Joe Biden’s Disastrous Gun Control Speech, One Whopper At A Time | Eastern North Carolina Now

President Joe Biden delivered remarks on Tuesday at gun control advocacy group Everytown’s annual conference, Gun Sense University — and as is often the case when Biden speaks about guns, critics were quick to point out a series of factual errors.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Virginia Kruta.

    President Joe Biden delivered remarks on Tuesday at gun control advocacy group Everytown's annual conference, Gun Sense University - and as is often the case when Biden speaks about guns, critics were quick to point out a series of factual errors.

    Biden's comments, which came within hours of his embattled son Hunter Biden's conviction on several gun-related felonies, included a few of his oft-repeated - and already debunked - claims, in addition to a few new additions.

    Greg Price noted several mistakes that Biden whipped through in under a minute - from debunked claims about his alleged history as a professor to the assertion that the Second Amendment was written in a time when individuals were not permitted to own cannons.

    "Joe Biden in less than a minute," Price began, adding, "Claims he was a professor at Penn, which he never was; Claims he taught a constitutional law class on the second amendment, which he never did; Says that you couldn't own a cannon when 2A was implemented, which you could; And ends by failing miserably to say the phrase 'the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots.'"

    "There has never been a time that says you could own anything you want. Never. You couldn't own a cannon during the Civil War. No, I'm serious. Think about it," Biden said - but as the New York Post reported, the few laws passed regarding cannons during the 19th century were primarily focused on "limiting where they could be discharged, restricting the sale of the weapon to children and regulating how gunpowder could be stored."

    It is still legal to own Civil War era cannons in the United States.

    And as for the late President Thomas Jefferson's quote - "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" - Biden's version was as follows: "How much have you heard this phrase, 'the blood of liberty ... washes those' - give me a break."

    GunOwners of America added a few more infractions to Price's list:

    "Oh don't forget @JoeBiden also: Said Americans would need F-15s to resist his tyrannical government (You wouldn't); Claimed the firearm industry is the only industry with immunity (They aren't); Claimed that guns kill more children than car accidents and cancer combined (They don't); Got the name of the federal agency responsible for gun control wrong (AFT)."

    Biden also repeated his call to ban "assault weapons," saying that he did not understand who needed a magazine that could "hold 200 shells."


    As Biden spoke, he was briefly interrupted by a pro-Palestinian protester who accused him of being "complicit in a genocide" because he has continued to support Israel in its ongoing war against Hamas terrorists.

In stripping away the heavy varnish of fakery by the heavy handed Corrupt Corporate Media; in taking a true view of what is real, right now with clear open eyes: How do you see this 46th President of these States United; what is your visceral first impression of Joe Biden after nearly 3 years on the job?
  A good man, wise and kind
  The Socialist President
  A president in praise of his son
  The Non Patriot President
  A successful president
  The Idiot President
  A knowledgeable president
  A corrupt president
  A perfect leader of the Democratic Socialist party
  The man is married to a "Doctor"
607 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Considering the deep morass of complete incompetence at the Federal level, in the executive branch of our self-governed People, unarguably the worst in modern times; if certain changes could be made by Impeachment of those most qualified: Who would be your best choice because of abject Corruption, incompetence, or both?
  Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas
  Attorney General Merrick Garland
  President Joseph R. Biden
  Are you a MAGA Extremist, and do not know any better? These are our best of days, not our worst.
  FBI Director Christopher Wray
223 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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( June 17th, 2024 @ 3:38 pm )
No good for the American people!!!

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