Resolution in Defense of these United States' Sovereign Borders | Eastern North Carolina Now

Idiot President Biden has taken an intractable position to allow, endorse and facilitate the advancement of Illegal Immigration to further the political aspirations of Non Patriot Left, or for their Personal Profit.

    Democratic Socialist President Biden has taken an intractable position to allow, endorse and facilitate the advancement of Illegal Immigration to further the political aspirations of the Non Patriot Left, or for their Personal Profit, or both. Regardless of the nefarious purpose of the Non Patriot Left's obvious ambition to destroy the remnants of our Constitutional Republic, this Invasion of mostly fake Asylum seekers is exactly what is their strategic desire, and its demonstrative negative effects upon our Good People is just in the beginning phase of a terrible end, yet to be fully realized.

    Understanding the reality that for every Non Patriot Leftist, there is finally a growing patriot class that are hopefully equal to our ambition to save what is essential to any Constitutional Republic; the fabric of our personal sovereignty, the courage to keep it. This resolution below is just one small step in that counter struggle against the pure evil of what is dishonest, and destructive in its core represention of the Leftists' abominable ambitions toward our ultimate destruction as a Republic.


Resolution in Defense of these United States' Sovereign Borders

    Whereas, history teaches us that no nation can continue to exist if it does not defend its sovereign borders against the invasion of an unknown entity that is seeking to secure permanent space within the body of a Good People of a Constitutional Republic, who are intended to be self-governed by the Rule of Law, evenly applied, and;

    Whereas, on January 20, 2021, the Biden /Harris Administration ended a variety of effective executive orders enacted by the previous president, Donald John Trump, that were increasingly successful in limiting the rush of Illegal Immigration, by instituting their own Proclamation on Ending Discriminatory Bans on Entry to The United States, an executive order completely ambivalent to the Rule of Law, whose very title succinctly states the intended purpose of the Biden Administration's Open Southern Border Policy, and;

    Whereas, since January 20, 2021, the Biden /Harris Open Border Policy has worked as an accessory, and in tandem with the ambitions of all criminal activities desirous of Mexican Drug and Human Trafficking Cartels, those nefarious evils of criminality include, but not limited to: the Human /Sex Slave Trafficking, including Minors; the deadly Distribution of Fentanyl within our United States Borders; the welcoming of Known Terrorists into the societal fabric of unsuspecting American Citizens; all an inconvenient consequence of the promotion of this Biden /Harris created Invasion of Illegal Immigrants, (their expressed intention to destroy the demographic quality of our American society, to tear asunder our Constitutional Republic,) and;

    Whereas, as this invited Invasion of Illegals has hit historic proportions, whereby southern border towns and counties are inundated by a non interdicted flow of Illegal Migrants, contrary to the enforcement of congressional United States Immigration Laws, real legislated laws temporarily rendered inactive by executive fiat; many of these Southern Border counties, cities and states are choosing to constitutionally migrate small quantities of Illegals far away from their overrun locations to Sanctuary cities, counties and states, of which these Illegal Migrants are effectively becoming an ironic, unwelcome addition to these formerly professed "inclusive" communities, and;

    Whereas, the struggle to provide safety to our citizens from this undeterred flow of Illegals under the Biden /Harris Open Southern Border Policy, coupled with the cost to provide services to these unlawful entrants upon our land, not least of which, the increasingly expensive strain on a failing public education system, has yet to fully present that abundant and expanding cost to the American People, and;

    Whereas, the good people, the taxpayers of Beaufort County will not evade these additional costs to those services rendered, as we, too, will become a "Border County" in due time, whose citizens will be forced to also fund and endure this errant, unwise and unconstitutional Open Border Policy of the Biden /Harris Administration, therefore;

    Be it Resolved, that the Beaufort County Commissioners do hereby formally demand that all congressional laws regarding enforcement of legal immigration no longer yield to the whim of the arbitrary and capricious Executive Orders of the Biden /Harris Administration, and that the will of the People's Laws be enforced as codified by the Legislative Branch, as is the constitutional duty of this Executive Branch to enforce.

Written by Beaufort County Commissioner Stan Deatherage to be ratified on October 2, 2023, and transmitted by email to all remaining 99 North Carolina counties, to all members of the North Carolina General Assembly, and to all members of the North Carolina congressional delegation.


    This resolution, intended as a component to end this Biden /Harris madness, could have been much longer, expressing so many issues as a direct result of the Idiot President's unabated attempts to destroy this Representative Republic. I have much more to say here; some of my comments emanating from the complete, and continual dishonesty erupting not only from the Non Patriot President, but from his entire administration, the Democratic Socialists in control of much of congress for the last 3 years, including the corrupt corporate media, propagandists all. In fact, there is not so recent analogy, originating from the 1938 movie, "Gaslight," which is to gaslight someone - 'the extreme psychological manipulation' of an intended victim to lessen their awareness of what is real. In other words the aforementioned groups of the dishonestly evil, and in power, have been "gaslighting" the fools that do not know better.

    If you believe that you have been lied to by the Non Patriot Left; you may be now awakened to their nefarious intentions and practices; you are slowly struggling to come to terms with that misadventure between you and your colluded representatives, and just want it to end, I would advise the following practices ...

    Leave the Democratic Socialist party, and seek wisdom, seek internal peace, and most importantly, seek the truth. At the core of this insane Illegal immigrant crisis is the one true maxim: You've been lied to, continuously and with great abandon. Now, go find your perfect path to become an American Patriot. You have much work ahead of you to be successful in this worthy endeavor.


Should the Institutionalized Corruption of the Biden /Harris Administration, in this separate instance the Open Border Policy of our Sovereign Southern Border, be not only tolerated, but sanctioned by the raising of local spending by local politicians to pay for these now visible and known effects of rampant, and out-of-control Illegal Immigration?
  Yes, it is a kind thing to do, and a way that our county, our state can aid in this tremendous effort toward local federal foreign aid; and now, thankfully, in great abundance.
  No, our Constitutional Republic WILL NOT continue to exist, as our United States of America, if we do not control our sovereign borders, to protect our citizens, to keep them solvent and safe.
  I only consider what is topical and popular since my friends, too, only care to do the same.
290 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Should Beaufort County's commissioners be resolved to ask the federal government to defend our Southern Border by ending the Biden /Harris Open Border policy in regards to that one border that is intentionally made wide OPEN?
  Yes, Illegal Migrants are a huge expense to local governments.
  No, the cost of Undocumented Immigrants is insignificant in our providing a pathway for Dramatic Demographic Upheaval..
  I do not care about important issues since I only consider my own pleasures.
667 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

In stripping away the heavy varnish of fakery by the heavy handed Corrupt Corporate Media; in taking a true view of what is real, right now with clear open eyes: How do you see this 46th President of these States United; what is your visceral first impression of Joe Biden after nearly 3 years on the job?
  A good man, wise and kind
  The Socialist President
  A president in praise of his son
  The Non Patriot President
  A successful president
  The Idiot President
  A knowledgeable president
  A corrupt president
  A perfect leader of the Democratic Socialist party
  The man is married to a "Doctor"
607 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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