Is American democracy on its deathbed in a Manhattan courtroom? | Eastern North Carolina Now

Democrats prosecuting political opponets just like foreign dictrators do


American democracy is in severe peril in a courtroom in Manhattan as US Democrats adopt the playbook used by dictators around the world, including Vladimir Putin, of trying to jail their political oppoents.  Starring in the role of America's Aleksi Navalny is former President Donald Trump, and this courtroom is  in Manhattan instead of Moscow.

The cast of characters could come right out of a Stalin Show Trial of the 1930s, starting with a crooked Soros bought-and-paid-for DA, Alvin Bragg.  While in the majority of cases, Bragg knocks felonies down to misdemeanors or even dismissals for actual criminals, against Trump he took what at most would be a single misdemenator and converted it to 34 felonies.  To make matters worse, he is moving forward in spite of the statute of limitations having expired.

Like all the DA's going after Trump, Bragg has been in touch with the Biden White House to get his marching orders.

Then we get to the partisan hack Democrat judge, who is a Biden campaign contributor and whose daughter is a leftwing Democrat political consultant who has Biden's running mate, Kamala Harris, as a client and who has even used the trial her father in presiding over to fundraise for other Democrat clients.  Any honest judge would have recused himself long ago and let a neutral judge take over, but Biden hack Judge Juan Marchan has thrown the judicial ethics book in the trash.  An example of Marchan's one-sided rulings has been imposing a gag order on President Trump while allowing Bragg's witnesses to go on media tours to peddle their stories.

Last of all, there is the important point that this trial is being conducted in a venue with a very stacked jury pool.  President Trump barely got into double digits in the 2020 election in Manhattan, and in a politicized trial like this one getting a fair and balanced jury is virtually impossible.  While Biden Judge  Marchan is hiding jurors names and party affiliations are therefore not known, it is quite likely that Trump will face an all-Democrat jury which would be an absolute travesty.

Already, it is clear that prospective jurors are not being upfront with the lawyers on their backgrounds and opinions.  One who said he had no strong political opinions and was seated on the jury was discovered to have actually been arrested for tearing down Republican signs in a previous election.  That was fortunately discovered in time to remove him.  Another who had told the court he had no strong political opinions was found to have made a "lock him up" post about Trump on social media.  Another claimed to have no political opinions even though her son worked for a Democrat congressman.

This is a clear kangaroo court with a clear political agenda in every respect.  It is a knife pointed at the heart of our democracy.

Even a political analyst for the very liberal New York Times admits the jury for the trial is left of center.

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Big Bob said:
( April 20th, 2024 @ 8:47 pm )
I just hope the Scotus gives Presidents immunity. If that happens JB can have trump locked up and sent to Gitmo. No worries about breaking the law. jB will have immunity.
Big Bob said:
( April 20th, 2024 @ 8:36 pm )
Stormy. Its a stormy day..Stormy

Any legit billionaire who ends up in court because he cant keep it in his pants is an idiot.

Stormy....such a stormy day...
( April 20th, 2024 @ 7:04 pm )
That video in the original post from famous retired Constitutional Law Professor Alan Dershowitz clearly describes how this is a thrown together nothingburger of a case, but given the biased judge and the slanted jury pool still carries a real danger of a conviction. That is the real danger to our Constitutional republic.

As someone who spent decades practicing criminal law, the refusal of Judge Merchan to recuse himself appalls me as his conflict of interest is evident. Trump's lawyers followed up their motion to recuse with a motion for change of venue, which also would have taken Merchan off the case in addition to getting it moved to somewhere that a fair jury pool would have been possible. I did not see them follow that with a motion for a special venire, which would have kept the case in Manhattan but brought in jurors from elsewhere. Jurors from, say, Staten Island would have given a much fairer jury pool.

ONe thing that was a big red flag on jury bias was the answers reported on where jurors got their news. New York City has three high circulation newspapers, the very liberal New York Tiimes, right-leaning New York Post, and the not too political New York Daily News. Not a single one was reported as using the New York Post or New York Daily News as their news source, but most of them reported getting their news from the Trump hating New York Times.

I also have never seen a case where jurors names were kept secret. That gives a shady appearance to our judicial system.
( April 20th, 2024 @ 8:31 am )
What is sick is this totalitarian political witch hunt and the abuse of our judicial system to carry it out. The liklihood that this is an all-Democrat jury is being covered up by a crooked judge.
Big Bob said:
( April 20th, 2024 @ 12:29 am )
They have to protect jurors from the violent MAGA mob that will come after them. Sick.
( April 19th, 2024 @ 5:11 pm )
I notice they keep covering up the political party membership of the jurors, which is extremely relevant in a political case like this one as to whether the jury is fair or not. I have a gut feeling that this is likely because it is an all-Democrat jury. That would more be a lynch mob than a jury.
Bubba said:
( April 19th, 2024 @ 2:47 pm )
It hardly seems like we are living in America any more.
( April 19th, 2024 @ 1:56 pm )
I can't wait for the Special Prosecutor on election interference next year with Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, Jack Smith, and Juan Marchan, as well as others as criminal defendants. The Biden DOJ sent a humorist to prison for "election interference" for a satire on the asinine things Democrats were doing on voting methods. That has set the bar very low for prosecuting those who have abused prosecutorial and judicial offices for outright election interference.

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