Senate Republicans Release Ad Hitting Biden, Democrats Over Problems Facing U.S. | Eastern North Carolina Now

Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, released a new video on Monday attacking President Joe Biden and Democrats for numerous problems facing the country.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Daily Wire News.

    Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, released a new video on Monday attacking President Joe Biden and Democrats for numerous problems facing the country.

    "Joe Biden and the Democrats seem hell-bent on destroying this country," Barrasso said in a statement. "They created and ignored a crisis at the Southern Border and a crisis of high prices. They're bowing to Communist China - not holding an adversary accountable. Joe Biden and Democrats are undermining America's strength. Families want the nation to change direction. Senate Republicans have solutions to get America back on track."

    The ad calls out everything from the dire condition on the U.S. southern border to increasing aggression from communist China in response to weakness from the Biden administration.

    The video, narrated by U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), vice chair of the Senate Republican Conference, also promotes the vision that Senate Republicans have to make life more affordable by "spending less, reducing the stranglehold of Washington bureaucrats, and unleashing American energy."



    SEN. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO (R-WV): The country is headed in the wrong direction. Senate Republicans have solutions to get America back on track.

    We're ready to secure the border by restarting wall construction and ending the incentives that feed the crisis. We must protect our communities from the deadly flow of drugs and human trafficking.

    As Biden and Democrats bow to aggression from Communist China, Senate Republicans are ready to strengthen America and hold China accountable. We must control our supply chain, stop China from spying and stealing, and ban China from purchasing American farmland.

    And with Americans struggling to afford Biden's economy, Senate Republicans are committed to making life more affordable for every American. That means spending less, reducing the stranglehold of Washington bureaucrats, and unleashing American energy.

    Join Senate Republicans as we work to get America back on track.

With the Midterm Elections less than one week away: What do you consider the top issues that you will be voting on to be corrected by your better representation?
  Big Government getting Bigger
  Biden /Democrat controlled Spike in Energy Cost
  Inflation created by Legislation of Majority in Power
  Gender Reassignment
  Corrupted Bureaucratic /Service (DOJ, FBI, etc.) Institutions
  Discredited Legacy Media
  Ending the Corruption of Dishonest Politicians
  Corruptive Influence of Social Media
  Wide Open Southern Border
439 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Regarding the entrenched Two Tier Justice System's handling of the Cocaine Discovery found near to the Situation Room, in the West Wing of the White House: What is your position on, what Eastern NC NOW has coined, The Cocaine Presidency?
  This is a silly over-concern by over-reactive Republicans.
  Never in the history of the Secret Service's protection of the White House, and its inhabitants, has a dangerous narcotic been found in such a secure location, and then so inadequately investigated.
  Drugs are cool, so I might be the wrong person to ask.
292 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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