Get A Load Of This Bad Hombre Who Brought His Own Pool Stick | Eastern North Carolina Now

Hey guys, check out Caleb. He brought his own pool stick to play pool. What a bad hombre, bringing his own stick to hit the pool balls with, amirite? And in its own little tote bag, how cute!

    Publisher's note: This post appears here on BCN with the expressed permission of the Babylon Bee - friends that can find your funny bone in a very dark room.

    WARREN, OH     Hey guys, check out Caleb. He brought his own pool stick to play pool. What a bad hombre, bringing his own stick to hit the pool balls with, amirite? And in its own little tote bag, how cute!

    Hey Caleb, did you get your name engraved on your stick? It's called a cue? OK, Mister Pool Stick.

    20 bucks says Caleb's personal stick doesn't stop him from getting licked by yours truly with any stick I pull off the wall stick holder. You sure you wanna take that bet, Caleb? K, bet's on, and just a warning, I play best with two beers in me, and this is my second beer.

    You start. Yes, I know you say "break," but some say "start," mostly on the West Coast though.

    Whoa, hot shot, leave some balls for me.

    OK, maybe Caleb should call it his LUCKY pool stick.


    Well that was fast. How about double or nothing? And Caleb, can I borrow your engraved pool cue?
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