Finally, a conservative candidate for GOP Senate leader to replace McConnell | Eastern North Carolina Now

Sen. RIck Scott of Florida announces candidacy


Conservatives have been disheartened that the race to succed Democrat-collaborator Mitch McConnell as GOP Senate leader has until recently been between two McConnell clones and longtime McConnell allies - John Thune of South Dakota and John Cornyn of Texas.  Cornyn has been roundly booed at the state Republican convention in his home state for his sellouts to the Democrats in Washington.

Now a conservative has entered the race, Senator Rick Scott of Florida.  Senator Scott is someone who will stand up for Republican principles, a big change from the constant betrayals of Republican voters by McConnell.  McConnell has consistently polled as, by far, the least popular of the party leaders in Congress of either party because the voters of both parties dislike him.

Scott says he wants the Senate GOP to work more closely with the House GOP, and to stand for the positions of Republican voters.

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Big Bob said:
( May 24th, 2024 @ 8:30 am )
( May 23rd, 2024 @ 9:03 pm )
Amnesty hound McConnell just betrayed us again on a Biden amnesty bill which he endorsed. Only one other RINO, Murkowski, followed him into the Biden camp this time. I guess he is well into lame duck status, which means he won't be able to do as much damage on the way out.
( May 23rd, 2024 @ 2:56 pm )
Glad to see Scott running. McConnell has been an absolute disaster, often doing the bidding of Obama, then Biden. We need a real Republican in that position.

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