Will Coleman's sour grapes team challenge our sheriff in 2026? | Eastern North Carolina Now

they are still bitter over 2020 primary


In the Republican primary in 2020, challenger Scott Hammonds decisively defeated incumbent Sheriff Ernie Coleman and went on to win election in November.  The Coleman team never accepted their loss, and now there are rumblings with at least two names floating of a sour grapes challenge to Sheriff Hammonds from the Coleman team in 2026, probably in the Republican primary.

Team Coleman was so bitter over their primary loss that a number of them openly backed the Democrat nominee against Hammonds in the general election in 2020. In some ways that is not surprising, since after being elected sheriff, Coleman had kept much of the sheriffs department leadership team of his Democrat predecessor Alan Jordan.  The Coleman administration of the sheriff's department was in many ways just a warmed over Jorden administration.

The tantrum appears not to be over, and Team Coleman seems to have its eye on 2026.

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Van Zant said:
( June 30th, 2024 @ 1:20 pm )
Thanks, leftist Big Bob for helping me make my point!
( June 30th, 2024 @ 1:00 pm )
Big Bob Approved - Beaufort County's Center-Left Coalition and the Beaufort County GOP ...

Anyone shocked?
Big Bob said:
( June 30th, 2024 @ 8:51 am )
Translation - 5 of the 7 do their job for the people who elected them. You don't sound well my friend.
Van Zant said:
( June 30th, 2024 @ 9:32 am )
Speaking of the Beaufort County Commission: Of the three "self-proclaimed bipartisan centrist" Republican commissioners, two were Democrats that changed party in order to get elected. One of those tried first as a Democrat and failed, the other changed shortly before running the first time. The third is a transplanted northern progressive Republican. I think all three are now on the county Repub exec. committee as at-large members. As county commissioners they are at least ex-officio members anyway.

Not so for the two conservative Republican commissioners. From what I hear it isn't likely the exec. committee leadership would allow them to be at-large members. They don't even recognize the ex-officio membership status of one of the conservative commissioners.

The Beaufort County Executive Committee is clearly an anti-conservative pro-progressive organization that is many times out of step with the Republican Party platform and the Republican Party plan of organization.

Considering any future sheriff race or any other local race, I wouldn't be surprised what this organization did.
( June 29th, 2024 @ 11:20 pm )
When people plaintively beg the answer: What is wrong with the Beaufort County Board of County Commissioners? I most often just easily, honestly, thus simply answer - the Beaufort County GOP.

The Beaufort County GOP Executive Committee celebrates the machinations of this board of county commissioners' Center-Left Coalition, where a "paper majority" of 3 Republicans work in concert with just 2 Democratic Socialist Commissioners to create a working 5 to 2 majority of 3 RINO Republicans ("self-proclaimed bipartisan progressive centrists"), and 2 unabashed Leftists (Idiot Joe Biden sycophants), duly hold majority control of this board of county Commissioners ... The two remaining Conservative Republicans, with 51 years of Conservative governing experience between them, represent the minority position to hold the hardened line against fraud, the wasteful policy of the local burgeoning Bureaucratic Class, and the political tyranny of those, whose policies often are "Side'n' with Biden," rather than the political renaissance of Ronald Reagan, and now President Donald Trump.

In this unholy alliance, one that is not only wasteful in purpose, but tumbling out of control toward the Left's maniacal advocacy for Big Government and its Two Tiered Weaponization for local elites, all is achieved with the stamp of approval by the local Beaufort County GOP.
( June 29th, 2024 @ 8:17 pm )
That sheriff election happened in 2022 not 2020. From my understanding there were two sitting members of the county executive committee forced to resign due to their actively supporting the Democrat sheriff candidate while holding office on the GOP committee. They were Frankie Waters and Kerry Cox. I have not seen that contributor list, but any other current executive committee members who likewise contributed to the Democrat may not have been serving in party office at the time they made the contribution. WHile that might raise questions about why they were elected a year later, they would not seem to have the same level of conflict of interest if they were not committee members when they contributed.

