Tim Scott: Hamas Terrorists Need To ‘Feel The Wrath Of God’ — And Some Israeli ‘Military Hardware’ | Eastern North Carolina Now

Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) said on Tuesday that Hamas terrorists — who perpetrated a series of unprovoked and brutal attacks on Israeli soldiers and civilians — needed to “feel the wrath of God” in response to their actions.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Virginia Kruta.

    Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) said on Tuesday that Hamas terrorists - who perpetrated a series of unprovoked and brutal attacks on Israeli soldiers and civilians - needed to "feel the wrath of God" in response to their actions.

    Scott, who was speaking at Washington, D.C.'s Hudson Institute as part of a series featuring 2024 presidential candidates, also suggested that Hamas might soon face the business end of some Israeli or American "military hardware."

    The Associated Press' Meg Kinnard reported on Scott's remarks, saying that the presidential hopeful said those guilty of the devastating attacks on Israel should be prepared to "feel the wrath of God."

    "And they need to meet some Israeli or American military hardware to help them on their way," Scott added.

    The South Carolina senator continued to call out President Joe Biden during his speech as well, saying that his administration had telegraphed weakness to the world, and in so doing, had opened the door for this and further terror attacks worldwide.

    Scott also responded to several members of Congress - namely "The Squad" and members of the Democratic Socialists of America - who had voiced pro-Palestinian sentiments and talking points in the days since the attacks began.

    "If the DSA and their friends are going to behave like a hate group, we should treat them like a hate group," Scott said.

    Scott took to X to drive his point home with regard to President Biden, saying on Tuesday, "What did Iran say about Biden's $6B ransom? They said they'd use it however they like. What did Hamas say to Iran? They said thank you for your support. Biden's weakness invited the attack. Biden's negotiation funded the attack."

    Biden's proxies have been adamant that the $6 billion in funds that was recently released to Iran had not yet been spent and therefore could not have been used to fund this particular set of attacks. But as a number of people have pointed out, Iran could have used other assets to fund and support the attacks - especially if they knew that another $6 billion was in the offing.

In the most recent Midterms Election, the "Republican Red Wave" turned out to be a "Republican Red Ripple," which, as in all elections, confounded the political prognosticators of what to expect down the governing /political road: What, and who, do you think is best for this meandering Representative Republic in the near future?
  Because they know how to best allocate the public's money back to the right part of the public, the Democrats will NOW always prevail and get my vote.
  With patriotic pragmatism the cornerstone of the best of the Republican Party, they will ultimately save this Constitutional Republic from self-destruction.
  Since the Executive Branch is so important to turn this Representative Republic around, I am still on Team Trump in 2024.
  Since the nation may need a different path to Conservative patriotism in the Executive, I am joining Team DeSantis.
  Because I am entitled to take the government dole, the prevailing favoritism whenever possible, I will support any, and every Democrat candidate.
377 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

In the minds of many, since January 20, 2021, the World has become far less safe in every theater of conflict, beginning with the attack of Israel by Iran /Hamas, so the question becomes: What caused this Worldwide calamity of extreme geopolitical dysfunction, and what will correct it?
  Joe Biden is the cause of this frightening Worldwide situation, and it will end when a Republican is elected president.
  This delayed Worldwide dysfunction and constant conflict is all Donald Trump's fault, as it is with everything that occurs going forward, and long before the man ever became the 45th president..
  Joe Biden is the "root cause" of this frightening Worldwide situation, and it will end when former President Donald John Trump is elected president.
  In the imitable words of Alfred E. Newman: "What, me worry?"
420 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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