Arizonans To Vote On Ballot Measure That Would Make Illegal Immigration State Crime | Eastern North Carolina Now

Voters in Arizona will have the opportunity to enact broad border security measures in November as the state faces a flood of illegal immigration after the Republican-led state legislature passed a resolution that will put the measures on the general election ballot.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Leif Le Mahieu.

    Voters in Arizona will have the opportunity to enact broad border security measures in November as the state faces a flood of illegal immigration after the Republican-led state legislature passed a resolution that will put the measures on the general election ballot.

    The measures, collectively known as the "Secure the Border Act," include provisions making illegal immigration a state crime, meaning law enforcement will be allowed to arrest illegal immigrants who enter the state. Other states, like Texas and Oklahoma, have enacted similar laws.

    "Nothing good comes from open borders," Arizona House Speaker Ben Toma said in a statement after the House passed the measure, according to the New York Post. "Only crime, deadly drugs, violence, unsafe communities, and an unending financial drain on American taxpayers. Yet, Democrat leaders fiercely oppose doing anything about it."

    The measure passed 31-29 in the House and 16-13 in the Senate with Republicans in support and Democrats in opposition.

    The ballot initiative could drive voters concerned with illegal immigration to the polls - which could hurt President Joe Biden, who has been broadly criticized for his handling of illegal immigration, in the swing state.

    According to the text of the resolution, it would empower "law enforcement to protect the public by arresting aliens who fail to enter Arizona's southern border through official ports of entry."

    It would also create "criminal offenses for a person to knowingly present false documents to obtain public benefits or to evade workplace eligibility detection through the e-verify program" and increase "punishments for criminals who fuel the crisis at the southern border by selling fentanyl that causes the death of another person."

    Additionally, the resolution would enhance Arizona law to ensure that individuals illegally in the state would not be able to receive public benefits or become eligible for entitlement programs.

    The ballot initiative will give Arizona voters a chance to bypass Democratic Governor Katie Hobbs, who vetoed a bill that would have enacted similar measures earlier this year. Hobbs claimed the legislation would "demonize our communities and lead to racial profiling."


    "Arizonans are crying out for common sense security measures," Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake told NBC News. "I am encouraged that Arizona Republican state legislators are doing their best to deliver it - even if they have to go around Hobbs' veto to do it."

    Record levels of illegal immigrants have poured across the border under Biden, including in Arizona. Former President Donald Trump has made securing the border a large part of his 2024 presidential campaign.

Under the cover of Covid, and now in the shadow of the infamous Election Irregularities of that fated 2020 presidential election, with current emerging alleged election fraud in Nevada and Pennsylvania inconveniently slipping into the public discourse, there is proved a colluded ongoing Election Interference in the nomination of the Republican candidate, the likes of which has never occurred in our Constitutional Republic's history, albeit, the question remains: Do you support the plain-sight Election Interference of the Democratic Socialist party, employing its minions in their Propagandistic Media, and their Two Tiered Justice System?
  No, I do not support Election Interference; I am a patriot unto our Constitution.
  Yes, I do support Election Interference; the alternative, Donald Trump, to this mentally diminished president is far worse.
  "What, me worry" if elections are rigged?
106 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Considering what real news is available for all to witness, and in great specificity, should one pursue what is true outside of the channeled realm of the corrupt corporate /legacy media, and: Is Institutionalized Corruption real, and is it a hindrance to sustaining our Constitutional Republic now, and for future generations of American citizens?
  Not sure
446 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Was it a judicious ploy for Joe Biden's FBI to execute the unprecedented raid of President Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate?
  Yes; the Cheneys despise this former Republican president, and for good reason ... so they say.
  No; never has a former president been treated with this level of vindictive abuse by those temporarily in power.
  Who cares? It's Trump.
932 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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