Missouri AG will sue New York over election interference in Trump cases | Eastern North Carolina Now

case is within original jurisdiction of US Supreme Court


Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has announced that Missouri will be filing a civil suit against the state of New York for election interference in its cases against Donald Trump.   "I will be filing suit against the state of New York for their direct attack on our democratic process through unconstitutional lawfare against President Trump," Bailey declared. "It's time to restore the rule of law"

Lawsuits by one state against another are in the original jurisdiction of the US Supreme Court.  This case will be filed directly there.

"We have to fight back against a rogue prosecutor who is trying to take a presidential candidate off the campaign trail," Attorney General Bailey added, "It sabotages Missouians right to a free and fair election."

AG Bailey has been serving subpoenas directed at both the NY case against Trump and the DOJ's Jack Smith prosecution.  There has been speculation that he may also be looking at state criminal charges of election interference in Missouri courts against those involved in the Trump cases.

New York Attorney General Letitia James made election pledges to use her office against Trump when she ran for office.  Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg did the same thing.  As former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson observed, the cases against Trump are "nakedly political" and "a mob-style hit job on Trump">


Meanwhile, crooked Soros-backed Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg has dropped all of the charges against the radical pro-Hamas activists who took over a university building at Columbia University.  In addition to funding Bragg's campaign, Soros also funds those pro-Hamas radicals.


Now one of America's top legal scholars, famed retired Harvard Law School Constitutional Law Professor Alan Dershowitz is urging ordinary Americans to file lawsuits against New York for election interference in its bogus Trump case, and Dershowitz is a Democrat who voted for Biden.


Democrat former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has even admitted that that case against Trump was politically motivated and would not have been brought if Trump were not running for president.



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( June 24th, 2024 @ 4:05 pm )
The real political cult out there is the WOKE cult and Lyin' Hidin"Biden is up to his eyeballs in it. So are you, Bobbie.
Big Bob said:
( June 24th, 2024 @ 2:55 pm )
I was being respectful. The reality is:

MAGA - (C-Cult)
( June 24th, 2024 @ 12:31 pm )
That claim just shows how much of an ignorant moron you are, Little Bobbie. We have lots of third parties on the ballot in various states, the Libertarian Party, the Green Party, the Constitution Party, the Prohibition Party, the Conservative Party, the Liberal Party, the Right to Life Party, the Working Families Party, the Socialist Party, etc. but in NO STATE has there ever been a MAGA Party recognized by state election officials as a political party. Just the facts, Bobbie, just the facts.

The delusions of you "woke" fruitloops, however, are NOT fact.
Big Bob said:
( June 24th, 2024 @ 9:16 am )
Absolutely not. MAGA is a third party. Cant have it both ways.
( June 24th, 2024 @ 7:21 am )
We are conservatives and our party name is Republican. MAGA is simply the slogan of our current presidential candidate. Obviously, your talking points tell you to try to play mind games with this term, Bobbie, and you do so like the mindless lemming you are.

I am a Reagan Republican. In 2016, Ted Cruz was my first choice to carry the Reagan banner against the Democrats, but Donald Trump got the nod at the convention and did a good job of doing so. This year, I would have been okay with either Trump or deSantis or possibly even Ramaswammy. Trump got the nomination and I am firmly behind him. Biden is an unmitigated disaster for America.

If one looks at the track record of any attorney's office, one looks at that office, not lumping them in with others. If we look at the damage to election integrity from Democrat shyster Marc Elias, we do not need to bring in other WOKE attorneys.
Big Bob said:
( June 23rd, 2024 @ 8:45 pm )
MAGA is MAGA. A rose by any other name
( June 23rd, 2024 @ 10:47 am )
So you have deflected from the Missoui Attorney General's court record to what some far left fruitcake claims to be "MAGA's track record in court" without even any way of defining how they calculated that. That leftwing fruitcake must be very selective in his counting as he seems to have left out a couple of cases from just last week, the dismissal of the far left Nevada AG's "fake electors" case in that state, and the ruling in Wisconsin upholding statutory ballot security measures that the leftwing Democrat Secretary of State had told local election officials to disregard. There are probably lots of others conveniently left out as well.

And that last bit shows Little Bobbie needs to consult a mental health professional ASAP.
Big Bob said:
( June 22nd, 2024 @ 7:44 pm )
But it is MAGA's track record in court...bahahahahahaha
( June 22nd, 2024 @ 3:31 pm )
That is NOT the track record of the Missouri Attorney General, Bullsh!t Bob, and you know it. Stop lying.
Big Bob said:
( June 22nd, 2024 @ 9:11 am )
Win a few cases then we'll talk. 0-91 isn't much of a brag
( June 22nd, 2024 @ 7:16 am )
Actually, Little Bobbie, the Attorney General of Missouri, who is the one bringing this case, has an EXCELLENT track record in court.
( June 21st, 2024 @ 6:35 pm )
There is a long overdue piece of legislation that has been introduced in the US Senate by six Republican senators including NC's Ted Budd that would allow a former or current president or vice president to do what a congressman or federal judge can already do under federal law. That is to, on their request, have a civil or criminal case against them in state court transfered to federal court. That would put a stop to the monkey business of the Alvin Braggs and Fani Willises of the world as well as the Judge Merchans and the Judge Engorons.
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