Washington Examiner: Tillis helped pass 2 key parts of Bidenomics | Eastern North Carolina Now

Thom Tillis is a Biden Republican


Had your fill of high inflation, high gas prices, high mortgage rates and other parts of Bidenomics?  You can thank establishment liberal US Senator Thom Tillis (RINO-NC).  The Washington Examiner has published an article pointing out how Thom Tillis helped pass two keys parts of Bidenomics.



This is the same Thom Tillis who has been censured for voting like a Democrat by the North Carolina Republican state convention, by our own Third Congressional District Republican Party, and by over half of the Republican county party organizations in the state.

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Big Bob said:
( August 6th, 2023 @ 9:35 am )
Glad you agree!
( August 5th, 2023 @ 10:05 pm )
Mr. Biggums to your previous comment:

Have is one of three auxiliary verbs in English: be, do and have. We use have before -ed forms to make the present perfect and past perfect. (The best American economies, with some exceptions, have occurred with democrats in office.)
Big Bob said:
( August 4th, 2023 @ 3:12 pm )
I also know the Jan.6 attack has a lot to do with it.
Big Bob said:
( August 3rd, 2023 @ 9:46 am )
I know that republicans cry about the economy when a democrats is in office and stop 10 seconds after a republican is elected. The facts: The best American economies, with some exceptions, has occurred with democrats in office.
( August 3rd, 2023 @ 12:27 am )
Big Bob: How much do you know about debt downgrades to the USA's debt rating?
( August 2nd, 2023 @ 5:54 pm )
Your globalist narrative tells you that, Bolshevik Bob, but if you live in the real world, buy gas and groceries, for example, you would know the narrative is nothing but BS. The polls show that most Americans understand that. Here for example is a very recent one from CBS News, a knee jerk liberal source but that still shows real people do not agree with Biden's blather on the economy: www.cbsnews.com
Big Bob said:
( August 2nd, 2023 @ 9:32 am )
Unfortunately for republicans, the economy is pretty good.
( August 2nd, 2023 @ 11:50 am )
Ted Budd is the only senator NC taxpayers can count on, and Dan Bishop is the only congressman we can count on. The rest of our delegation are tax and spend snakes. Walter Jones used to be one of the taxpayers' best friends in DC, but his RINO replacement, Greg Murphy sells out to the RINO swamp leadership at the drop of a hat.
( August 2nd, 2023 @ 7:17 am )
Thom Tillis is not the only Biden Republican in the US Senate. The ringleader of them is "China Mitch" McConnell. They all need to be primaried out of office. Tillis is our responsiblity and we need to ax him in 2026 in the primary. Party activists have already started that process in the widespread censuring of tillis by GOP organizations from the county to the state level. Throw the rascal O-U-T.
( August 1st, 2023 @ 7:33 pm )
Biden enabler Thom Tillis needs to be run out of the Republican Party and the US Senate on a rail. Too bad we have to wait until 2026 to do it.

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