Thom Tillis rated one of worst 5 on economic issues in GOP caucus | Eastern North Carolina Now

rating by major economic issue PAC Club for Growth


The Club for Growth, a powerful conservative political action committee that focuses on economic issues like spending, taxes, debt, and the budget has issued it most recent economic scorecard of the US Senate.   North Carolina RINO Sen. Thom Tillis was rated one of the most liberal Republicans in the Senate on economic issues.  Tillis was rated as one of the worst five in the Reputlican Senate caucus.  The others in the worst five were RINOs Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Susan Collins of Maine, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, and Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma.

North Carolina's other senator, conservative Ted Budd ranked in 6th place as most conservative on economic issues with a score of 92%.  In the House, GOP Congressman Dan Bishop (R-NC) scored a perfect 100% and tied for best in the House.  The rest of the GOP delegation from NC had very mediocre scores.  Bishop is leaving Congress to run for Attorney General.

On the conservative end of the scale in the Senate, conservative Senators Ted Cruz of Texas, Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Mike Lee of Utah all tied for first place with perfect scores.

Meanwhile, Utah's Republican Senate primary nominated another Mitt Romney style GOP nominee, John Curtis in a disappointment to conservatives.  Curtis was backed heavily by Romney and by RINO leader Mitch McConnell and heavily funded by climate alarmists.  No big name conservative entered the race.  Small town mayor Trent Skaggs who had announced as an anti-Romney challenger before Romney retired was the only conservative in the race.  Skaggs got the endorsement of the Utah state Republican convention for the seat, but was not able to overcome Curtis' big money, much of which was from liberal sources in both parties.  Meet the new Romney, same as the old Romney.

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( June 29th, 2024 @ 9:00 am )
Tillis is responsible for the most economically destructive pieces of Biden economic legislation, the misnamed "Inflation Reduction Act" which should have been called the "Inflation Creation Act." The Democrats were able to pass that with a simple majority because Tillis and other RINOs helped Biden earlier pass his "Ingrastructure" Bill which contained a whole lot of spending that had nothing to do with infrastructure, by a 60+ vote margin. The Senate has one shot a year to pass a spending bill that does not require a fillibuster proof majority. The only reason the Democrats had that availible to pass the "Inflation Reduction Act" was that thats to Tillis and other RINOs, they had not had to use it to pass the "Infrastructure" bill.

Of course, Tillis has been a total Biden Republican when it somes to spending, debt, and taxes. We badly need to replace him in the next primary. Tillis is completely unacceptable.
( June 27th, 2024 @ 12:12 pm )
Tillis opposed building the wall on the southern border and is wrapped up in amnesty for illegal aliens. He was part of the recent Senate "gamg" pushing amnesty. Open Borders Tillis needs to go!
( June 27th, 2024 @ 11:29 am )
Tillis has been one of the worst RINOs in the US Senate since he has been there, and before that was a terrible RINO in the NC House. He was orginally recruited to run for the legislature by the corrupt duo of Richard "turncoat" Morgan and slimy Jim Black.

In 2020, we seemed to have a good strong conservative primary opponent, but then Trump screwed the pooch by endorsing Tillis. When he did that at a large Trump rally in North Carolina, there was loud booing. I have heard since that RINO Senate leader Mitch McConnell might have twisted Trump's arm on that one.
( June 27th, 2024 @ 9:30 am )
Tillis is awful on just about everything, including immigration and social issues. He also sold us out on gun control. We need to find a strong candidate to primary him in 2026. NEVER TILLIS.

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