Iran’s President And Foreign Minister Confirmed Dead In Helicopter Crash | Eastern North Carolina Now

The Islamic Republic of Iran’s president and foreign minister and other officials have been confirmed dead after a helicopter crash on Sunday while they were traveling in the eastern part of the country, according to Iranian state media.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Ryan Saavedra.

    The Islamic Republic of Iran's president and foreign minister and other officials have been confirmed dead after a helicopter crash on Sunday while they were traveling in the eastern part of the country, according to Iranian state media.

    The helicopter carrying President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian crashed in Iran's East Azerbaijan province after encountering extremely thick fog.

    Reports began to break early on Monday that the site of the crash had been located and "no signs of life" were observed by rescuers.

    One official told Reuters, "President Raisi's helicopter was completely burned in the crash ... unfortunately, all passengers are feared dead."

    Raisi, 63, was a hardliner who helped oversee the mass execution of thousands political prisoners in 1988 after Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa ordering it. There have been widespread allegations in Iran that Raisi only came to power because of a rigged election.

    Abdollahian, 60, was also a hardliner who had close ties to numerous Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO), including Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Lebanon's Hezbollah, and Palestinian groups Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).

    Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi said in comments aired on state TV that they were "on their way back aboard some helicopters and one of the helicopters was forced to make a hard landing due to the bad weather and fog."

    He said that the rescue crews had a difficult time locating and reaching the crash site due to the weather conditions, the rugged terrain in the region, and the loss of light.

    The officials were returning from a trip to Azerbaijan early on Sunday where they attended an inauguration of a new dam on the Aras River with Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev.

    "Today, after bidding a friendly farewell to the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, we were profoundly troubled by the news of a helicopter carrying the top delegation crash-landing in Iran," said Aliyev. "Our prayers to Allah Almighty are with President Ebrahim Raisi and the accompanying delegation. As a neighbor, friend, and brotherly country, the Republic of Azerbaijan stands ready to offer any assistance needed."

26 days after the October 7th Terror attacks on Israel, where over 1400 Jewish men, women and children were gruesomely murdered, and hundreds more made hostage: Should the Biden /Harris administration finally state that the administration's primary Middle East negotiating partner, Iran, is behind the funding and strategy of the aggressors, the Hamas Terrorists, or continue to take the more moderate position of "Don't," which is clearly not working?
  Yes, name Iran as the funding /strategy culprit, and begin to enforce the President Trump era sanctions to END Iran's ability to prosecute this war against Israel and the United States.
  No, Iran is a valuable partner in the motives of the Biden / Harris administration, and must not be named as the culprit and our enemy.
  I have larger concerns just to survive in this economy.
321 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

In the minds of many, since January 20, 2021, the World has become far less safe in every theater of conflict, beginning with the attack of Israel by Iran /Hamas, so the question becomes: What caused this Worldwide calamity of extreme geopolitical dysfunction, and what will correct it?
  Joe Biden is the cause of this frightening Worldwide situation, and it will end when a Republican is elected president.
  This delayed Worldwide dysfunction and constant conflict is all Donald Trump's fault, as it is with everything that occurs going forward, and long before the man ever became the 45th president..
  Joe Biden is the "root cause" of this frightening Worldwide situation, and it will end when former President Donald John Trump is elected president.
  In the imitable words of Alfred E. Newman: "What, me worry?"
420 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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