As Americans, we have a right to support whoever we want to in an election, but if we hold office in one political party we have a moral duty to resign that office if we want to work for a candidate of the other party. An ethical person would resign from one before starting to work for the other. Personal integriry demands it. There is too much opportunity to sit in on a meeting where you hear confidential campaign information discussed that should not be passed to the other side.
Van Zant said:
( June 29th, 2024 @ 4:55 pm )
This phony, dishonest condition of the organized GOP seems to be a state and nationwide problem, but I must say Beaufort County has an especially virulent, mean-spirited version of it. With this present cabal in charge, they have gone from being not that significant to being a group doing much more harm than good.
( June 29th, 2024 @ 11:42 am )
Why will nobody name the "Republican" commissioner who contributed to the Democrat sheriff nominee? His name is Frankie Waters, and yes, he is back on the county Republican executive committee. In fact, if you compare the contributor list for that Democrat sheriff candidate with the list of those elected to the current Beaufort County Republican executive committee, you will see more names on both of those lists than just Frankie Waters.

Somehow, all of those people were allowed to run for seats at the convention, but Tandy Dunn, whose exclusion was overturned by the state party, was not. When his precinct elected him precinct chairman, they were told they had to elect someone else or they would be considered an unorganized precinct. Why was he treated differently that those who wrote checks to that Democrat campaign? As the state party ruled, Tandy's exclusion was bogus and should never have happened in the first place, but he was the only one not allowed to run for office at last year's convention.
Van Zant said:
( June 29th, 2024 @ 10:18 am )
The thing I'm wondering about is if the commissioner in question that was asked to leave the exec. committee is now back on the Repub. exec. committee. I suppose he'll be running for office again as a Republican in two years.

What happened to Dunn really shows where this so called Repub committee is. They move against Dunn who did nothing wrong, while they reluctantly kindly ask a real traitor to leave for awhile, because his brazen treason act got attention.

It's easy to see why a lot of credible people refuse to have anything to do with this Repub exec. committee.
( June 29th, 2024 @ 9:58 am )
The GOP county commissioner who wrote a campaign check to the Democrat nominee for sheriff in 2022 and resigned when he was asked to from the county GOP executive committee is not running in the 2024 election. His seat comes up again in 2026.

Van Zant may be confusing him with Tandy Dunn who is running this year for commissioner and never gave any campaign contributions to that Democrat sheriff candidate. Dunn was involuntarily removed from the executive committee after he picked up his wife, who is a close relative of that Democrat sheriff candidate from a fundraiser. Dunn argued that he was supporting the Republican sheriff candidates and had campaign signs up for Republican Scott Hammonds on his property, and only went inside the building where the fundraiser was held to find his wife to give her a ride home. Dunn appealed his removal to the NCGOP Aribration Committee, which held a hearing and unanimously ruled that Dunn should not have been removed.

I think he is confusing two different county commission candidates. Supporting a Democrat is grounds for removal from Republican Party offices, but it was determined that Dunn going in that function toward its end to pick up his wife did not amount to supporting a Democrat. Writing a check to a Democrat, however, clearly does.
Van Zant said:
( June 29th, 2024 @ 9:09 am )
As I understand it, someone who was urged to resign from the exec. comm. for endorsing and writing a check to a Democrat sheriff candidate is now back on the exec. committee and is running for county commission again. Did I hear that right? If that is true, I guess anything is possible from these exec. comm. anti-conservative pro-Dem RINOs.
( June 28th, 2024 @ 9:44 pm )
RUmor has it that someone who was forced to resign from the county GOP executive committee for openly campaigning for the Democrat nominee for sheriff in 2022 is contemplating a run for sheriff in 2026, probably as a Republican. Would he be a viable candidate with such a history of political opportunism?
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