Australia turning back Chinese illegal aliens while Biden lets them into US | Eastern North Carolina Now

China is major geopolitical foe of both countries


While the Biden regime has processed tens of thousands of illegal aliens from Communist China into the US interior, Australia, even under the leftwing Labour Party takes a different position.  Last week a boatload of illegal aliens from Communist China was intercepted at sea by the Australia's Border Force and forced to return to its point of origin.

Under former conservative Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Australia implemented Operation Sovereign Borders, led by an army general, that utilitzed resources of both the Border Force and the military to identify inbound human smuggling boats with illegal aliens and intercept them at sea.  The boats were then turned around, at gunpoint if necessary, back to where they came from.  There are no exceptions to turning around the boats.  The current Labour government has continued this policy.

Communist China does not let just anyone leave, so lots of questions arise about why they are authorizing large numbers of military aged males to become illegal aliens entering their geopolitical adversaries like the United States and Australia.  Australia has stopped their entry, but the Biden regime just processes them into the US interior like they do most illegal aliens.

In the last six months alone, the Biden regime has allowed over 24,000 illegal aliens from Communist China into the US interior.

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Jann said:
( June 17th, 2024 @ 7:07 pm )
Not only are they letting them in the US but they are also swearing them into elections commission. Hmmm.. What's wrong with this picture????
( June 16th, 2024 @ 9:22 am )
I would love to see the next Trump administration bring in former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott as an advisor on US border policy. We need our own Operation Sovereign Borders.

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