Hunter Biden’s Business Made Direct Monthly Payments To Joe Biden, GOP Oversight Says | Eastern North Carolina Now

Hunter Biden made direct monthly payments to President Joe Biden — beginning in 2018 — using an account for his business that reportedly received money from China, according to GOP House Oversight Committee lawmakers.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Brandon Drey.

    Hunter Biden made direct monthly payments to President Joe Biden - beginning in 2018 - using an account for his business that reportedly received money from China, according to GOP House Oversight Committee lawmakers.

    The committee says that subpoenaed bank records show that Owasco PC, a law firm belonging to the president's son that is also under investigation by the Department of Justice for tax-related issues, used a corporate account to funnel payments to Biden - thus proving that he benefitted from his family's foreign business dealings.

    "President Joe Biden claimed there was an 'absolute wall' between his official government duties and his family's influence-peddling scheme," House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said in a video on Monday. "This was a lie."


    According to bank documents, the business entity established monthly payments of $1,380 to President Biden.

    "This wasn't a payment from Hunter Biden's personal account but an account for his corporation that received payments from China and other shady corners of the world," Comer said.

    Sources told theFox News Digitial that Biden's joint venture company with a Chinese national sent at least three payments to Joe Biden's personal account between September and November 2018.

    Comer subpoenaed Biden family associates to obtain personal and business records belonging to Hunter Biden and James Biden as part of its investigation into President Biden's alleged involvement in his family's domestic and international business schemes in China, Ukraine, Russia and more.

    Evidence conflicting with President Biden's denials about his family's business dealings, particularly regarding his son Hunter Biden earning money from China, has fanned suspicions among Republicans. The committee claims it identified over 20 shell companies and uncovered how the Bidens and their associates raked in over $24 million between 2015 and 2019 by selling Joe Biden as "the brand."

    Last week, a bank investigator raised concerns about Hunter Biden receiving a $5 million wire from a Chinese company in August 2018 to his bank account, Hudson West III, according to Fox News.

    Biden allegedly funneled at least $400,000 to his Owasco PC account, which then transferred to a business account belonging to James Biden, who later moved the money to a personal account belonging to James Biden and his wife, Sara Biden.

    Comer alleged that those funds were used to cut a $40,000 check to Joe Biden, labeled as a "loan repayment."

    Abbe Lowell, legal counsel for Hunter Biden, reportedly pushed back on the latest batch of money allegedly used to benefit Joe Biden directly.

    "There Chairman Comer goes again - reheating what is old as new to try to revive his sham of an investigation," Lowell told The Hill in a statement. "The truth is Hunter's father helped him when he was struggling financially due to his addiction and could not secure credit to finance a truck. When Hunter was able to, he paid his father back and took over the payments himself."


    The committee's claims come as House GOP leaders prepare to introduce a formal impeachment inquiry vote in the coming weeks.

    "Joe Biden and the White House can't continue to claim he wasn't involved with his son's shady businesses now," House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) said on X.

    Daniel Chaitin contributed to this report.

Now that the public is allowed to know the truth regarding the Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal, after more that 2 1/2 years of deception by the corrupt Corporate Media Kabal, propropagandidats all, and the discredited Deep State, we have NOW learned that the infamous laptop is far less about the Biden Boy's fetish for pornography, narcotics and Russian whores, and far more about Hunter's pivotal role in the Biden Crime Syndicate's selling of deep access to our foreign adversaries, and to what extent it has compromised our national security: What is your opinion about this possible coordinated Treason?
  It is imperative that we know the truth of what may be the greatest scandal in our Republic's history, and all aforementioned parties prosecuted for their crimes against the People.
  Currently, our Two Tiered Justice System is constructed to protect all Democratic Socialists, their corrupt "Journalist" spokes-sheople, and their Deep State enablers ... so why bother.
  It is Donald Trump's fault.
  How can we be assured that the "Laptop" is real? Would NOT our standard journalists have investigated this issue thoroughly nearly 3 years ago if it was real?
535 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Considering what real news is available for all to witness, and in great specificity, should one pursue what is true outside of the channeled realm of the corrupt corporate /legacy media, and: Is Institutionalized Corruption real, and is it a hindrance to sustaining our Constitutional Republic now, and for future generations of American citizens?
  Not sure
446 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

In light of continued developments, primarily since 2008, there exists in these United States a Legal System which operates on a proved Two Tiered approach to justice rendered, which primarily benefits Democratic Elites and Woke Ideological Virtue Signalers, representing their co-dependent wards, to the expressed exclusion of normal hardworking American citizens: What is your suggestion in remedying this widespread injustice and, if not corrected, its existential outcome for our Constitutional Republic?
  Complete overhaul of the Department of Justice and their enforcers - the FBI - to reflect a far more honest justice system to keep patriots remaining calm.
  Disband the FBI, and request that congress investigate all unethical and non patriotic practices to partially right the wrongs of a distrusted and politically weaponized "Department of Justice."
  Continue with the current system since the two tiered justice system has been so remarkably beneficial to Democratic Socialist political hegemony; chronic distrust in institutions notwithstanding.
674 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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