MSM propaganda - CNN lies about Israeli hostage rescue | Eastern North Carolina Now

calls it a "release"


The Israeli army just rescued 4 hosrages who had been taken in the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack in a complex military operation in which they killed 24 Hamas terrorists to be able to rescue the hostages.  How did leftwing propanda channel CNN, a part of the liberal MSM, cover it?  They called it a hostage "RELEASE" as if Hamas had voluntarily turned the hostages over.  This is the type of spin and outright lies that are all too common on the MSM media.

No wonder that polls repeatedly show that Americans regard the MSM media as being biased and do not trust it. 

It has now also been confirmed that Hamas was holding the hostages in private homes, and three of them were captives held by a jounalist who wrote for Al Jazeera and a Palestinian newspaper and members of his family.

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( June 9th, 2024 @ 3:09 pm )
The MSM media lies? That is sort of like saying water is wet. Yeah, we knew that. This is just another example.

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