Cotton Introduces Resolution Condemning ‘From The River To The Sea’ Mantra | Eastern North Carolina Now

This week, Arkansas GOP senator Tom Cotton, a staunch supporter of the state of Israel and an equally staunch foe of Israel’s mortal enemy Iran, introduced a Senate resolution condemning the slogan, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free.”

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Hank Berrien.

    This week, Arkansas GOP senator Tom Cotton, a staunch supporter of the state of Israel and an equally staunch foe of Israel's mortal enemy Iran, introduced a Senate resolution condemning the slogan, "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free."

    The resolution states that the slogan and its derivations are a call for the genocide of Jewish people and the destruction of the Jewish state.

    "People who invoke this disgraceful, antisemitic slogan are calling for the mass murder of Jews, whether they know it or not. On October 7, the world saw the genocidal intent of the phrase, 'From the River to the Sea.' No one who uses this phrase should escape condemnation," Cotton stated.

    Co-sponsors of the resolution included Senators Bill Hagerty (R-TN), John Barrasso (R-WY), Katie Britt (R-AL), Rick Scott (R-FL), Pete Ricketts (R-NE), Marco Rubio (R-FL), John Kennedy (R-LA), John Boozman (R-AR), Ted Budd (R-N.C.), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Dan Sullivan (R-AL), Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) John Thune (R-S.D), Deb Fischer (R-NE), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C), Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), and James Lankford (R-OK).


    Leading conservative British MP Suella Braverman wrote roughly one week after the October 7 Hamas massacre of 1200 Israelis that "From the river to the sea" is "a slogan that is widely understood as a demand for the destruction of Israel. Attempts to pretend otherwise are disingenuous. It means the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea- the boundaries of Israel - and comes from the dark days when most Palestinian groups sought to eliminate Israel. It was dropped by mainstream organisations after Israel and the PLO made peace with the 1993 Oslo Accords."

    "The slogan was taken up by Islamists, including Hamas, and remains a staple of antisemitic discourse," she continued. "To hear it shouted in public causes alarm not just to Jews but to all decent people. Those who promote hate on Britain's streets should realise that our tolerance has limits."

    Cotton, who served in combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, has opposed Iran for years. He led the fight against the Iran nuclear deal, signed by Barack Obama.

    In mid-October, just after the Hamas massacre, President Biden nominated Jack Lew as the new ambassador to Israel. Cotton fiercely criticized the choice when he was asked if the Senate should expedite the nomination, saying, "Absolutely not. Jack Lew is an Iran sympathizer who has no business being our ambassador. It's bad for the United States. It's bad for Israel to have an Iran sympathizer as our ambassador to that country. He helped Iran evade American sanctions, and he lied to Congress about it. He defended the Obama administration's refusal to use our veto ... in the final days of the Obama administration to protect Israel from anti-Semitic resolutions."


    On December 2, Cotton stated, "From 2009 forward and under Barack Obama first and now Joe Biden - Democratic Party's Middle East policy has been to elevate Iran and to empower Iran, in part because of Barack Obama's delusional ideological beliefs that it's the United States to blame for the tensions our country has had with Iran going back to 1979. Not the crazed Ayatollah who took Americans hostage and held them more than 400 days or have been killing Americans in various ways and places ever since. But Barack Obama believed it was Iran that was faulted by the United States."

26 days after the October 7th Terror attacks on Israel, where over 1400 Jewish men, women and children were gruesomely murdered, and hundreds more made hostage: Should the Biden /Harris administration finally state that the administration's primary Middle East negotiating partner, Iran, is behind the funding and strategy of the aggressors, the Hamas Terrorists, or continue to take the more moderate position of "Don't," which is clearly not working?
  Yes, name Iran as the funding /strategy culprit, and begin to enforce the President Trump era sanctions to END Iran's ability to prosecute this war against Israel and the United States.
  No, Iran is a valuable partner in the motives of the Biden / Harris administration, and must not be named as the culprit and our enemy.
  I have larger concerns just to survive in this economy.
321 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

In the minds of many, since January 20, 2021, the World has become far less safe in every theater of conflict, beginning with the attack of Israel by Iran /Hamas, so the question becomes: What caused this Worldwide calamity of extreme geopolitical dysfunction, and what will correct it?
  Joe Biden is the cause of this frightening Worldwide situation, and it will end when a Republican is elected president.
  This delayed Worldwide dysfunction and constant conflict is all Donald Trump's fault, as it is with everything that occurs going forward, and long before the man ever became the 45th president..
  Joe Biden is the "root cause" of this frightening Worldwide situation, and it will end when former President Donald John Trump is elected president.
  In the imitable words of Alfred E. Newman: "What, me worry?"
420 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

A majority of Americans still believe in OUR 1st Amendment guaranteed Freedom of Speech; however, at what bold point does the constitutional right to Free Speech becomes unabashed anti-Semitic Hate Speech, and while it should possibly be tolerated on our college campuses, and on the streets of mostly Sanctuary Cities, these events should be rightfully observed and scrupulously monitored ... or, not? What is your true opinion of when too much of enough is just too much, or not?
  The answer to Free Speech I don't agree with is more, and incredibly robust Free Speech.
  There is a point when Free Speech becomes counter productive to sustaining a peaceful society.
  Free Speech should only be tolerated if it represents the status quo of the highly educated orthodoxy.
  Early in life, I learned to speak only when I am spoken to.
182 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Considering what real news is available for all to witness, and in great specificity, should one pursue what is true outside of the channeled realm of the corrupt corporate /legacy media, and: Is Institutionalized Corruption real, and is it a hindrance to sustaining our Constitutional Republic now, and for future generations of American citizens?
  Not sure
447 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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