Federal Judge Upholds Year-Long Prison Sentence For January 6 Demonstrator After Admitting He Was ‘Neither Violent Nor Destructive’ | Eastern North Carolina Now

On the eve of the third anniversary of the January 6 Capitol riot, a federal court ruled against a pro-Trump demonstrator, saying that even though he was “neither violent nor destructive,” he could still be convicted of disorderly conduct and sentenced to a year in prison.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Zach Jewell.

    On the eve of the third anniversary of the January 6 Capitol riot, a federal court ruled against a pro-Trump demonstrator, saying that even though he was "neither violent nor destructive," he could still be convicted of disorderly conduct and sentenced to a year in prison.

    Russell Alford was sentenced on February 23, 2023, to a year in prison after being found guilty of entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.

    Alford challenged "the reasonableness of his sentence and the sufficiency of the evidence to support two of his convictions, both of which charged him with engaging in 'disorderly or disruptive conduct.'" But D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson wrote Friday that the court affirmed his convictions, The Hill reported.

    "The trial evidence indicated that, during Alford's brief time within the Capitol, he was neither violent nor destructive," wrote Henderson, a George H.W. Bush appointee. "Nevertheless, we affirm his convictions because a jury could rationally find that his unauthorized presence in the Capitol as part of an unruly mob contributed to the disruption of the Congress's electoral certification and jeopardized public safety."

    "[I]t is equally clear from caselaw that even passive, quiet and nonviolent conduct can be disorderly," the judge added in her ruling.

    Immediately following the storming of the Capitol, the FBI began a years-long investigation into those who were present or participated in the massive demonstration on Capitol Hill as Congress met to vote on certification of the 2020 election. Since then, the Department of Justice has charged 452 people with assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers or employees, which includes 123 people "who have been charged with using a deadly or dangerous weapon or causing serious bodily injury to an officer."

    The vast majority of the charges - 1,186 - are for "entering or remaining in a restricted federal building or grounds." Some who weren't even present at the Capitol on January 6 have also been sentenced. Former Proud Boys chairman Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years behind bars, the longest January 6 sentence to date, after being found guilty of seditious conspiracy.

    Meanwhile, federal officials are still looking for a suspect as they investigate two pipe bombs that were planted outside the Democratic and Republican National Committees' offices in Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2021. A bulletin issued by the FBI on Thursday said a $500,000 reward, which would be given in exchange for information leading to an individual's arrest and conviction, "remains in effect."

    Daniel Chaitin contributed to this report.

Considering what real news is available for all to witness, and in great specificity, should one pursue what is true outside of the channeled realm of the corrupt corporate /legacy media, and: Is Institutionalized Corruption real, and is it a hindrance to sustaining our Constitutional Republic now, and for future generations of American citizens?
  Not sure
446 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

In light of continued developments, primarily since 2008, there exists in these United States a Legal System which operates on a proved Two Tiered approach to justice rendered, which primarily benefits Democratic Elites and Woke Ideological Virtue Signalers, representing their co-dependent wards, to the expressed exclusion of normal hardworking American citizens: What is your suggestion in remedying this widespread injustice and, if not corrected, its existential outcome for our Constitutional Republic?
  Complete overhaul of the Department of Justice and their enforcers - the FBI - to reflect a far more honest justice system to keep patriots remaining calm.
  Disband the FBI, and request that congress investigate all unethical and non patriotic practices to partially right the wrongs of a distrusted and politically weaponized "Department of Justice."
  Continue with the current system since the two tiered justice system has been so remarkably beneficial to Democratic Socialist political hegemony; chronic distrust in institutions notwithstanding.
674 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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