actor Dennis Quaid endorses Trump in response to politicized show trial | Eastern North Carolina Now

denounces "weaponized justice system"


Many Americans are revolted over the abuse of the justice system by the Democrats in their witch hunt against President Trump.   One of those is Holywood actor Dennis Quaid who has announced his endorsement of Trump in response to the Democrat weaponization of the justice system against political opponents.

"I was ready not to vote for Trump, until what I saw is, more than politics, I see a weaponization of our justice system and a challenge to our Constitution," Quaid told PIers Morgan in an interview, explaining his endorsement of Trump.  There are likely a lot more Americans out there like Dennis Quaid who are disgusted with Biden's Stalin Show Trials.

Quaid is one Holywood figure with a record of backing candidates of both parties at various times and is more moderate than most Holywood liberals.

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( May 29th, 2024 @ 3:04 pm )
That Attorney General investigation in Missiouri for election interference in these frivolous show trial court cases against Trump would seem to have a lot of material to work from. Alvin Bragg and Letitia James both campaigned on going after Trump, then abused the powers of their offices to do so. Both should have nice comfy cells in a Missouri state prison. Merchan and Engeron should be on the same cell block.

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