How to Fix the United States - If I Were King? | Eastern North Carolina Now

This nation has been in depression since 2008. Why? Because our leaders have refused to make changes in the way government operates at all levels.

    This nation has been in depression since 2008. Why? Because our leaders have refused to make changes in the way government operates at all levels. Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have the courage to make real changes. At the Federal level the minority Republicans are allowing a socialist bully to control the day. They could at least fight back but they are afraid someone may criticize them. At the State level the majority Republicans are tinkering with change but do not have the courage to step fore ward with bold policy change. It seems better to be liked, some one may say something bad about them and that would hurt their feelings or some one's political future. At the County level we are so content with the status quo, we could not possibly cut costs or lower taxes. I have a feeling the worst is in front of us simply because of our politicians lack courage to act boldly enough to make a difference.

    All governments, except the one envisioned by our founding fathers and defined by the Constitution of the United States, destroy wealth and human dignity. That is what is happening now. When the Federal Government chose to protect the financial institutions instead of the citizens our personal wealth started to disappear. The bankruptcy and default of the banks would have been severe and quick. We could have easily re capitalized the banks with new management and continued to do business. Instead, we saved the bankers and crippled the citizens. Other nations who had the same kind of government induced bubble as we had, like Japan, continue to struggle with huge financial problems.

    Wealth is destroyed by the taking of the individual's property whether by taxation or by using resources such as the Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve to shore up bankrupt organizations. We have already done the shoring up of bankrupt organizations. We are now into the part where government takes our property. Look at Cyprus, they confiscated wealth in the form of 35 percent of all bank deposits. Obama raised our taxes and he wants to raise them even higher. There is the distinct possibility that retirement accounts could be taken and replaced by the printing of even more government bonds. Gold could be called in, Roosevelt did it, why not Obama.

    We desperately need change. If I were king I would make the following changes. These changes are not necessarily listed in the order of importance. I do not believe a lot of explanation of these changes is necessary.
This image is one of Commissioner Hood explaining just how it would be if her were king, but not just in "The Hood Territory."     photo by Stan Deatherage

    Break up the banks. Speculation is not a part of banking. Renew the Glass-Stegall laws.

    Change the food stamp program into a commodities program. Participants would only be eligible for two years out of ten. Your food stamp card would entitle people to so many pounds of dried beans, rice, flour, hamburger, sugar, shortening and cheese each month based on family size.

    Close down the Federal Department of Education and Energy.

    Eliminate 10 percent of the Federal payroll, with the exception of military, every year of my administration.

    Allow the Keystone pipe line to be built.

    Clean up stock market trading practices. Outlaw skimming trades such as are purported to be done by some of the big Wall Street firms. Outlaw naked sales of stock.

    Seal the borders. Issue work visas to able bodied foreign workers, good for six months and send the all others back to their home country. Send all non citizen Muslims home. Aggressively pursue violators of immigration laws, jail them until their hearing and then deport for life. End wholesale political asylum. Instead use the six month visas then they have to go some place other than the USA.

    End Obama Care. Make Medicare into a true catastrophic program. We would no longer cut your toe nails and clean out your ears.

    Cut Medicaid funding 50 percent and allow States to decide what those benefits would be. There would be no Federal oversight.

    Examine and re-qualify all persons drawing disability.

    Reduce all social entitlement programs 10 percent each year.

    Freeze the COLA for Social Security benefits for 10 years our until a revenue neutral solution has passed Congress.

    Require all foreign profits be repatriated tax free and the money invested in the US within three years or paid out to stock holders as dividends.

    Call a constitutional convention for the purpose of passing amendments to require congress to not be able to exempt themselves from laws that apply to the public, allow donations to Federal office seekers up to one percent of the donors income, define citizenship in such a way that one parent had to be a US citizen and require the Federal Government to shut down until a budget is approved by the Congress and signed by the President by September 30 of each year.

    Abolish the Federal Reserve in its present form and require the dollar to be on a metal standard.

    Enact tax legislation that favored married families with children who did not use welfare.

    Require all persons who received any government assistance to be drug tested at least monthly and randomly.

    Outlaw tolls on Federal highways.

    Start a program of interstate highway construction and repair, and possibly of upgrading railroad tracks.

    Privatize the mortgage industry.

    Eliminate the unearned income credit.

    End all forms of foreign aid. Provide short term military aid to our allies. Short term is a matter of months. Post notices when we leave to the effect that if we come back we will set up a new government and run your country a s a colony.

    Aggressively pursue and punish all countries that expropriate US property and harm US citizens.

    The above actions solve a lot of our problems without even mentioning them, starting with drugs, deadbeats and thieves.

    I can begin work tomorrow.

Is the scandal ridden Obama Administration apt to fulfill its second term in office?
54.14%   Yes, Mr. Obama has done no different than any other holding the highest elected office in the land.
25.89%   No, Mr. Obama will suffer the same fate as President Richard Nixon.
19.97%   I live under a rock.
4,616 total vote(s)     Voting has Ended!

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Digging a little deeper inside the faculty lounge at UNC The Hood Territory, Editorials, Op-Ed & Politics NC Senator Bill Cook's Legislative Update: May 18, 2013


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