"fact checker" Snopes finally admits truth on "very fine people" Charlottesville hoax | Eastern North Carolina Now

Trump did NOT call neo-nazis "very fine people"


The Charlottesville hoax, the claim that President Trump called the neo-nazis at Charlottesville "very fine people" has been bandied about by the far left for seven years.  Joe Biden cited it as his reason for running against Trump for president.  Now one of the key liberal self-appointed "fact check"  organizations, Snopes, has belatedly admitted it is not true, and in fact Trump never called the neo-nazis "very fine people."


This is par for the course for the "fact check" industry which is, largely funded by leftist megadonors like George Soros.  During the fight over Obamacare, all of the liberal "fact check" organizations called the claim that people could keep their plan and keep their doctor "true".  It was only after Obamacare passed and it was only of academic interest that notoriously far left spin group "PolitiFact" changed its position and called it "the lie of the century."

Meanwhile, Google has been outted for censoring information that contradicts the globalist climate narrative.  Even citing data from official government sources is not allowed if that data conflicts with their narrative.


Unless one is a flaming liberal and does not mind censorship of other viewpoints, no one should use censored Google for searches.  There are other more reliable search engines out there like DuckDuckGo, Brave Search,  Bing, and others


Video satire on "fact checkers":


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( June 28th, 2024 @ 9:43 am )
Some people make similar excuses for the real Nazis that Bobbie makes for the Hamas nazis. Same breed of cat.
Big Bob said:
( June 28th, 2024 @ 9:02 am )
No, it is more thought provoking than anything else. The world is a complex place.
( June 28th, 2024 @ 7:19 am )
Yeah, Little Bobbie, that is the "blame the victim" euphemism that much of the far left used to try to shift the blame for the Hamas terrorism. You parroted the talking point exactly.
Big Bob said:
( June 27th, 2024 @ 11:42 pm )
I said one thing. I said it didn't happen in a vacuum.I stand by that statement.
( June 27th, 2024 @ 1:44 pm )
Immediately after the Oct. 7 terrorist attack and pogrom, Little Bobbie, you parroted the excuses that were the talking points of the left to defend Hamas, saying "it didn't happen in a vacuum" and falsely blaming Isreal for "apartheid".

Your posts are little more than parroting the far left talking points of the day.
Big Bob said:
( June 27th, 2024 @ 12:55 pm )
I've read your posts, your opinion just doesn't carry that much weight.
BTW Criticizing the Israeli government doesn't make me a Hamas supporter. - just an American with the right to criticize my own government and by extension any other government. Something MAGA doesn't get.
Voters need to remember that
( June 27th, 2024 @ 12:02 pm )
Perfect example of why I consider you a dope, Bobbie. You cannot or will not grasp that there were a lot of people there at that event in Charlotteville who were not members of either radical group, not ANTIFA and not the neo-nazis. At least other liberals, at least belatedly do, such as Snopes.

Decent people know that the Hamas terrorists are Nazi pigs and do not make excuses for them, but you, on the other hand . . .
Big Bob said:
( June 27th, 2024 @ 10:11 am )
Perfect example of why I consider Trump a dope. It seems every time he opens his mouth, MAGA interpreters have to cover his tracks. Decent people know that Nazis are pigs and have no trouble staying away from such a controversy.
( June 26th, 2024 @ 1:20 pm )
At the time the demostration and counterdemonstration happened at Charlottesville, there were radicals on both sides, the neo-nazis on one side and the Marxist ANTIFA on the other. If both of them went away, it would be no loss to society. However there were also normal people on both sides who just cared about their own position on the statue, not what the radicals on either side said or did. It was those normal people that Trump was clearly talking about, and if one listens to the whole of his comments, that is very clear. The spin by the MSM and the left is a distortion. IT is late in the game, but I guess it is better late than never that Snopes has finally admitted the truth.

Oh and that video on "fact checkers" says it all. It is great.
Big Bob said:
( June 26th, 2024 @ 11:54 am )
I watched Trump on TV when he said it.

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