Murphy, Courtney Reintroduce HOPE Act to Combat Opioid Epidemic | Eastern North Carolina Now

Today, Congressman Greg Murphy, M.D. (NC-03), Congressman Joe Courtney (CT-02), Congressman Don Davis (NC-01) and the FRA joined forces to reintroduce the bipartisan Veteran Heroin Overdose Prevention Act

Press Release:

    Washington, D.C.     Today, Congressman Greg Murphy, M.D. (NC-03), Congressman Joe Courtney (CT-02), Congressman Don Davis (NC-01) and the FRA joined forces to reintroduce the bipartisan Veteran Heroin Overdose Prevention Act (H.R. 5938) that seeks to address and understand the veteran's opioid crisis.

    "Veterans sacrificed everything to protect us while fighting for our country, it is time we return the favor and fight to protect them. As a practicing physician and member of the Veterans Affairs Committee, I am passionate about doing my part to find solutions to address the veteran's opioid epidemic," said Congressman Greg Murphy M.D. "Veterans constitute 9.8% of North Carolina's total population, making this issue especially important to my constituents who are impacted by the tragedies of this crisis. The HOPE Act aims to conduct a comprehensive examination of veterans who have been affected by opioid and other non-prescribed substance addictions. The objective is to gain a deeper insight into the underlying causes of these addictions and develop effective strategies to mitigate them. Our veterans and their families deserve to have hope instilled back into their lives, and this bill is a step forward to ensure that happens."

    "The opioid epidemic has plagued communities across eastern Connecticut and our nation for years," said Congressman Joe Courtney. "Tragically, Veterans have disproportionately suffered from opioid addiction and overdose, and the crisis ballooned over the last decade. From 2010-2019, the opioid drug overdose mortality rate among veterans increased by 53 percent. The Veteran HOPE Act will dedicate resources to investigating overdose deaths among veterans, and use VA records to better understand risk factors to help prevent lethal overdoses among those who have served our country. This bill is an important way to improve overdose prevention efforts in veteran communities like ours, and I'm glad to partner with Rep. Murphy to move it forward."


    Original Cosponsor:

    "The opioid epidemic is devastating our rural communities, not only in eastern North Carolina but throughout our nation," said Congressman Don Davis. "Tragically, veterans have disproportionately high rates of opioid addiction, and Congress must take bipartisan, common-sense steps to address this crisis, like voting to pass the Veteran Hope Act. If enacted, the legislation would compel the VA to conduct a thorough review of opioid-related deaths and a plan of action to tackle the issue head-on. We owe it to the more than 46,000 veterans in North Carolina's First Congressional District and others across the country who are at risk of opioid addiction to take meaningful action."

    Supporting Groups:

    "The FRA supports this common-sense legislation because the Association has long been concerned about the disproportionate rate of opioid overdose deaths of veterans," said John Davis, Director, Legislative Programs, Fleet Reserve Association.

    The American Legion supports this legislation

   Contact: Alexander Crane
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