Biden lifts ban on arming Ukraine's Neo-Nazi Azov battallion | Eastern North Carolina Now

2019, 40 Democrats signed a letter saying they condemned the Nazi Azov Battalion in Ukraine


The Ukrainian military’s Azov Division is famous for promoting Nazism and Nazi symbols.

Back in 2019, 40 Democrats signed a letter saying they condemned the Nazi Azov Battalion in Ukraine.

Kanekoa The Great dug up this letter from 2019.

On October 16, 2019, the top Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee’s counterterrorism subpanel, Rep. Max Rose (NY), led a letter signed by forty Democrats asking the State Department why they had not placed Ukraine’s Azov Battalion on the U.S. list of “foreign terrorist organizations” (FTOs).

In the letter, the lawmakers compared the Azov Battalion to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and discussed how, Brenton Tarrant, the Christchurch, New Zealand mosque shooter, who massacred fifty-one people in 2019, had been radicalized by the “ultranationalist militia organization” which “openly welcomes neo-Nazis into its ranks”.

Joe Biden lifted restrictions on arming the Azov Battalion in Ukraine.

Via The National Pulse.

Joe Biden has lifted restrictions on arming the Azov Battalion, a Neo-Nazi Ukrainian military formation founded by a politician who believes it is the Ukrainian nation’s mission to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans]”.

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( June 14th, 2024 @ 5:17 pm )
The Qanon people are the people who would be in Putin's pocket. For the Putin crowd, here is the explanation given in Putin's mouthpiece "Russia Today" on what happened to Ukraine's gold in 2014:

That was the quasi-official Russian account of Ukraine's missing gold reserves, but Russia and truth very rarely go together.

You can spin the political events of 2014 however you like but the facts are that the corrupt pro-Russian president fled the country because he counted heads in parliament and realized he was going to be impeached and removed the next day. His party boycotted that session of parliament but parliament had well more than a quorum and all the other parties voted unanimously to remove him. The removal was done by a proper Constitutional process by parliament. Those are simply the facts.

Now, I can see why that corrupt pro-Russian president chose not to stay around after he was certain to lose his presidential immunity when he was impeached. On his orders, secret police snipers had murdered over a hundred protesters, whose blood was on his hands. He got out of Dodge just ahead of the posse.
( June 14th, 2024 @ 4:28 pm )
Steed, you ain't going QAnon on me now, are you, bro lol?

I'm shocked at the amount of old heads that still go along with the mainstream narratives but claim they don't.
( June 14th, 2024 @ 11:57 am )
The Azov Battalion militia was formed by football fans to defend the city of Mariupol from Russian attack in 2014 and succeeded in doing that. It is named for the Sea of Azov on which Mariupol sits. The lie about their being "nazis" is one of Putin propaganda's more successful scams, but to hear fascist Putin and his fanboys talk, they consider all Ukrainian patriots as "nazis" It is shameful to see hoodwinked Americans repeat Putin's lies.
Big Bob said:
( June 13th, 2024 @ 9:26 pm )
The only good nazi, is a dead nazi.
( June 13th, 2024 @ 5:08 pm )
The only ones who see "nazis" in Ukraine are Putin and his backers. That corrupt pro-Russian Ukrainian president was not "overthrown" by "nazis". He was impeached and removed from office by unanimous vote of the Ukrainian parliament. Seeing the handwriting on the wall, the corrupt president had fled the country the night before. Ukraine's gold reserves fled the country at the same time and have not been seen since. Reputedly they are in exile in Russia where the impeached president also went.
( June 13th, 2024 @ 11:57 am )
Unca Steed, Obama DID use Nazis to overthrow the elected President of Ukraine in 2014. Putin is most definitely under the thumb of Chabbad but it's not "Putin Propaganda" that the Azov Battalion is comprised of Nazis.

Hell, the Nazis may have "lost" the ground game during WWll but they certainly didn't lose the war.
( June 12th, 2024 @ 2:11 pm )
This is utter nonsense. The Azov Battalion are NOT "neo-nazis". That is just Putin propaganda, and while the Gateway Pundit is good on a lot of things, they are in Putin's pocket on the Ukraine war. The REAL Nazi is Vladimir Putin himself

There is an unfortunate knee jerk reaction of some on the Right to Biden's expsenisve but tepid support of Ukraine causing some to think they need to support Putin. That is plain crazy.

One of the best conservative sources on what is happening in Ukraine is RedState, and here is their latest article:

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