Undercover O’Keefe Video: Disney VP Says The Company Discriminates Against White Men | Eastern North Carolina Now

'I am a white male and that’s not who they’re looking to promote at the moment,' the man told an undercover journalist.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Spencer Lindquist.

    An undercover video captured by the O'Keefe Media Group shows a senior vice president at the Walt Disney Company saying that he was told by co-workers in the human resources department that the corporation discriminates against white men.

    Michael Giordano, a senior vice president and team lead at the Walt Disney Company, said the corporation discriminates against white men on account of their race and sex in O'Keefe's video. The report comes as the company has embraced far-left policies on gender and race, going so far as to embed them in their movies and television shows.

    "I have friends in HR and I have friends in other divisions. And they're like, 'Look, nobody else is going to tell you this, Mike, but they're not considering any white males for the job,'" Giordano divulged to an undercover journalist with O'Keefe Media Group.

    He also went on to say that being a white male limits his upward mobility within the company. "As far as Disney is concerned, I am a white male and that's not who they're looking to promote at the moment," he said.

    Giordano went on to allege that one biracial person was passed over for a promotion because he didn't look African American.

    "We wanted to hire somebody in the department ... who was half black but didn't like, appear half black and there was a creative executive who was like 'We're not, like, that's not, that's not what's wanted,'" he claimed. "They wanted somebody in meetings who would appear a certain way and he wasn't gonna bring that to the meeting."

    In the video, Giordano alleges that Disney attempts to prevent lawsuits by using euphemistic terminology. The company allegedly uses "code words and buzzwords that are used to explain what they're looking for... so it's not like a legally actionable thing," the senior vice president explained. He did, however, say that Disney's practices would likely eventually lead to a lawsuit.

    O'Keefe reported that Disney also awards bonuses to executives based on whether they recruited enough employees from non-white backgrounds.

    The allegations against Disney come as a wide array of companies have been caught discriminating against white and often Asian job applicants. Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced a lawsuit on Thursday against tech giant International Business Machines (IBM) over a policy of financially penalizing executives who did not recruit enough people from "underrepresented groups," accusing the company of discriminating against whites, Asians, and men.


    One Daily Wire investigation revealed that NASCAR hosted two different internships that explicitly listed certain racial backgrounds as program requirements, only omitting white people. A law professor told The Daily Wire that the program requirements were "blatantly illegal."

    Oracle hosted internship and scholarship opportunities that barred both whites and Asians, with approved racial groups being listed under the program's "eligibility requirements," another Daily Wire investigation found.

    Another probe found that corporations from across different sectors, including Bayer Pharmaceuticals, US Bank, Best Buy, and Liberty Mutual, all participated in a training program from McKinsey and Company that barred white people based on their race.

Considering the current overwhelming obstacles inflicting stress upon America's working class: rampant inflation; energy insecurity; supply chain turmoil; banking failures; foreign policy disasters; government corruption; (DEI) Diversity Equity Inclusion narrative, with WOKE extremes practiced; Climate Change ideology; intractable crime wave in Leftist cities; wide open border by executive design; a permanently discredited Legacy Media; failed or failing education industry, just to name a few of the many: Who should Americans blame?
  Donald J. Trump
  Joseph R. Biden
  Leftist controlled Congress for the last 4 years.
  Bloated, incompetent bureaucracy weaponized and poorly managed
  The electorate, US, for putting these fools in elected office that utterly fail
277 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Considering the irrefutable fact that the Left /the Democratic Socialists, beginning in March of 2020, employed the repetitive use of the Covid Pandemic as a political cudgel to wrest a presidential election, where their candidate rarely left his basement, from a frightened and beaten down citizenry of this Representative Republic: What does your knowledge NOW, in hindsight, aid in your understanding of the motives of the Authoritarian Left?
  The "Left" cares about all Democratics, so it was imperative that we do whatever it took to elect a lifelong politician to become that Democratic Socialist to forever change US.
  Pandemics are serious business, where our leaders must use wisdom and practicable efforts of all that serve to protect the public from not only the pandemic, but these ignoble usurpers of the Left.
  I lost almost everything in the Covid Pandemic, and I want justice; a justice where only the truth prevails, and the rampant fraud that is now legend is remedied.
160 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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