Malicious damage to our schools | Eastern North Carolina Now

Accepting the unacceptable makes the unacceptable acceptable


By:  Hood Richardson

Both social and public media have bandied about the damage done to the Washington High School cafeteria area recently, allegedly by graduating seniors. Very little information has been given to the public by Beaufort County Schools officials.  Almost all of the information the public has could be called gossip.

At the risk of being in error, here is what I have heard from several sources.  A break-in occurred at night with security cameras running.  Someone acquired a key from a school official to gain entry.  Tables and furniture were destroyed, with damage also to wall coverings.  Cooking oil was poured on the floors.  There was other damage.  The damage cost was estimated to be as high as $15,000.

The Beaufort County School System made a decision not to report this criminal activity to the Washington Police or the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Department.  This decision tells a lot about the character of these officials because public officials have the fiduciary duty to protect the public property in their care and to report criminal behavior.   In my opinion, school officials have no protection for their failure to follow the law. There were 57 graduating students identified.  The school system decided the appropriate punishment is to not allow these students to walk across the stage to get their diploma.  Their diploma will be mailed to them.  This is a slap on the wrist.

There are a host of issues about school board management, if what I have reported and what the School System has not reported, are accurate.

A conscious decision by the School Board and their employees not to report criminal activity and willful property damage to law enforcement raises serious questions about their integrity and dedication to their elected and appointed offices.  The knowledge of criminal behavior regardless of the age of the perpetrator should always be reported to law enforcement.  How much other criminal activity has gone un-reported,  un-enforced and winked at.  Such slack school administration sends strong messages to young minds.

We know there are serious problems with discipline in Washington High School.  This is evidenced by the number of people who have held the Principal’s job during the past several years.  High rates of turn over usually indicate weak and unsure management.  Discipline problems and criminal acts indicate a failure on the part of school administrators and their superiors to enforce and teach non-criminal behavior.  Washington High School had four years to instill a sense of acceptable behavior in these students.  The education system failed our students again.

There is a huge divide between juvenile behavior and criminal activity.  Juveniles make mistakes and make bad judgments.  Criminal activity is hard to define, but, like pornography, is  easily recognized when seen.  No doubt we should proceed in a compassionate way to handle juvenile behavior and with much less compassion in the case of criminal activity on school property where students are old enough to know better.

It is not up to any school employee to cover up criminal behavior.  In researching to write this article I ran into people who believe the school system is a sovereign entity. Something like an Indian Reservation.  There are no limited exclusions from law enforcement on any public property.  When it comes to criminal activity, school officials who cover it up are as guilty as those who commit the crimes.

I am disappointed that the school system did not react in a positive way with press releases informing the public.  A lot of damage was done on social media as rumors spread. A simple statement that the public would be protected would have done wonders. Early on, the School System should have announced that those students involved would be required to pay their proportionate part of the damages to public property. No need to say they would not get a diploma until paid, that would only bring on a lawsuit. A lot of damage is done in prohibiting allowing graduates walk across the stage.  This is a useless and inappropriate punishment that serves no purpose.

I am also concerned that school administration does not understand the use of our legal system.  Management seems to believe their job is to make bad situations look as good as they can by handing out slaps on the wrist for bad behavior.  There are rumors of other criminal activities that have been covered up.  One of the major deterrents to bad behavior is informing the public.  Yes, disclosure to the public is a deterrent.  That sends a message to all the students, their parents and the public as to where the limits are.  Covering up these incidents provides no direction to define good behavior.  Disclosure requires a dedicated school board, superintendent, and staff, especially school administrators, who have a duty to maintain good order and discipline in our schools.

Keeping teachers in the Beaufort County School System is difficult.  The dominant reason any person leaves any job is working conditions.  Teachers must be able to control their classrooms.  Discipline has to be handed out fairly and with certainty.  Halls must be safe.  Students with bad behavior that cannot be corrected should be expelled from the school system.  Some parents should be prosecuted for contributing to the delinquency of a minor.  These statements may cause some fear among some of us. Once the limits of behavior are known a lot of the bad actors will change their behavior.  The School System has to use their legal resources to defend teachers and employees on discipline issues.

I am well aware that all of these ideas cannot be piled on the schools at one time.  However, the School Board should develop a plan to gradually install and enforce behavior standards.  Could the focus start in the 8th grade and gradually move into other grades.  I am also talking about changes that need to be made among the employees of the school system.  Most of them have no idea as to what behavior the School Board is willing to enforce.

Compare what schools should be doing against what they are doing.  Schools should produce students, whether graduating or dropping out, who are honest, considerate of others, educated to the point of being able to write, read, perform basic mathematical functions,  be familiar with our Constitution and Bill of Rights, be able to identify criminal behavior, and be uncontaminated by social and propaganda stigmas.  Social and propaganda stigmas include, but are not limited to. critical race theories, diversity-equity-inclusion theories, sexual identity confusion, racial stigmas, etc.  

There are plenty of basic materials in mathematics, language, true history and civics to occupy 12 years of study.  The basics do not change.  Math books, spelling books, English books, and basic science books do not change that much. These books should be good for 100 years or until completely dilapidated.

The lessons from the handling of the Washington High School incident fly in the face of what schools should be doing.  The lesson to younger students should be: “These Seniors got punished and we should expect the same treatment if we do similar things.”  That lesson is not being taught.  

