Is Biden regime planning to declare fake "climate emergency" to seize more power? | Eastern North Carolina Now

Biden assault on democracy continues to build as he ramps up dictatorship


There are reports at Bloomberg that the Biden regime is discussing declaring a "climate emergency" prior to the election to seize more power.  Such a fake "emergency" smacks of the way that Hitler used the Reichstag fire to seize more power for himself.  This might also be used as a basis to manipulate the election system to making cheating easier as was done with Covid in 2020.

The Biden regime is already widely abusing executive powers at the expense of those which rightly belong to the legislative and judicial branches.  He is the closest thing America has had to a dictator since Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus to jail political opponents without actual charges.  Bizarrely, the Biden camp regularly proclaims that it is Trump who is the budding dictator.

Former Czech Republic president and prime minister Dr. Vaclav Klaus was spot on when he warned that climate alarmism is "a budding totalitarian ideology that is the greatest threat to freedom, democracy, and prosperity in the world today."

One hopes if Biden tries this dictatroship play, that we will see governors step in and nulligy it in their states.

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( April 19th, 2024 @ 12:13 pm )
I guess that when they don't have any real emergencies out there, they have to make one up. If Biden did this, there should be massive resistance from all levels of Americans, and yes, that should include state governments.

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