populist right Reform Party overtakes Conservatives in UK election poll | Eastern North Carolina Now

Reform leader Nigel Farage says his party will be new voice of conservatism in UK


The UK will elect a new parliament on July 4, and the populist right anti-immigration Reform Party has caught fire since its founder Nigel Farage has returned from his position of a TV news commentator for GB News to resume leadership of the party. Polling showed that voters widely regarded Farage as the winner of the all-party debate on the BBC.  Farage went after the issues of crime and illegal immigration in the debate, calling for Net Zero Immigration.  Reform has long been against the climate alarmist agenda, referring to Net Zero CO2 as "Net Stupid".

Now, in the latest polls, Reform has overtaken the ruling Conservative Party to become the most popular party on the right.  The Conservative Party is now led by moderate Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, whose backstabbing small "c" conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson and then  undermining his successor and fellow small "c" conservative Prime Minister Liz Truss to gain the position for himself has alienated many party stalwarts.

The unfortunate thing for the country is that the split on the right will probably ensure a Labour victory.


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( June 16th, 2024 @ 9:17 am )
Sunak and his cabinet were all talk and no do on cutting off illegal immigration. Now they are facing the music for it from the voters.

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