SCOTUS takes sledgehammer to bureaucrat rulemaking power | Eastern North Carolina Now

caging the admnistrative state


In a huge blow for freedom, the US Supreme Court in a 6 to 3 decision abolished a key source of bureaucratic rulemaking authority, the so-called "Chevron doctrine". This is a blow to the administrative state and a blow for liberty.  The Chevron doctrine had hamstrung court challenges to bureaucratic rules by giving government agencies huge lattitude in interpreting their power under statutory law, and limited the ability of courts to question those interpretations.  Those shackles on the courts are now off, and will enable many challenges that previously had no hope of success.

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( June 29th, 2024 @ 9:09 am )
This creates a real easy way to get rid of Biden and even Obama federal rules that push the liberal agenda. It might be tempting to just issue executive orders declaring them void because the were passed without real statutory authority. A better way would be to use the "sue and settle" approach often used by the liberals. A conservative group files a lawsuit someshere challenging a set of rules on the basis of this new Supreme Court ruling. The new Trump Justice Department then settles the case agreeing that the rules had no legitimate statutory basis. Both parties agree on a consent judgment finding the rules illegally adopted and void nationally. Once the judge signs it, those rules are history.
( June 28th, 2024 @ 8:35 pm )
This decision gives legislative power back to where the founders intended it, the legislative branch and will stop the authoritarian overreach of the executive branch. This will nuke a lot of Biden's power grabs, including the "universal background check" gun control rule, but a whole lot more, including some of Obama's like the DACA exeuctive amnesty.

Amny Coney Barrett is a huge disappointment for siding with big government in two key opinions. That one of her clerks is closely tied to the censorship machine "Newsguard" is telling. Trump needs to be more careful in his SCOTUS appointments next term. Forget abortion, and look instead to first amendment and separation of powers in choosing nominees.
Big Bob said:
( June 28th, 2024 @ 5:43 pm )
Life time appointments means they can decide cases as they see fit. As the founders intended. America really is a great country.
( June 28th, 2024 @ 12:24 pm )
Amy Coney Barrett was the only Republican appointee to vote for big government in this decision. This follows her leading the charge for big government by writing the opinion favoring big government in the key free speech case last week. What is happening to Barrett? Why is she turning into a big government disciple?

This conflict of interest on free speech is disgusting:

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