Rapid Reaction: Major Dem Donor Let Off The Hook For Alleged Campaign Finance Fraud | Eastern North Carolina Now

Come for Morning Wire’s Afternoon Update’s straight news, but stay for the Rapid Reactions

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Tim Meads.

    1. DOJ Lets Sam Bankman-Fried Off The Hook For Campaign Finance Fraud

    The Department of Justice will not pursue campaign finance charges against the disgraced former crypto-king Sam Bankman-Fried after the DOJ learned that the U.S. hadn't obtained permission from the Bahamas to extradite Bankman-Fried on that charge. Bankman-Fried, who ran the multi-million dollar crypto-investing firm FTX, was charged on eight counts, including fraud, money laundering, and campaign finance violations. He was a major Democrat donor. The change in his indictment came late Wednesday night.

    Rapid Reaction: Is it any wonder trust in the U.S. government is slow when the infamous SBF gets treated like this by the DOJ? As TPUSA founder Charlie Kirk said, "There's a very real chance that one of the worst scammers in American history will get a slap on the wrist."

    "Between the kid glove treatment of Hunter Biden and the unraveling case against SBF vs. the entrapment of MAGA supporters and the relentless pursuit of Donald Trump, the American public is getting a crash course in how their federal 'justice system' really works," he added.


    2. Radical Gender Ideology Hearing

    A congressional subcommittee heard testimony on Thursday about radical gender ideology and sex-change surgeries and other procedures. The testimony was emotional for both those who supported so-called "transgender care" for minors and those opposed to it. Among those who testified were Chloe Cole, a detransitioner who received sex-change procedures at the age of 15, an NCAA athlete, as well as a trans-identifying attorney and a mother who has a trans-identifying child.

    "I didn't need to be lied to, I needed compassion, I needed to be loved, I needed to be given therapy to help me work through my issues, not affirming my delusion that by transitioning into a boy, it would solve all my problems," Cole said.

    "That story is the exception, not the rule," attorney Shannon Minster said. "Vast majority of young people who receive these treatments are getting them after careful assessment and because they really need them."

    Rapid Reaction: Consider how insane this moment in American history is: A sizable chunk of the Democratic Party believes that not only can men and women change their sex and gender through bodily mutilation, but that minors should be allowed to do so. The Democrats are so adamant in this belief that states are pushing for laws that strip parental authority away. And now, Congress has to host hearings on the matter in hopes of exposing how barbaric this practice really is.

    It's a bizarro world out there, for lack of a better term.


    3. Supreme Court Strikes Down Gas Pipeline Ban

    The Supreme Court has struck down a ruling from a lower court that prohibited the construction of a 300-mile natural gas pipeline - being built through Virginia and West Virginia - from moving forward. This morning, the high court vacated stay orders put in place by the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals. That ruling was opposed by both the fossil fuel industry and the Biden administration. West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin said he is relieved the high court upheld a law passed by Congress and signed by the president. The senator went on to say, "The Supreme Court has spoken and this decision to let construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline move forward again is the correct one."

    Rapid Reaction: Thank goodness for the conservative Supreme Court - and thank goodness for former President Donald J. Trump's appointments. As previously covered, the Biden administration has effectively done everything to make the U.S. dependent on foreign nations' energy. It's backward and hurting our economy and national security. This is a win for all Americans.

    4. Trump Indictment Coming?

    Former President Donald Trump's attorneys, Todd Blanche and John Lauro, were reportedly told by the prosecutors in Special Counsel Jack Smith's office to "expect an indictment" for their client over the events leading up to and during the January 6 Capitol riot. However, Trump denied this report on Truth Social and said it was a "productive meeting."

    Rapid Reaction: The Witchhunt continues - what else is there to say at this point? Perhaps the better question is - what is the GOP going to do about this double standard? Another letter? More on that here.

    5. Bowe Bergdahl Conviction Vacated

    Bowe Bergdahl, the American soldier who was captured in Afghanistan and later traded for five Taliban leaders in a prisoner exchange, has had his desertion conviction tossed out. A federal judge said the original case could have been clouded by a conflict of interest.

    According to U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton, Judge Jeffrey Nance did not disclose his application to be an immigration judge under then-President Donald Trump. Walton argued that Bergdahl's trial could then be construed as a conflict of interest because of Trump's vocal criticisms of Bergdahl and that Nance's neutrality was "undermined" because "he might be inclined to appeal to the president's expressed interest in the plaintiff's conviction and punishment when applying for the immigration judge position."


    Rapid Reaction: It's easy to forget how terrible former President Barack Obama's foreign policy really was. The Bergdahl swap typified his fecklessness on the world stage.

Do you consider Election Integrity an issue of some real importance, or just another conspiracy theory interfering with Democratic Socialist political hegemony?
  No, complete access to everyone voting, even in a willy nilly manner, is more important than getting it right by limiting access to those that would commit Voter Fraud.
  Yes, the most inalienable right of real citizens of this Democratic Republic is the Right to Vote, and that right shall remain sacrosanct for perpetuity.
  Again, I don't vote and I don't care.
730 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Considering how abjectly corrupt and civilly abusive the Left has become regarding the corrosive effect of their elected leaders; their entrenched and ruling bureaucracy; employing their failed Education Industry as Indoctrinators; their collusive private sector operators, such as the terminally discredited Legacy Media and Big Tech censorship of Free Speech: What will be the best course forward for hardworking Middle Americans, including the Patriot Class?
  Withdraw from society, go underground and plan for a resurgence when it is feasible to do so.
  Work within the confines of better policy by the People's government, once good sense and sanity is restored in the electorate at large, to achieve such.
  Are you a crazy, nut-job Insurrectionist? Everything is perfect within our plan to achieve our intended goals for the Socialist Left.
  Secession to form a true Constitutional Republic.
437 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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