looks John at the recently released test scores for Beaufort County Schools.
In January 2012, the members of the Cabarrus County Board of Education gave preliminary approval to a virtual charter school operated by a non-profit organization, N.C. Learns.
In January 2012, the members of the Cabarrus County Board of Education gave preliminary approval to a virtual charter school operated by a non-profit organization, N.C. Learns.
Anne Blythe, writing for the News & Observer has an interesting story on the ongoing dispute between one school system in the state, Cabarrus County, and the rest of the school systems, the State Board of Education and essentially The Education Establishment in the state.
Anne Blythe, writing for the News & Observer has an interesting story on the ongoing dispute between one school system in the state, Cabarrus County, and the rest of the school systems, the State Board of Education and essentially The Education Establishment in the state.
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