Knife attacks by illegal aliens and ANTIFA mar Germany's EU election campaign | Eastern North Carolina Now

Three knife attacks in a week, two by illegal aliens and one by ANTIFA, one killed


Election violence in the week preceding the EU parliamentary elections has erupted in Germany with three separate leftist knife attacks against conservative targets during election campaigning.  Two were committed by illegal aliens and the third by ANTIFA.

The first attack was the most serious, where a campaign event by a small right wing party was attacked by a 25-year old illegal alien from Afghanistan whose asylum claim had been rejected but he was still in Germany.  The attack occured when the illegal alien instituted a mass knifing of a political parade in Mannheim, stabbing five parade participants and a policeman.  The policeman later died of his wounds.

The next attack also occured in Mannheim, where a candidate for the populist right Alternativ fur Deutschland observed three people tearing down campaign posters for his party.  When he confronted them, two ran, but the third one pulled out a knife and stabbed him in the abdomen before fleeing.  When arrested, the perps were identified as ANTIFA activitists.

The third attack was committed by a 22 year old illegal alien from Afghanistan in Stralsund in northeast Germany.  A bus driver called police that a man was trying to cut political poster advertisements off of his bus, which were for conservative campaigns.  When the police arrived and told the illegal alien to stop, he lunged at policemen with his knife.

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( June 7th, 2024 @ 8:45 pm )
WE know that this is the sort of thing we can expect here in America from Antifa, but are naive if we think that illegal aliens will not be doing the same sort of things here as well. The Democrats are working them up against Republicans.

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