‘Everybody Is Out To Stop The Work That We Are Doing’: Jeremy Boreing Explains Secrecy Of ‘Lady Ballers’ | Eastern North Carolina Now

Daily Wire Co-CEO Jeremy Boreing said the new comedy “Lady Ballers” was kept a secret to prevent sabotage from activists and others.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Tim Pearce.

    Daily Wire Co-CEO Jeremy Boreing said the new comedy "Lady Ballers" was kept a secret to prevent sabotage from activists and others.

    Boreing joined Tim Pool on his podcast and web show "Timcast" on Tuesday evening. During the show, they discussed The Daily Wire's venture into entertainment with the trailer, released on Monday, for its first-ever feature-length comedy "Lady Ballers." The comedy mocks the recent and controversial phenomenon of men competing in women's sports and is described in the trailer as the "most triggering comedy of the year."

    Many people interested in the new comedy were surprised at the release of the new movie, largely because they did not know it was being created. Boreing said that that was by design and that The Daily Wire kept the filming secret to avoid unwanted attention from bad actors.

    "One of the things people said to me all day today, in fact, one of the people here at your place said, 'How did we not know about this?' Well, we went out of our way to make sure people didn't know about it, in particular with 'Lady Ballers,'" Boreing told Pool. "We knew if people knew about it, they would find a way to stop us."

    "The whole time we were making the film, we were [using] pseudonyms. We called it 'Coach Miracle' in all the written material during the production. Everyone is out to stop the kind of work that we are doing," Boreing added.

    During an appearance on the "PBD Podcast" on Tuesday morning, Boreing, the film's director, said the movie would not appear in theaters because of reluctance by Hollywood and the entertainment industry in general to touch any product seen as criticizing the transgender ideology.


    "This is the religious issue of our time for the Left," Boreing said. "This represents the culmination of their religious beliefs, so when we went to theatrical distributors, [they] were not even going to engage in the conversation."

    "I think the film would do very well in theaters; in fact, I think that it would outkick its coverage in theaters because right now, theaters are in trouble," he continued. "Disney bombed at the box office this weekend. Almost every film since the pandemic has done poorly at the box office with precious few exceptions."

    The movie will be available to DailyWire+ members beginning this Friday, December 1, at 8:00 p.m. EST.
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( December 11th, 2023 @ 12:09 pm )
I am looking forward to spending some fun time with 'Lady Ballers.'

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