Beaufort County Commissioners Pass Resolution to Request that Congress Ratify a Budget | Eastern North Carolina Now

Beaufort County Commissioners request that the United States Congress pass a budget after 4 years of their constitutional neglect.

The 4 to 3 (Democrats) vote to do the right thing was emblematic of the partisanship that has become liberal Democrat politics. For ensconced Democrats: Just what is the right thing to do?

    These are verifiable precepts in the possible continuation of the Republic that are as certain as the sun rising each and every day whether the Republic is sustained and continued. It is as if hardened Democrats are certain that this government, which has been created for all Americans, is really only for those that directly benefit from that government, in benefits such as: government paychecks, various retirements, entitlements - real and undeserved - their connectivity to this sprawling mass that is 17 trillion dollars in debt at the Federal level, and over 3 billion dollars in debt at the North Carolina state level before the Republicans gained absolute power in Raleigh.

    This is the way of trough politics - strident Democrat politics. Is this any way to sustain the Republic?

    No. That constant conundrum only matters if one cares. These rank and file Democrats generally don't care, and that is the absolute truth of it, and proof is offered every day, and recently here in Beaufort County.

    How would I know this?

    Tell me the last time that a practicing Democrat considered, and spearheaded innovative governing practices to streamline government, to make the People's governing process more efficient, more responsive to a sustainable republic? I implore that someone make verifiable mention of such, and we will be most pleased to publish that personal Democrat truth.

    Until I receive such, I will remember these facts: In my last nearly 10 years as a county commissioner, I have not witnessed one elected Democrat make any political provisions to increase governing efficiencies to reduce county spending. Since the Democrats have long ruled North Carolina through Raleigh, I have witnessed gross government inefficiency and waste substantial to the point that when the economy turned down in 2008, the state government went into the red by 3 billion dollars, with no plan to recover from this fiscal deficiency. The Democrat-controlled United States Senate has produced no budget in four years, which is their constitutional duty, for to do so would require that the Senate consider cutting the rate of increase in government spending. As long as congress continues to enter into productive debt ceiling negotiations, the Democrats controlling the U.S. Senate, obviously, see no reason to change their understanding that the growth in government largess must increase to satisfy the needs of their financially dependent constituents.

    French philosopher and author Alexis de Tocqueville mused in his widely quoted missive Democracy in America, the first volume published in 1835: “The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.” ― Alexis de Tocqueville.

    How prophetic?

    Even though most strident Democrats have no idea who Alexis de Tocqueville was, and what prophetic words he spoke then that are so analogous now, they all understand how important government's primary function is to sustain their financial way of life, and to what extent government funds the unproductive, whose loyalty to that precept keeps them elected.

    Remarkably, Beaufort County's Democrat Commissioners: Jerry langley, Ed Booth, Robert Belcher voted, in mass, to not support my resolution, and accordingly, to continue with no constitutionally mandated budget in our Republican government. During that Beaufort County General Meeting, September 9, 2013, there was no discussion offered by these Democrats, no alternatives proffered, complete Democrat ambivalence to the constitutional needs of a functional republic.

    Oh well ... such is the way of the Liberal. Ignorance is, and will always remain bliss.

    Here below is that resolution that the Beaufort County Commissioners do beg congress, primarily the upper chamber, to resolve our Budget Crisis in Washington, DC.

Resolution to Resolve the Federal Government Budget Crisis

    Whereas, the United States Congress is charged by the United States Constitution to devise and pass a budget each year by April 15th, and,

    Whereas, the United States House of Representatives are constitutionally charged with devising a budget based upon spending originating from that chamber of congress, which the Republican led House of Representatives has prepared, and passed, and sent to the United States Senate, as per the United States Constitution, for their consideration, and ultimately reconciliation and passage, and then to be sent to the executive branch to be signed into law, and,

    Whereas, it is incumbent upon the executive branch to present a proposed budget, reasonable in substance, devised to suggest the fiscal wishes of the president, and to what he would accept from the legislative branch to signed into law, and,

    Whereas, the Republican controlled House of Representatives, since they took control of that in 2010, has created a reasonable budget each year hence, passed, then sent United States Senate, and,

    Whereas, the Democrat controlled U.S. Senate has not considered the U.S. House budget, has not written a budget of their own to be reconciled, and has completely abdicated their constitutional responsibility to do so, therefore,

    Let it be resolved, that the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners, as duly elected representatives of the citizens of Beaufort County, do hereby request that the United States Congress, and in particular, the U.S. Senate, do hereby perform their constitutional duties, and pass a budget for our federal government so that it may be signed into law.

Written by Beaufort County Commissioner Stan Deatherage, and submitted to the Beaufort County Board of County Commissioners, North Carolina, for passage on September 9, 2013. It was requested that this resolution be sent to the North Carolina Delegation of congresspeople, both house and senate, all leadership positions, the president, and all North Carolina county governments.

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