James Carville And Bill Maher Agree: Biden Should Not Be The 2024 Nominee | Eastern North Carolina Now

'Somebody better wake the f*** up!'

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Virginia Kruta.

    Longtime Democratic strategist James Carville and comedian Bill Maher were in complete agreement on one thing going into the 2024 presidential election: incumbent President Joe Biden should not be the Democratic nominee, especially if former President Donald Trump nabs the Republican nomination.

    The two got together for Sunday's episode of Maher's "Club Random" podcast, and they both agreed that the Democratic Party's best bet was to choose someone - anyone - who was a "50-ish, not stupid woke Democrat with a D by their name."


    "Let's assume the election was November the third of this year and the candidates are Joe Biden, the Democrat, Donald Trump, the Republican, Joe Manchin and Larry Hogan, No Labels, and Cornel West. Trump would be a betting favorite," Carville said. "If I told you I would give you even money, you would not take that bet. All right. And so somebody better wake the f*** up."

    Maher responded by saying that he believed Biden had done a decent job as president, but that he worried about whether or not he was up to the task of running again - especially against Trump.

    "I might take even money. But you're right. I'm totally on the same page," he said. "In 2020, maybe he was the only one who could have beaten Trump, I think now he's the only one who will lose to him."

    "He cannot run for president. He'll look bad in the debates. It's too much. And he's - I think, going to lose," Maher continued. "He will be Ruth Bader Biden, the Ruth Bader Ginsburg of the presidency. It's not a good look. And any 50-ish, not stupid woke Democrat with a D by their name. People just vote D and R, that person can win."

    "Easily. If we had somebody under 60 and ran against Trump, we'd get 55%," Carville agreed.

    The Democratic strategist - who long ago earned the nickname "The Ragin' Cajun" - also tore into the far Left, saying, "I find the Left to be just annoying. The western far Left is habitually the most stupid, naive people you can imagine. They come up with these really goofy constructs and it's all about feeling good about yourself."

    "What happened is, overeducated, coastal white people, got ahold of the word, and [like] they do with everything else, they completely f***ed it up and pissed everybody in the country off. If we could just get the humanities faculty at Amherst [College] to shut the f*** up, we'd be a lot better off," Carville added.

Considering what real news is available for all to witness, and in great specificity, should one pursue what is true outside of the channeled realm of the corrupt corporate /legacy media, and: Is Institutionalized Corruption real, and is it a hindrance to sustaining our Constitutional Republic now, and for future generations of American citizens?
  Not sure
446 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

In stripping away the heavy varnish of fakery by the heavy handed Corrupt Corporate Media; in taking a true view of what is real, right now with clear open eyes: How do you see this 46th President of these States United; what is your visceral first impression of Joe Biden after nearly 3 years on the job?
  A good man, wise and kind
  The Socialist President
  A president in praise of his son
  The Non Patriot President
  A successful president
  The Idiot President
  A knowledgeable president
  A corrupt president
  A perfect leader of the Democratic Socialist party
  The man is married to a "Doctor"
607 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Now that the public is allowed to know the truth regarding the Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal, after more that 2 1/2 years of deception by the corrupt Corporate Media Kabal, propropagandidats all, and the discredited Deep State, we have NOW learned that the infamous laptop is far less about the Biden Boy's fetish for pornography, narcotics and Russian whores, and far more about Hunter's pivotal role in the Biden Crime Syndicate's selling of deep access to our foreign adversaries, and to what extent it has compromised our national security: What is your opinion about this possible coordinated Treason?
  It is imperative that we know the truth of what may be the greatest scandal in our Republic's history, and all aforementioned parties prosecuted for their crimes against the People.
  Currently, our Two Tiered Justice System is constructed to protect all Democratic Socialists, their corrupt "Journalist" spokes-sheople, and their Deep State enablers ... so why bother.
  It is Donald Trump's fault.
  How can we be assured that the "Laptop" is real? Would NOT our standard journalists have investigated this issue thoroughly nearly 3 years ago if it was real?
535 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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