Several incumbent School Board seats are up for election this fall.  These board members should be replaced with conservative candidates.  The conservative candidates are:  Malissa Polk, District 1 and Stacey Davis, District 5.  There is a contest between incumbent Republican T. W. Allen and unaffiliated candidate David Hudson in District 3.  We need a School Board that will make it clear that school administrators are not to allow vandalism and violations of law in our schools.  Accepting the unacceptable makes the unacceptable acceptable.









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( June 17th, 2024 @ 9:16 am )
I’m still hung up on the fact that in a time with so much concern about school safety, something of this magnitude was allowed to happen. That is a fact, that it was “allowed” to happen. This situation would have made it easy for someone with ill intent to plant a gun in the school and access it later when the school was more populated. This should be a warning that we cannot allow this to happen again.
Bubba said:
( June 16th, 2024 @ 4:22 pm )
The school board has not distinguished itself in the public trust department in either the vandalism issue or the backroom deal on spending $52 million on poorly thought out school construction.
Van Zant said:
( June 16th, 2024 @ 10:47 pm )
BB actually mentioned something interesting: Why was MLK shot and killed? The FBI presented a case for who and why - James Earl Ray and racism. The King family doesn't believe the FBI. I imagine we've got about as straight a story on this as we do the JFK assassination.

Concerning working to support the movement, I must be way younger than B Bob.

Back to the WHS vandalism: Hood is right. Where's the transparency and accountability? The questions by JV need to be answered.
Big Bob said:
( June 16th, 2024 @ 10:11 am )
Love the defense of MLK. I can tell most of you worked hard to support the movement- tell me again why he was shot and killed?
( June 16th, 2024 @ 8:19 am )
Richardson's concerns on this vandalism in our schools reflects the feelings of many taxpayers in our county. The level of trust in the school system is not great due to their secretiveness and lack of transparency. People want answers but the school system wants to deflect. While they may not be able to give the names of the students, that is not what people are looking for. The school system wants to keep all information behind closed doors while the citizens want government in the sunshine.
Van Zant said:
( June 15th, 2024 @ 10:52 pm )
With all due respect, Pretendinggirl is entitled to her opinion, but she also needs to recognize that the longest serving county commissioner does work for a substantial number of Beaufort County citizens.

Regarding B Bobbie: Propogandists make poor historians.
( June 15th, 2024 @ 4:14 pm )
Learn your history, LIttle BObbie. King was accused, including by the FBI, of being a communist, not a "Marxist". Although he dabbled with some of their "social justice" concepts, King was fundamentally a Christian and therefore had no use for the atheist core tenets of communism. He actually preached sermons against it.

What MLK was NOT was "woke", again because as a Christian he rejected homosexuality and would have rejected "transgenderism" which had not yet reared its ugly head.

Dr. King's belief that people should "be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin" is the polar opposite of the "woke" notion of DEI.
Big Bob said:
( June 15th, 2024 @ 2:00 pm )
Yet he was called a Marxist and opposed by the the white establishment. The exact same attacks we see now. all documented in the old newspapers found in line and in libraries.
You will not rewrite history.
( June 15th, 2024 @ 12:43 pm )
Martin Luther King,Jr. was hardly "woke". Read some of his comments on homosexuality and it will show you he clearly wasn't. Indeed, it would not surprise me to some day see the Gaystapo going after MLK memorials just as hard as BLM gores after southern war memorials.

While Karl Marx himself never wrote anything that would promote wokeness, his followers in the following century did. Marxism is about creating divisions in sociey and Karl Marx expected wealth and class to fullfill the ideological need there. But a later Marxist ideologue changed that. Herbert Marcuse was chief of ideology for the German Communist Party in the Weimar Republic and fled when the Nazis took over. Upset that the working class did not rise up in Germany to overthrow the Nazis, Marcuse concluded that Marxists needed to create further divisions in society that they could exploit politically. He espoused what he called Critical Theory which advocated creating many divisions in society. Critical Race Theory is part of that. He came up with the term "intersectionality" to describe playing on more than one of those divisions at the same time. The "woke" movement today is straight out of the Marxist ideology of Herbert Marcuse.
( June 15th, 2024 @ 5:54 am )
Prendiegirl: Commissioner Hood Richardson does 'work for the people.' I know that because I am one of his most ardent constituents. You see, I only vote for the smartest politicians, hoping they will become the smartest elected government leaders.

Hood won that round for me and my kind decades ago, and he still amazes me with his mental acuity to know the best course, which for Hood, and others like Commissioner Richardson, is just plain Governing by Common Sense.
Big Bob said:
( June 14th, 2024 @ 7:09 pm )
RH- I don't think any of that is true. Associating "woke" with Marxism is the exact thing that many, probably you too, tried to use against Dr. King. Back then privilege meant you got to ride at the front of the bus, get an education, drink out your own water fountain, sit in a restaurant, lynch black people with impunity etc. Now things are more subtle but correcting them wasnt Marxist then, and it's not now.
( June 14th, 2024 @ 4:15 pm )
As a taxpayer, parent, WHS alumni member and concerned corporation; I still ask the following questions and will continue to do so until a satisfactory answer is given:

1. How did these young'uns get an access key?

2. How was the security system disabled?

3. Why was the security system disabled?

4. Was this a another live test/PsyOp to distract from something else being brought up?

You can best believe that it were any one of us that raised some hell at the schoolhouse, they'd have Live Eye 9 out there and the SWAT team in route.
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