illegal alien murders Polish soldier at border, PM arrests soldiers for warning shots | Eastern North Carolina Now

globalist PM Tusk coddles illegal aliens as soldier loses life defending border


Poland's new globalist prime minister has failed to stand behind Poland's soldiers who are on the front line stopping illegal aliens from invading Poland from Belarus. Working with Putin, Belarus has been flying illegal aliens from the Middle East and Africa and bussing them to the Polish border to try to enter the EU.  Poland's precious conservative government built a border wall and stationing the army to guard against illegal alien crossings.

When a patrol of Polish army soldiers along the border wall encountered a group of about 50 illegal aliens on the Belarus side trying to get over the wall, they rushed up to put a stop to it. One of the illegal aliens pulled a knife and thrust it through the bollards of the border wall and into the chest on the closest Polish soldier.  The whole group then tried to harrass the rest of the patrol, as well as medical personnel who came to the aid of the wounded soldier.  The soldier later died in the hospital.

Several days later in another incident, another army patrol at the border encountered another group of illegal aliens trying to get over the border.  They fired warning shots in the air from their rifles and the illegal aliens ran away.  Poland's globalist Prime Minister Tusk ordered the military police to arrest the soldiers who had fired the warning shots. In that incident, several soldiers had been wounded by objects thrown by the illegal aliens and one had tied a knife to a pole and tried to stab the soldiers.

Poland's former conservative prime minister had given soldiers on the border broad authority to defend themselves and the border.  In next door Lithuania, its government explicitely gave soldiers authorization to use whatever level of force was necessary to keep illegal aliens from crossing over from Belarus.

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( June 8th, 2024 @ 8:42 am )
There should be zero tolerance for use of deadly force by illegal aliens against border guards. Deadly force should be responded to immediately with deadly force. That is the only way to stop this nonsense. Poland needs to ditch that globalist buffoon Donald Tusk.

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